Chapter Twelve

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A/N - I'm truly sorry it's taken so long. I haven't been well and hospital has taken most of my time, but I promise I'll try my hardest to keep a regular update. Anyway, as late as it is, here is the next chapter :) hope you're still with me!

Waking up next to the sound of soft breathing soon sobered me up as i felt the girls arm around my torso. I sat up slightly, trying to remember the events of last night. Fortunately, i was relieved to see my clothes still upon my body as i noticed hers were too.

Looking around the room, i noticed there were people here with us. Some whom had seemingly passed out on the end of the bed and some on the floor with bottles still in their hands.

Last night might have been insane. All i could remember was walking back into the house, grabbing a drink and going back onto the dance floor. Where, i was met with a questioning look from Emily.

Evelyn was no where to be seen for the rest of the night, only when I decided to search the drunken state of the house I noticed she was actually gone.

Hesitant to stay, I decided to stick around anyway since she was the one who left. I couldn't give up the enjoyment I was having just because she had left. Yet, I wasn't careless, I had managed to somehow grab my phone out and call my father to make sure Evelyn had gotten home safe. Of course she had.

After that, everything seemed blurry. The faded memories I had in the back of my mind were like a broken projection.

"Ugh" Mumbled the girl next to me as she unwrapped her arm from me and turned to face the opposite way.

I silently removed the covers from my stomach, feeling a rush of dizziness overtake me as I slipped from under them and stood. I had to find my cousin or Emily at least.

The room looked as though an earthquake had struck it, as there were things everywhere across the floor and beer cans thrown in every direction. Some people lay sprawled among it too as they snored loudly.

"Where are you going?" A voice spoke as I grabbed my coat nearby (which was covered in alcohol) and swiftly climbed over the drunken bodies towards the door.

I glanced towards the voice and noticed the girl on the bed who was now awake. Her hair was cascading among her shoulders as she had sat up slightly, the blanket covering her legs only as she held a sleepy look within her eyes.

She was beautiful. For the first time I had overlooked the fact she was just some girl and noticed how glamorous she was, even after a drunken night.

"I have to get home" I stated, watching the girl remove the covers from her legs and sit up properly on the bed. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, probably wondering what had happened also.

"Do you drive?" She simply asked.

I shook my head and smiled, she just wanted a lift. I thought perhaps she would question last nights events and I'd have to explain that I couldn't remember a thing or even her name.

"I'm sorry I don't, but even if I did I have way too much alcohol in my system to even try." I admitted.

Her hand swiftly brushed through her hair as she sighed heavily. That's when i remembered something. Something that seemed familiar in the way she sighed.

Flashes erupted my mind as i saw an image of her laying on the bed giggling as i sat on her hips, my hands brushing through her hair as she sighed into it and lay back, watching me bit my lip. I remember the music vibrating through the floor of the room as she drunkenly tried to take her top off, except as she tried the room burst open to reveal Emily standing in the doorway. The next thing i remember is the girl sleeping heavily underneath me and feeling my head spin.

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