Chapters 141-150

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In the town of Woodlock, late in the night, Noah Sullivan stepped inside the mansion that belonged to his family. He was greeted by the butler, who bowed his head and took Noah's coat off him.

"Would you like me to tell the cook to prepare the dining room for you?" the butler politely asked him.

"I already had my dinner outside, Marshall. I would appreciate a glass of whiskey sent to the study room," said Noah, and the butler bowed.

"I will be there with it quickly, Sire."

Noah nodded, but before the butler could leave, he asked, "Did everyone sleep?"

But it wasn't the butler who answered him but his mother, who stepped into the hall with a shawl draped around her shoulders. His mother had the same black hair as him and walked up to him.

The butler bowed and left his side while Noah turned to his mother. Leaning forward, he kissed her cheeks, "Isn't it a little too late for you to be awake at this hour, mother?"

"How could I when my son is out and hasn't returned home," his mother smiled at him. "Your father hasn't slept yet either. His hand is troubling him again."

"Did you call in the physician?" Noah's eyebrows furrowed, and his mother placed her hand on his arm.

"Yes, the physician came to take a look at him earlier this day. The nerves are acting up again and he's been given some medicines to take. He's in the drawing room," his mother let him know.

Noah and his mother walked from the hallways and reached the drawing room. His father sat on the armrest with his left arm stretched forward.

"Welcome home, Noah. Long day?" Questioned his father, and Noah bowed his head and smiled. His father's hair had turned completely grey, but the colour of his eyes hadn't diminished.

"A little longer than usual. How is your hand?" asked Noah, coming to stand before his father.

"Better than always. It is good that you are here, your mother and I were talking about you a while ago," his father moved his other good hand to point towards the empty chair next to him, and Noah took a seat. His mother was next to occupy another seat while watching her husband and son. The older man said, "The Chambers family arrived in town last morning, and I was hoping you could show their daughter Anaya a few places in town. You have met her before, haven't you? She's a lovely young lady."

A subtle smile appeared on Noah's lips, knowing what his father and mother were thinking. He agreed, "She is, but I believe she would be far more comfortable in mother's company or another suitable woman of her own age. Besides, I am busy this week with work."

"The young lady specifically asked for your company. It doesn't have to be this week, as they are going to stay in town for longer. Maybe months," informed his father, before adding, "The Chambers family were hospitable when we went to visit them previously and it is only right that we show them the same generosity and nothing less from it."

Noah continued holding the subtle smile, and he said, "I will see what I can do, father."

His mother quickly said, "Mr. and Mrs. Chambers' daughter has turned into a very fine lady. I think she would be a good match for you. You need someone for yourself, someone you can lean on."

Noah's mother had watched him interact and exchange words with women, but it never went anything more than that and somewhere worried her. There was always a wall between her son and the woman who tried to gain his attention. And though he was always polite, he didn't seem to be interested in taking it forward.

"Is there someone that you like or has caught your eye?" Asked his mother with a hopeful look.

To his mother's words, his father responded, "If you are going to choose a woman for yourself, it better be a she-wolf. A human's vitality is low and any other creature is out of question," the older man's words were firm, and his eyes held utter seriousness in them.

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