Chapters 481-490

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"Noah, we have some bad news," James told him. "I just found that my reservoir for the mermaids and sirens was destroyed by someone. Not just damaged, but there was blood on the ground, and the creatures are missing from there. This has raised concern from the authorities on what has been going there."

A look of surprise appeared on Noah's face, and he asked with concern, "What?"

"The reservoir in the East, Noah," James's previous anger appeared on his face, and he didn't look happy. He said, "I cannot believe that something like this could happen. You know how important these treasures are. Mermaids and sirens, and to think I have been waiting for them to mature so I could take a look at it," he huffed.

"How did it even happen?" Noah asked, while acting ignorant about what he had done.

His uncle looked frustrated and said, "That fucking magistrate must have let someone see. He must have not taken care."

"Even if someone entered the place, there are guards guarding it. Maybe the magistrate had something to do with it," Noah blamed the magistrate, who had been eager to eat the mermaid meat when he met him. "He seemed even hungry to take a bite from one of them."

"Fucker," James cursed, and one of his eyes turned gold, while the other stayed black as he couldn't see from it since he was blinded. "I will go take a look at what happened myself. And also make sure the other reservoirs are safely holding the mermaids and sirens. To make sure that they are of use."

"How about I come along with you? Or do I take care of it?" Noah offered, and James gave it some thought before he said,

"Maybe that can be done. The golden moon is approaching nearer and it will show the true nature of that special sea creature whom I have been looking for. All I need to do is drink her blood until the very last drop," James sneered, and he said, "It seems like the Sullivan's have been having bad luck. First the butler and now this news. It must be related. Both of them are related."

Noah should have known that his uncle would figure things out sooner as he wasn't a dumb person. The man has been trying to find the siren-mermaid for some time now.

Noah asked, "How are you going to find her? There are plenty of fish in the sea."

"No matter what, the prophecy says that we Sullivans will meet her. She is bound to die," James said, clenching his jaws. "You are the last descendant of Sullivan. You are meant for great things, Noah. The creature will be put in use."

Noah watched his uncle leave his side, walking inside the mansion, while he continued to stand there with an expressionless face.

He knew that time to choose was approaching quickly, and no matter how much he had tried to keep things peaceful, he wouldn't be able to continue to do it. Was there a way to stop his uncle from causing any harm and breaking the family...

He had successfully freed some of the mermaids, but there was more than one pond where his uncle held the mermaids and sirens. He had always thrived for peace, without any conflicts, and he would find it if there were a way to it.

Walking inside the mansion, which seemed quieter than usual, he went to his room. When he was done washing his face with the cold water, he remembered something. With water still dripping from his face, he walked to his closet and searched for something.

When he didn't find it, he looked unsettled and asked himself, "Where did it go?"

Someone knocked on the closed room, and he said, "Come in."

The person was none other than his mother, who held a quizzical look and asked, "Are you looking for something, Noah?"

Noah murmured, "One of my coats seems to be missing from my room."

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