Chapters 171-180

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When Eve's eyes went back to look at Vincent, he stared right back at her, and noticing his serious expression she couldn't help but remember the awful dream she had where he had pulled the gun trigger at her. She looked away from him, staring at the surface of the table.

Vincent's eyes narrowed slightly before he said, "I am attending a night soiree that's taking place next week at Glasvile, and it is required to bring a company. Do you have a decent dress to wear?"

"Are you asking me to accompany you," Eve asked him while furrowing her eyebrows in question.

Vincent's lips twitched, and he said, "It is a soiree where people who belong to high profile will come to attend it. Including people from the Council. Thought you would be interested?"

Hearing his words, Eve's ears perked. She asked him, "When exactly is it?"

"Saturday. I will send Briggs to pick you up from your house," Vincent let her know and she nodded..

Finally she was going to find the truth, thought Eve.

Eve stood up from her seat, as she believed this was why Vincent had summoned her here. She bowed and said, "Thank you for helping me again. Your help means a lot to me." After all, the vampire in front of her didn't like to involve himself in things like this.

She was more than grateful because she had come to have trust in Vincent. Knowing when he was next or around, nothing wrong would happen.

Like a cunning predator, Vincent silently watched Eve walk towards the door and turn the knob. He called her name,


Eve turned to look at Vincent, "Yes?"

"Aren't you forgetting something."

Eve felt her throat turn dry at the thought of having to offer her blood to Vincent. She had been praying in her mind that he wouldn't remember it. Deciding to stall, she asked,

"I am? Funnily, I cannot remember it. Maybe I will remember it tomorrow, I am going to miss my carriage."

"Briggs will drop you home."

When Vincent pushed himself away from the wall and started to make his way to where she stood, Eve was tempted to turn the doorknob. He walked closer, stepping in front of her, he leaned towards her, and asked, "Did you really forget?"

"I think we should pick particular days so that I can mentally prepare myself for it when you drink my blood–"

Vincent leaned closer to Eve's face before he picked up something from the side and raised his hand, "Your umbrella," he said innocently.

Eve caught sight of Vincent holding her purple umbrella that she had lost since she had been captured by the guards of the village and thrown into the dungeon. Surprised to see it, she asked him, "How did you find it?"

"The village head had it in his possession," when Vincent dropped the umbrella from his hold, Eve quickly caught hold of it.

"Thank you! I was worried that I lost it forever. They don't make these kinds of umbrellas anymore," said Eve, while her eyes were on her umbrella and the smile on her lips widened.

Vincent noticed how the mermaid looked happy on seeing her umbrella, which showed in her eyes.

Only children who were unaware of the world and were content in life smiled like this freely. He saw Eve's pink lips move as she continued to thank him for returning her umbrella to her. His eyes followed every detail of her action. From the number of times she blinked to the volume of her voice. To how her eyes shifted from the umbrella to look at him.

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