Chapter Five

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As the day went on, i was beginning to think this world did have it in for me. Every so often id imagine things were looking up, then things start to tip over like a line of dominos.

I remember my first crush Briana Connely. All the guys had a major crush on her. I thought as her best friend she would hopefully convince herself to have a crush on me too. You know some sort of quarrel inside of her, so my feelings were returned.

Unfortunately, Connor Worlin stole her heart and we grew distant after a while when she chose him over me. No wonder i was afraid to get close to anyone.

After a while of countless amount of crushes on every girl i thought was my 'type'. I realised the whole lesbian thing had creeped up on me, taking into account that i never once thought about a guy like that anyway.

Back when i was a little girl, i wore thick glasses upon the bridge of my nose. Reading books was like breathing, it became an essential to me and unlike my dad, no one approved of how geeky i was. To them, i was a loser.

Therefore, i had hid the real me behind closed doors and used my utter confidence as a shield. I learnt to indulge in cool stuff and love myself both ways: nerdy and cool.

Now, after holding my breath during our little 'family' dinner with my dads new girlfriend, i could finally relax and get back to normal.

Evelyn had gone home with her mother after dinner and had thanked me for the nice afternoon that she had. Plus, i had to witness my father locking lips with Faye before they left. Did i forget to mention that i almost died when Evelyn hugged me goodbye. I can still smell the scent of her perfume lingering on my shirt.

'Thank you for dinner Eric' Evelyn had announced to my father before bidding farewell. May i say her voice was the definition of angelic.

Although this evening was devastating and a tiny bit awkward...i was happy to finally grab a book from my shelf and lay in bed. It was the weekend and tomorrow was sunday, which meant dad and i were going to visit my cousins Becca and Riley up town.

I couldn't wait to see them both, considering it was just dad and i visiting. Lately i didn't see him much since he had been spending every day with his new girlfriend and tomorrow will be the day i can finally experience being a family again.

Not that i had any clue as to what that felt like, not know.

Anyway, here i lay with my back against the wall, eyes focused on the text of these pages placed in my hands. I smiled as i read the beautiful words of Arnold Fender.

'The road was not built to lead you places you have already been, yet they convince the world there aren't anything BUT dreams. If you turn around, the scars are trailing behind like an army of fireflies. But if you begin to wonder...just for a second there is another road built within your reach, one in which your eyes seek, but do not peak. Then you shall follow it if you will. Then and only then, will you build the road you have not yet been.'

I read the last line and frowned deeply, taking in the words like a sponge soaking in the dry air. What was he exactly trying to point out? That we all follow each other and don't think for ourselves? Damn, i was starting to process the words like some English teacher picking apart a poem in class.

Ugh. I cant be locked up in here for a month, yes i had books and still (suprisingly) was allowed my phone. Yet, i still couldn't stop myself from thinking about Evelyn. I need a distraction and fast.

Thats when i grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialled Wesley's number. 

"Hey loser" He spoke as he finally answered my call. I grinned as i threw the covers from my body and sat on the edge of my bed. I could see the moon half exposed in the night as i stared out of the window. All i could imagine was this morning when i sat on the roof and was distracted by a beautiful angel.

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