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"Hey, pretty girl."

I looked up and saw a guy that very much resembled a bear standing over me, red solo cup in hand. He grinned. I shivered and backed away, getting swallowed by the crowd.

Ryan said a few guys. No. He had a full house. My jaw had literally dropped when we pulled up. I begged Sarah to turn back, but to no avail. She had insisted it wasn't so bad.

I had no idea where she was now. I didn't think about the possibilities, either. I couldn't handle the thought of her in a room with Ryan, doors locked, lights off. I shook my head. I needed a drink. Normally I only drank with Sarah, and it was in small amounts. I didn't have anything against drinking- it made my head fuzzy and made it easier to hide the bad thoughts. But I also wasn't going to go out of my way to drink when I don't need it.

I need it now.

I finally find the kitchen. It's large with granite counter-tops and white tile floors. There's a stack of solo cups and some sort of off-brand whiskey beside it.

I grab a cup and fill it to the top. I take a gulp.

Bear walks up to me again. "Why'd you back away from me?" His eyes were red.

I shrugged.

He did some sort of gurgle. He grabbed my wrist and pressed up against me from behind. He groped down there and I gasped. I turned around and threw my drink on him. He shouted and let go of me and tried to dry off his shirt with his sleeve.

I hurried away before he could do anything more.

I rushed out the front door, a cold breeze greeting me. I was walking home.

Ship the friend (gxg) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now