Chapters 161-170

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A young Vincent was in shock.

All he could hear was the rustling of the nearby trees because of the wind and a bird that in the distance made a sound. He could still hear his mother's last words, echoing in his ears before they turned distant as if fading into the background.

His mother no longer trembled in pain or cold. Instead, her head lay still on his lap and refused to wake up again.

"M-mother... Wake up," the boy whispered with eyes full of tears. "Please...." He begged.

Seconds passed by and turned into a minute. And though Katherina had passed away, the blood didn't stop dripping on the ground, which now touched Vincent's legs and invaded his senses..

The boy, who had been hungry since he had last opened his eyes, his gums hurt and fangs appeared to peek out of his mouth. As much as he wanted to take a bite to quench his thirst, this was his beloved mother, and he would never disrespect her even after her death.

The few other vampire children, who were tied, smelt the scent of the fresh blood drifting in the air, and they started to behave errantly, trying to break free from the poles so they could bite into the human's body.

After some time, two men who worked for Hellion returned to where the children and the woman were tied. On noticing more blood trails on the snowy ground, the men quickly caught sight of the woman next to a boy.

"Is she trying to untie him?!" one of them questioned and quickly made his way to where Vincent and his mother were.

The person grabbed Katherina's arm and picked her up from the boy's lap. He started to drag her away from there. Another one who noticed the woman staring at nothing pointed out, "She's dead!"

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ "So fast? You would think people from higher society would be strong, but look at her," laughed the man. He grabbed the woman's silver hair, and a young Vincent warned with a voice holding emptiness in it,

"You are hurting her, let her go."

The man didn't let go of Katherina's hair and instead moved it in a circular motion. He snorted, "She's already dead. Do you think she can feel anything?" He huffed.

The other man laughed and said, "These vampires sure are full of themselves. They don't know when to keep quiet, do they?"

The two men made fun of Katherina's dead body and the young boy whose eyes had grown distant. And as empty as his eyes looked, something lurked in its shadows as if it had been waiting, bloodthirsty.

"I will be sure to tell Hellion to pick you to be the next person to send to the council," the man who didn't let go of the dead woman's hair laughed in the boy's face. "Once he's done planning the next move, you will be the right sacrifice. How would feel your mother's body hanging—"

The men heard a growl erupt from the silver-haired boy's throat and the sound of the metal clinking stronger. They were going to laugh at how pathetic the boy appeared, but then they heard a snap. The boy stood up with chains hanging on both his hands before they slid down and fell next to his feet, leaving the men in shock.

"How did you unbind yourself?!"

"Grab him quickly and tie him back to the pole before Hellion notices!" shouted the other man, who dropped the woman on the ground and ran towards Vincent.

One of the men got to Vincent faster than the other and caught hold of the boy's arm, ready to twist it backwards. But suddenly, out of nowhere, the same man's hand was caught by Vincent, and he turned it the other way. The next second, he did the same thing Hellion had done to the two children. The boy stuck his fingers and hand into the human's chest and then mercilessly pulled out the man's heart.

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