Chapters 311-320

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The following day, the sky was cloudy, and the weather didn't change much compared to the previous night, holding the same coldness.

Eve woke up early, finishing her bath and dressing herself in a presentable way. She couldn't stop thinking about the time she had spent with Vincent last night. Her toes still curled at the thought of their nightly activity before Vincent had left her to sleep.

Opening the room's door, Eve stepped out into the corridor and started to walk.

"Good morning, Ms. Barlow," one of the maids, who was holding a tray in her hand, greeted her.

Eve smiled at the maid and wished back, "Good morning."

The morning time in the Moriarty mansion was busier than Eve had expected. The maids and the servants were quick on their feet, dusting and sweeping before the other members of the Moriarty family would walk in the corridors and the hallways. Dried flowers in the vases were replaced by fresh flowers that held scent and colour in them.

As Eve climbed down the stairs, she noticed on top of the first flight of the stairs, Vincent stood with Viscount Eduard and Lady Annalise. She hadn't expected them to be up this early, and when she made her way to where they stood, she offered them a deep bow.

"Good morning," Eve politely greeted them.

Vincent didn't hold back, and he stepped forward towards her. He put one of his arms around Eve's back and leaned forward to kiss one of her cheeks. As he smiled, the corner of his eyes crinkled, and he asked her,

"Did you have a good sleep?"

Eve tried to keep a straight face, but she couldn't stop staring at Vincent's open affection towards her, and she knew it was something she would have to get used to in time. She replied with a smile, "Yes, it was good."

Vincent hummed with a knowing smile, "If you need more of what I did, I will be happy to help." Eve wanted to cover the shameless vampire's mouth before he would say something more to kill her with embarrassment.

Lady Annalise slightly frowned and questioned him, "Why? What is wrong with Ms. Barlow?"

"Nothing," Eve's quick response only made her appear suspicious.

"Eve was stressed with what happened yesterday and I massaged her feet yesterday," Vincent smiled with mischief in his eyes.

Hearing it, Viscount Eduard looked at Eve and said, "We are sorry to hear about the damage the houses had to bear for the rogue's actions. It is good to see that you and your people were uninjured."

"I am grateful to the Moriarty family for accommodating me along with my family members in the mansion this soon," Eve offered her gratitude with a bow.

Viscount Eduard gave her a nod, "Though Vincent and you aren't married yet, you are already part of the family. If not yesterday, you would be moving in here next week. I am guessing that my son has already made all the arrangements you need for your stay here?"

"Yes, he did, Viscount Eduard," Eve answered and at the same time, they heard the sound of someone's footsteps from the end of the corridor, as if the person was running.

Lady Annalise's frown deepened. She glared when she noticed it was her own daughter who was causing commotion this early in the morning. The little vampiress noticed Eve standing next to her brother and wondered what her governess was doing this early morning. Her feet moved even faster until her eyes met her mother's disapproving eyes, and she quickly reduced the speed of her little legs, which eventually came to a halt.

"It seems like you do whatever you want when you think no one is looking at you, Allie. Have you forgotten how to behave?" Lady Annalise was ever the strict mother whose lips set themselves in a thin line.

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