Chapter Ten

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It had been a couple of days since I had found out about Evelyn transferring to my college. According to Faye it was an excellent idea to have us spend more time together. Things seemed to be getting serious between Faye and my dad. I was happy for him, i had to be.

However, it some sense of my mind and heart, i was panicking. I couldn't let this happen my heart screamed. My head was screaming the opposite. Let him be happy, Faye is a good, beautiful woman. So i pushed the thoughts away, the bad ones at least and just focused on that.

I couldn't obtain these feelings, not anymore. I was afraid of them. Petrified of becoming weak.

Although, one thing was simple. My dad had agreed to let me go back to college since I was better after a few days. My head was no longer pounding and he knew i needed to go back before i go insane from being stuck inside the house. I was excited at first, but now it had become boring, trying to find things to do. I was limited, i couldn't even go to the park or even the shop.

After my little escape the other day, i knew i couldn't risk doing it again. My dad was smart, he knew me well enough to know if i have sneaked out and i think he already knows that i did.

Now here I was, standing near my locker as I watched Evelyn in front of me, speaking to some guy as she laughed at something he had said. How could I begin to describe what that did to my heart, especially when he was so close to her as she shoved some paper into her bag.

Wesley was stood next to me, smirking like the idiot he was because he knew exactly what I was thinking. He knew my jealousy was getting the better of me and before I know it I'll be in class, trying to focus on anything, but her.

It seemed like forever until the guy finally walked away, leading Evelyn with him like some lost puppy. Why did she have to come here, she could have said no? Surely it was her choice. She was old enough to make her own decisions. At least, i made my own decisions, when it certainly came to things like this.

"You're so far gone" Wes snickered from my side. I darted my eyes from the space Evelyn was just in and bored them into him instead.

"No i'm not. I was staring at-" I looked around, trying to find the nearest girl i could to convince my loser of a friend. Of course, i was lying. I was drooling over the girl who's invaded my mind like an alien abduction taking over the planet. Admitting that to him though would be insane. I had to convince this guy i wasn't losing my way. I couldn't fall for someone, it just wasn't me.

I'm so in denial it hurts.

"Her!" I claimed, finally setting my eyes on a pretty brown haired girl stood at her locker straight ahead of us. He raised his eye brow, taking her in with a quick glance and smirked.

"You were not"

I closed my locker and frowned.

"Yes i was!"

"Then prove it." He demanded, leaning his leg against the lockers behind him. He wore a casual white T with a leather brown jacket over it. Completed with his usual black jeans and hair gelled back to perfection. He was a hot guy i must admit. Oh, but i'm totally gay. Gayer than gay actually. Rick Astley gay.

"Why? I was checking her out i swear" I lied further.

"Go over there and prove it. Ask her out." He almost burst out into laughter when my face dropped.

"No way!"

"Because you know i'm right. You have the hots for your sister!"

"Ew, don't call her that!" I said in disgust. She was not my sister!

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