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Sarah Michaels was the special kind of girl. She was the girl who was stunning in every way and everyone knew it. Well, everyone but her. She was the girl who looked cute with nerd glasses and looked cute walking in designer clothes at the mall. She was the girl you saw in sweatpants and a messy-bun and thought, 'how can someone possibly be so gorgeous?' Sarah was kind and funny and easy to get along with. Everyone loved her. Including me.

Especially me. 

I was her best friend. I was the cliche friend- the dorky and temperamental loser. I was always moody as a child. My mother says my father couldn't handle the stress of raising me and that's why he left. I was seven. I didn't talk for three months and I cried every night. 

Then I met Sarah. Sarah was dressed in a little pink skirt and an over-sized grey sweater. When she noticed me staring at it, she crossed her arms in a self-conscious kind of way. "Someone spilled yogurt on me," she said in this sweet voice, I immediately stopped my judging and felt guilty. But that was what I did. I judged everyone because I knew they judged me.

"I'm sorry." 

She shrugged. "That's what he said too. But it's okay. I got this from the health room."

I smiled. A real smile. It was small, of course. But that was okay. 

"Wanna be friends?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. You seem nice."

She grinned. "Do you want to make a sand castle?"

I nodded. I was a tomboy. I loved playing in the mud and dirt. 

We never finished that sandcastle.

But we did continue to make way more incredible memories together. 

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