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Julia told Patrick that there was someone who was keeping an eye on us to which he replied do you think there would be someone who might be the suspects she told that they had to be vigilant as there might be a spy in our class. Decided to interrogate each one of their batchmates one by one .
Patrick suggested that firstly , they should start with Dany as it was his plan to go for a trip. Julia agreed and they started to keep eye on him but couldn't find anything to which they could doubt him.
But Julia was too clever to understand that the person purposely placed Dany in this situation so that their minds would be distracted from the main culprit.She even suspected Patrick due to her trust issues and even started avoiding mess food .During the dark night when everyone was sleeping she heard a strange noise and started following that sound in the corridor and came near her warden's room .With a small opening of the gate she peaked and saw that her warden was hypnotizing a girl and giving some black water to drink her eyes had become pure black it seemed she was possessed by some entity. The warden was chanting some spell on her and suddenly the girl started levitating in the air Julia to her surprise was unable to understand and with her heavy steps she returned back to her room and tried to wake up her roommates but they didn't woke up and she slept that night thinking of telling the whole story to her roommates after they woke up.
The next morning she told the whole incident they mocked at her thinking she might have seen a bad dream. She felt helpless at that point and called Patrick to meet her in the evening .
It was 7'o clock and she sat in the medical canteen waiting for him but she had a glance of.......
[ To be continued]

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