Chapter Three

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"Your daughter?" I questioned, staring at the beautiful girl next to me who seemed just as confused as i was. Yes, i had only met her this morning, but something about her made me feel complete. Almost as if the whole that burnt inside after my mother left, is healing with every smile she offered me. 

My father stood with his hands over the top of the chair, waiting for me to sit as the woman held her daughters shoulders still, proud of her creation. I sure as hell was proud of her creation too. 

"Is there something wrong?" She asked her daughter. Yes, i thought. How could i even get to know this girl Evelyn when her mother is dating my father. I certainly had no chance in asking her on a date now, especially when this was the most awkward moment in my life.

"Nothing's wrong mother, let's eat i'm starving." Evelyn mumbled, taking her seat and popping her heels near her bag under the table. Her black dress highlighted her curves perfectly and her figure was beautiful. She was the perfect weight, toned arms and a nice jawline. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

I took a seat too and watched as my father and her mother sat down across from us. My bare feet touched the cold wooden floor as i finally relaxed into my seat. Evelyn kept glancing at me with this weird look on her face, most likely wondering how ironic it was to have met each other the same day our parents start dating.

I swear the world was slowly trying to break me.

"So, now that you've finally arrived and everybody is seated, shall we eat?" My father asked, picking up the menu from the table. I forced a smile and nodded, noticing the prices of the food in here. It wasn't exactly cheap, than again, neither was my dad. He did own his own company, which meant he had a lot of money, but i still didn't have a job, which meant sooner or later, he'll cut me off and force me to make my own money. 

"Excuse me, we are ready to order now!" He said to the waitress behind him who had finished cleaning the table that had not long emptied. I sneaked a look at Evelyn and noticed she was smiling at me. She was different to most girls, certainly.

"Yes of course. What will you be having this evening?" She asked. My father pointed to the menu and completely lost me when he started explaining what he desired to eat.  My tummy rumbled at the site of food one of the waiters carried to another table. 

Suddenly, i felt a foot tap my ankle. I turned to Evelyn beside me and frowned, wondering why she had kicked me. She smiled and mouthed something i couldn't understand. She fidgeted under the table after three attempts of trying to say something and pulled out a pen and paper from her bag.

Once she had wrote something on the blank piece of paper than was torn slightly, she held it up under the table.

"This is awkward" It read. I nodded my head, snaking my arm around the handle of the table i reached out and grabbed it from her. 

"Do you want to bail?" I wrote down, giggling inside of my own head. I was such a bad influence sometimes, no wonder the girls chased after me. They once told me it was because i had this mysterious aura. Made no sense to me, but oh well.

Evelyn smirked as she grabbed the pad from my hands and started jotting down something. I watched her soft delicate hands move gently across the paper, her eyes gliding with it. I loved the color of her eyes, they were green like i said and in the light they were a slight blue too. 

"I wish, but i promised i would behave?" I read. I raised my eyebrow and looked at my father who was still asking the waiter about the specials on the menu. As for Evelyn's mother Faye, she seemed more concerned about prices then she did about our whereabouts. Besides, i'm sure they would prefer to have this date without their daughters breathing down their neck.

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