Chapter 25 - Our New year's trip

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Isabella Clark

I still don't understand why Alex took me to Sydney for New Year well I didn't really expect he was going to include me in his time off called vacation. I mean we just known one another for a few months and he's been so kind, i mean he was rude sometime but he has been paying everything for me. I should have felt grateful that i got a chance to experience new things because of the contract that i signed with the son of Mr Peter Adams.

I was sitting next to Alex right inside of his black Mercedes Car, we were on the way to the airport cause we were going to leave to Sydney that day. I was listening into my music cause the car ride was empty, he didn't start any conversation so i just there leaning my head onto the window while enjoying the sky that ready to change into a pink skies.

The car went through the big plane runaway which kinda amaze me cause I really enjoyed the view plus the music on my ears was bringing chill and calm. The car stopped right in front of the plane, the plane was bigger than the plane that we used to use.

When the car stopped Alex did nothing besides kept playing on his phone while the driver already got out of the car. He opened up the baggage behind us then he took our suitcases into the plane, i was confused why Alex still sitting there.

"Alex? Should we get out?" I asked him.

"I'm waiting for my friends" he said then I surprised.

"You friends?" I asked him again.

"Didn't I mention before that they're coming?" His hazel brown eyes finally looked up at me with his pink plump lips curled into a smile.

"Do you mean that we have to act up the whole week?" I asked him.

"Yes" he said with a smile, I didn't know what was the meaning of that smile on his face.

"Here they are" he said then i could see a few of cars were entering the plane runaway and i got a bad feeling about them.

"Let's get out now" he said then we got out.

We got out of the car so were his friends, they were the same person that i met when I visited his home a few months back. I still remember their faces, but that time they were bringing some girls with them and i had never met the girls before.

"Aleeeexx" I believe the guys that name leon was the one who greeted him.

"What's up" Alex said before giving him a bro hug.

"Cannot believe it's been a year since our wild crazy night back in Bali" Leon said then Alex laughed.

"Bell you've met them they're Michael Leon Travis and Bryan" Alex said while putting his hand around my shoulders.

"Hey guys" i smiled before Alex kissed my head.

"How many girls did you guy brought?" Alex asked them and i kinda could count that there were 5 of them.

Why five? There are only 4 guys plus Alex..

"Five as always" Travis said then i stayed in a silent.

"Natalia, Jane, Khloe, Makaila and Tiana" Michael introduced them to Alex and i.

"Hey guys" Alex said while he still had his hands around me.

"Hi everyone" i smiled.

"Okay then, let's go shall we?" Alex asked them then we got into the plane.

When we walked inside of the plane it was different it was a lot bigger, there were a blue sofa and a table to chill on the first side. There were also a normal seat for us too, it was just bigger than we used to had.

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