Chapter Two

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Entering the cafeteria i reached the long line of students waiting for their turn to pick their choice of food and stood there bored. I cant believe this college still didn't believe me.

A while now I've been seeing a counselor about my mothers death. After the accident i couldn't seem to continue on without feeling like the world was ending.

My behavior seemed out of control, putting myself out there and speaking to someone seemed the easiest way to stop it. However, nothing was simple about they way i felt. They didn't believe me when i said i was ok. Then again, i wasn't very convincing.

"Hey loser" Said Wesley, placing his hands on either side of my shoulders behind me, causing me to jump out of my skin.

The whole room was filled with college students, some whom had their work against the desk, working on their coursework while they scoffed down the burnt pieces of food the untalented cooks had finished making.

The cafeteria was like any ordinary one, tables placed in every possible space with students grouped together. Wesley and i were what you call an outcast group, we weren't exactly popular, yet we weren't losers either.

According to Wes i was in fact a loser, but some would worship us. We were the hottest queers here, besides Emily Woodworth. Every girl would throw themselves at me, whilst the gay guys would worship Wes.

Unfortunately, unlike most i would decline their thoughtful offer of relations and decide to keep myself to my myself. That was until i met her. The wonderful creation at the coffee house.

Let's just say my actual date went balls up...

Not that it mattered now heaven has sent me an angel.

I continued on in the line, greeting the cooks who scooped the mushy food up onto their giant spoons and poured it onto mine and Wesley's plates. We both groaned at the site and walked towards the round tables in the middle of the hall.

"So how was your date?" He asked.

We took a seat at the table, i grabbed the strap of my backpack and threw it bellow the table near my feet as i groaned even more.

"It was...indescribable." I mocked, grabbing the fork off of my plate and stabbing the hardened food harshly and shoving it into my mouth. A crunching sound echoed throughout my mouth into the edges of my ears as i felt the sharp food touch my tongue. The food here wasn't exactly five stars, but i was starving and needed to take my stress out by eating crap.

"It was that great?" He said excited. He knew i wasn't the type to date nor let any girl near romantically. After my mother died, i found it hard to let anyone close to me or open up to anyone. I felt as though i had to distance myself from being hurt.

"Let's just say there won't be a second date." I admitted.

Wesley crunched on his food also as the hall filled up with students, girls screaming in the corner while the boys whistled at the ones who had their skirts too short. I raised my eyebrow as i noticed one particular girl standing in the lunch line. It was Emily Woodworth and she seemed a little down. Usually she'd have her friends surrounding her, with boys drooling at her feet.

However, she seemed to hold her head low and her eyes glued to the floor as she marched through the hall and took a seat in the corner, not usually where she sits.

"I told you not to date people online. It's such a waste of time, they're either uglier than they say or turn out to be complete weirdos. You're better off meeting someone in person i say."

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