Chapters 21-30

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By the time Eve was done teaching Allie for the day, if it was possible, her stomach had started to digest even the air that she breathed. She had drunk more than five glasses of water to appease her stomach, but that hadn't stopped her stomach from growling in hunger. Instead, it did make her visit the bathroom.

"You did very well today, Miss Allie. Tomorrow let us do a little writing on what you learned today," Eve informed the little girl, and the only way she knew the girl was happy was from the girl's eyes that shone. Closing the book, Eve said, "I will see you tomorrow, Miss Allie. I will be taking my leave now," she offered the little girl a bow.

Eve picked up her lunchbox and stepped out of the room. She started to walk in the corridor when she noticed the little girl following her. She stopped and turned to ask the little one,

"Are you heading towards the entrance door too, Miss Allie?" The little girl quickly shook her head and even stopped walking. "If you are, I would be happy to accompany you."

The little girl didn't respond and only continued to stare at her. Eve smiled before carefully turning and walking. The youngest of the Moriarty family again started to walk behind Eve, but at a good distance.

Just when Eve was about to enter the hallways, someone called the little girl,

"There you are, Allie!"

Hearing someone's voice behind her, Eve turned and caught sight of a young woman who appeared to be around the same age as her.

The young woman wore a lilac and white coloured dress, which swept the clean floor of the corridor as she made her way toward Allie. Her black hair had been parted at the centre, and had been pinned at the back, letting the curls rest on one side of her delicate shoulder. She shared the same hazel eyes as Vincent Moriarty, but it held no luster in them and was dull compared to her beautiful face.

"I have been looking for you all over the mansion, and the maid told me you were in the piano room. But you weren't there either," the young woman's voice chimed, and she placed a hand on little Allie's shoulder with a smile.

But before the young woman could continue to speak to the little girl, sensing someone's presence in the corridor, she turned with a sharp look in her gaze, which was quick to soften.

"You must be the new governess, Miss Barlow," the young woman had a look of surprise on her face, and she smiled.

Eve returned the smile and bowed, "I am."

The young woman left Allie's side, coming to walk where Eve stood. She introduced herself, "We didn't get a chance to meet before. I am Marceline Moriarty. Allie's elder sister. I wasn't in town and returned only an hour ago."

How many children did Mr. Eduard Moriarty have? Eve questioned in her mind.

Eve nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Marceline. I hope your journey back was peaceful," she said, being polite.

"It was wonderful. Have you been to Hollow Valley?" Asked Marceline, her voice sweet to listen to. Eve shook her head. Hollow Valley was similar to the town of Skellington when it came to its appearance and wealth. A look of surprise appeared on the young woman's face, and she remarked, "How strange that you haven't. Well, it is never too late. I hope Allie is behaving well with you?"

"Oh, she is," replied Eve, glancing at the little girl who didn't move an inch from where she stood. "It has been a delight to teach and help her learn. She's a good child."

"That she is," Marceline smiled, "She is after all a Moriarty. We have excellent manners."

Though outwardly Eve continued smiling, she didn't agree with the last sentence uttered by Lady Marceline.

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