The change

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Suddenly a hand held upon her shoulder she could feel a warmth and comfort just as an ray of hope had entered in her life.She saw that classmate named Anishka had came to introduce her and sat beside her.
For the first time her thoughts changed that something good will be happened unknown what leads to her own fate.

After the class got over she tried to escape from talking to other people but to not to her luck Anishka introduced her batch mates to them.It was then a boy named Abby left the class without being interested to talk to other people being a nerd ,he only focused on his studies.At that point of time Julia became quiet happy as she thought that her life was now on the right track.
Her tired muscles led her to straight run on her bed where she was preoccupied about the thoughts of the boy as it was giving a strange feeling about him  that forced her to think of him again and again.
             [To be continued]

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