Chapter 36 - Paris

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Isabella Clark

"Yeah hey mom, Alex and I just arrived here at the airport," I said while holding on my passport trying to put it back inside of my bag.

We were walking out of the lobby with Alex's hand stayed on my waist to make sure that I didn't bump into anyone while calling my mom to tell her that I have arrived.

"Honey, you're coming?" She asked me.

"Yes mom" I smiled.

"Oh my god, I miss you," she said then I smiled.

"Me too, okay gotta go to the hotel now," I said.

"Where are you staying?" She asked me.

"The Ritz Carlton," I said.

"Awh pretty familiar," she said.

"Where are you staying?" I asked her.

"Our home family's penthouse here," she said.

"Well cool, guess I'll see you very soon then," I said.

"Okay honey love you," she said.

"Bye I love you too," I said before putting my phone back into my bag.

My hand slipped into his then I hold his hand while we were walking out of the lobby, I noticed that there were kinda a lot of bodyguards were following us there.

"Uh, Alex you know that this isn't an entertaining trip right?" I whispered to him.

"Of course," he said.

"We're not an entertainment couple again we're real," he said.

"Yes, I mean, so why there are so many your people here?" I asked him.

"I just want to make sure that both of us are safe," he said to me.

"We'll be fine," I said.

"I just don't want to catch so much attention from my family when we are at the wedding okay," I said to him.

"Okay, I can promise you that," he said.

We walked out of the lobby where some of the people with cameras were already waiting for us outside to take a picture of us.


I was standing in front of the big mirror after putting on my dress, I was making sure that my look was okay until I heard a click of the camera from the left side of mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, cause I found him taking a picture of me with his phone on his hands.

"Taking a picture of you, why?" He asked me back and didn't care a complain tone in my voice.

"Why?" I asked him back.

"Why not" he smirked then put his phone back into his pocket.

He stepped closer then stand next to me where we were looking at our outfit at the mirror in front of us, I thought he was looking at himself but his eyes. Those eyes were looking at mine who was busy looking at myself's look. He smiled when I catch him looking at me.

"Let's go we're going to be late," he said.


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