Chapters 511-520

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"... believe that Noah knew my mother because there is no way he heard it from me. I never played it in front of him or even sang it," Eve explained to Vincent, who sat beside her inside the carriage.

Ten minutes had passed since they had left the Moriarty mansion, and Eve quickly let Vincent know about Noah's music box gift to her without wasting time. But what she didn't know was that her openness and communication with her husband would not go well this time. It was because the person sitting in the carriage was not her husband, but the man seeking her.

"Do you think his father slept with my mother? What?" Eve asked Vincent when she found him staring at her continuously as if soaking in every word she spoke.

"His father didn't sleep with your mother," Vincent answered, and Eve frowned, wondering how he was sure about it.

"Then how is it possible that he knew it?" Eve asked him, before she said, "Mother often had the habit of playing that song when the piano was there or she was made to sing a song. Because she was a siren, of course." Everyone knew that a siren's voice, especially when the creature sang, was alluring and drew people in, making her irresistible.

Vincent said, "It is because I have been looking at wrong things, when the answer has been right in front of me."

For a moment, Eve misunderstood the man's words, who was sitting next to her. Was it not Noah's father anymore whom they weren't suspicious about? She then saw him pull out a vial, which held green smoke in it.

She asked him, "What is this?" And she took it when Vincent offered it to her.

"This was given to me by one of the councilmen when we were at Woodlock's cemetery. It was found in Noah's body," Vincent said and helped her open the cork of the vial. Soon the green smoke escaped from the glass vial and Eve's eyes moved to catch the smoke starting to disperse around them.

The scent of the smoke felt stifling, but at the same time it felt as if her body had started to relax the tensions that had been building in her muscles until now.

Once the smoke was all gone, Eve turned to Vincent and asked him, "W—what was that?" Feeling a slight headiness. Was it just her feeling like this? Because Vincent appeared to be fine. She shook her head to get rid of the feeling and waved her hand in front of her, but it only made her feel that much more sluggish.

"What you inhaled right now is called 'Fog of sleep'. It is used on creatures of the sea, and it works only on them and not on the people of land," Vincent's voice started to change, and at the same time a heaviness started to weigh in Eve's eyelids as if she couldn't keep it open. "I am surprised that I didn't catch you before this. To think you have been in front of me all this time, it finally does make sense. So much sense."

"What?" Eve asked in a slur before her eyes closed and she fell unconscious.

"Have a goodnight sleep. I need you to be at your full strength later," James chuckled as he looked down at the unconscious woman beside him.

Back in the Moriarty mansion, the family gathered at the front of the stairs with a look of deep worry.

"Vincent, where are you going?" Lady Annalise asked when he started to walk away.ραпdα 'nᴏνɐ| сom

"To bring back my wife," Vincent replied in anger. To think that Eve had been kidnapped with the person having the audacity to come to their home. In the next second, Vincent disappeared from their eyes.

Eduard, who heard his wife's loud voice, came to the front and asked, "What is going on?"

Lady Annalise pursed her lips before replying, "Someone kidnapped Eve but posing to be Vincent. She isn't in the mansion. Vincent went to find her."

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