Chapter Six

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"Ughh" I groaned, feeling the pulsating pain within my skull as i could barely open my eyes.

"Morning" I heard to my left as the light brew slightly through the closed curtains, but not enough to hurt my eyes.

I slightly opened my right eye as i watched Evelyn from afar. Everything seemed a little blurry for a second until her pretty eyes caught mine. She was carrying a white tray with a glass of water and some food.

"Breakfast in bed, now you are my Savior" I smiled.

"Hmm think yourself lucky, considering i'm the one who got woken up at 2am. Perhaps i should be the one waking up to this?" She glared.

Now i felt bad, i had forgotten last nights events after i had puked everywhere. That was the last thing i remember.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, almost feeling the sickness come again. However, Evelyn smiled anyway and passed me the tray, laying it onto my lap as i slowly tried to sit up against the pillow on the bed.

"It's fine, it was kind of amusing actually." She giggled.

I placed my hand around the cold glass and sipped the liquid slowly, almost feeling cured after a few minutes. I watched as Evelyn grabbed her remote from the side and sat at the bottom of the bed. She switched through the channels until she landed on the music channel. I couldn't help but admire her even more as a beautiful voice came out as she sang the lyrics to some song i hadn't even heard of.

"You have a beautiful voice." I blurted out for some reason. She turned her head, smiling away before frowning.

"Can i ask you something?" She said seriously. I nodded my head as i took a bite into the toast she had made for me.

"Sure" I mumbled.

I almost chocked when she made this cute expression, her thinking face was adorable.

"Why did you turn up here anyway? You could have aimlessly ended anywhere, but you came here. Why?" She wondered.

What was i supposed to say?
          'Oh yeah i'm secretly falling for you, a feeling I've not felt since my mother died and i turned up here drunk because i couldn't stop thinking about it all and especially about you!'.

I mean i could confess, yet i'd rather not.

"I guess you were the closest to my house and my dad would kill me if i turned up drunk. Considering I'm not even allowed out at all." I spoke.

She frowned even more. Which confused me. Why wasn't she happy with my answer?

"Oh" she said.

That's when i remembered how much crap I'm actually in.

"Oh no, oh no" i panicked as i slipped out of the covers and looked for my shoes, trying not to spill the drink on the tray. She watched as i found them and put them on, i probably looked like a zombie right now who's been caught in a wind storm, but i knew i had to get home and fast.

"Whats wrong?" She asked. I stopped for a moment as she stood from the bed and raised her eyebrow curiously.

"Im in so much trouble!" I almost squealed.


"Well im supposed to be heading to my cousins today with my father, something we do once in a while. Its like this massive.."

"Party i know? Your fathers downstairs with my mother getting ready for it. He came over this morning and invited us both to come and my mother said yes. We are heading over there in an hour."
She explained.

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