The cry

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It was the sound of one of their classmate and they rushed to the place from where the sound was coming. It was creepy scream, a sound full of pain and full of desolation. While reaching to that place he laid on the pointed grassy ground fully injured as if someone had attacked him brutally .He was not able to express anything ,we took him and laid him in the room ,the injuries were enough to tell that he needed to go the hospital but it wasn't possible for us to reach there as it was too dark and there was no nearby hospital.Dany immediately took the first aid kit from the bus and applied on the injured area. He was not able to express anything as he was unconscious.
But Julia noticed that it didn't seemed that some animal had attacked him rather it was that somebody had attacked him intentionally.
Her instincts forced her to say that something bad was about to start . After this incident everyone was shocked and worried and decided to stay together in one room only. It was then Patrick ( one of classmate) said ," I think the curse thing has started again " . To this Dany shouted, " What rubbish thing ,You are saying !, he is just got injured might attacked by an animal . Curse thing is just a made up story and don't believe in these thing".
Patrick didn't agreed to it and cried ," He told me before the bonfire was about to start he is not feeling safe as if something was about to happen with him. But I didn't belive him". As the scenario was getting more serious Dany shouted ," Shut up! Patrick we all know you are good at making up stories but it is not the right time ."
Patrick went out to room furiously and it seemed that Julia was too inclined to the thoughts of Patrick as she sensed something eerie in the environment...
[ To be continued]

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