Chapters 541-546 (End)

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In Dawson's residence, Eve stood in the kitchen, watching the milk boil and rise in the utensil. She quickly picked up the utensil with the help of a wet cloth and poured the milk into the teapot where she had earlier left the water from the boiled leaves in it.

Next to Eve stood Rosetta with great concentration as she made her favourite food--bread with salted butter. As if that wasn't enough excitement, Lady Aubrey had taught the young vampiress how to make jam, which she now smeared on the bread after a layer of butter on it.

Rosetta remarked, "I wonder why my family cook never made these in our mansion before."

"That is because it is a peasant's food. Maybe a little above peasant, but not one to be eaten by the high society who enjoy meat and fresh fruits along with other delicacies," Eugene responded, who was on his day off from the Council and was now dusting the couch to help in the house chores.

"I think the people of high society are missing out on a lot of good things then," Rosetta's positive outlook in life kept her from sinking into unhappiness, and also her anchor-like husband, Eugene.

"They do," Lady Aubrey nodded from where she sat at the dining table close to the kitchen. "If everyone mingled together without the line of lower and upper class, perhaps everyone would enjoy life better than what they think is the best. But most of them are stuck in their own ways."

As if remembering something, Rosetta said to Eugene, "Did you know that the Humphreys house is empty now? Apparently they packed everything and moved without telling anyone."

"It is good that they finally left. One less thing to worry about," Eugene breathed the words of relief.

Eve appeared at the dining table with a tray in her hand and placed it on the surface. She picked up the hot kettle and began pouring tea for everyone, while there were still some left in the kettle. She informed Lady Aubrey,

"Aunt Aubrey, once Vincent is here, we will be going to Brokengroves to take a look at the condition of the house and see what to do with it. From there we will be going back to Skellington."

Lady Aubrey nodded, "I hope the walls and the roof of it are still intact. I am still a little surprised that the Duke acquired the house and gave it to you now." She had always wondered about the relationship that had formed between Duke Noah and Eve, believing they were both inclined towards each other. But it seemed like they were inclined because of the past that tied them together. She asked, "What do you plan to do with it?"

Eve offered the teacups to everyone and replied, "I was thinking of having it brought to the way it was before my mother and I stopped living there. To keep the memories alive without changing anything."

She wanted to run her hand on the walls and the objects there, to be able to look into the fragments of memory of her mother and her.

"I think it is a wonderful idea, Eve," Lady Aubrey gave a nod of approval with a smile.

Hearing the sound of the carriage stop at the front of their house, Eugene peeked through the open door and announced,

"I think the Hooke's are here!"

Rosetta's eyes brightened with happiness, and she quickly ran through the door and so did Eve and Eugene, to be slowly followed by Lady Aubrey.

Eve caught sight of Mr. Briggs jumping down from the driver seat and walking around the carriage to open the carriage door. Vincent was the first to step outside, who seemed in a good mood, with a grin on his lips and his eyes twinkling in amusement, which she knew exactly why.

Vincent walked through the gate of the house, and without greeting anyone else first, he hugged Eve tightly. She said,

"You seem extra happy today." Kissing his lips when they pulled back, she asked, "Enjoying their downfall?"

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