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Sandy ( one of the classmates) called everyone outside " Hey the bonfire is ready come outside .Let's start the game ". Game said by one of them . "Yes, today we will reveal all mysterious and thoughts each one will have .Let's play" . Everyone sat near that fire resembling the fire hidden inside each of the person that might be lit up by revealing their emotions and thoughts or it might be kept hidden unless being dug by someone.
Sandy said the rules by saying ," There will be two games .First will be truth and dare and second game will be college mysterious. The game will be started by spinning a bottle and bottle cap which will be pointing towards the person will be selected . So,now as the rule is clear let's play and enjoy this crazy night". Everybody hooted and it started with Tanyana who selected truth and shared her experience who was her first crush in her school, then Abby who also choose the truth and told that he had feelings towards someone but would not name that person , later Anishka also confronted her feelings towards Stark but his grave reaction towards her made her to regret that why she took a step.
Amy diverted everyone by telling Sandy what a dumb game it was and let's start the second phase of the game .
Tony shouted ," I have a story about our college history. In which it is believed that our principal used to experiment students and these students had special abilities but his experiments led him to his disaster and later his name buried in the past without letting the reason to be known that what happened ." Everyone 's face was like as if they were astonished to her it and it was continued by another person that this college was actually an aslymn long time ago were cursed people were being treated till he could continue further they heard a scream which horried everyone and to their surprise it was the sound ....
[To be continued]

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