Chapters 190-200

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Meeting Lady Anaya's concerned face, Eve smiled at the young woman and replied, "Yes, I am fine," on noticing the young she-wolf holding a frown, she added, "I am not used to staying out this long."

Eve didn't mean to think about the time she had spent with Vincent, alone in the room. But it was hard to get rid of the way his lips, tongue, and breath felt on her skin. Minutes had passed since it had happened, yet she could still feel it.

"I can understand how that feels. Initially, when I started attending soirees, I would always get tired and catch a fever. But then that was also because it was also during the time when I was transitioning," Lady Anaya explained to Eve. She paused and asked, "I hope you don't mind me talking. I have been told I get ahead of myself and don't realise when to stop."

Eve shook her head, "I think you speak the normal amount of words one needs to speak, Lady Anaya. You do not have to worry about it."

Her eyes drifted to look back at Vincent, who held a smirk on his lips while he listened to one of the council members speak to him.

She had only given her blood to Vincent, but with how her body had heated, she felt like she had sinned with him.

Lady Anaya smiled before taking a sip from her glass and asked, "Are you doing anything particular this Sunday?"

"I have to watch over the carpenter's work and someone will be coming to paint the house. Why do you ask?" Eve asked with a question in her eyes.

Lady Anaya looked slightly surprised and asked, "Oh, is it for any particular occasion?"

"The house needed some repairs to be done and we thought it was time to get it done," answered Eve, and then she asked, "Why did you ask?"

"It is nothing of importance," Lady Anaya offered Eve a polite smile and said, "I don't know many people here except for Noah's family. I thought to invite you to join me for an afternoon tea, only if you are free of course. I wouldn't want to impose on you."

"Maybe another time," Eve suggested and the young woman nodded.

"Yes, that would be lovely," Lady Anaya said, returning Eve's smile.

Vincent, who was done talking to the council members, turned to Eve, which she caught as she was waiting for him to leave this place. He made his way to where she was while his eyes fixed on her, and Eve took a breath as if trying to fix her composure. Lady Anaya offered a small bow to him, but Vincent being Vincent, didn't respond and said to Eve,

"We'll be leaving."

Eve nodded before turning to Lady Anaya and bowed, "Thank you for your company, Lady Anaya. I had a good time."

"I share the same feelings, Ms. Barlow. I hope we can catch up with each other soon," Lady Anaya offered a polite bow and watched the couple walk away from there.

Eve and Vincent walked through the corridors before stepping out of the mansion. On their way, Eve didn't talk to him, and neither did he. She had calmed her breathing, telling herself that was how vampires drank blood from people, and the turmoil in her chest would settle by the next morning.

Mr. Briggs was already standing at the carriage, waiting for them and he opened the door.

Eve lifted the front of her dress and stepped inside and was soon followed by Vincent, who took a seat on the other end of where she sat. When the coachman closed the door, Vincent looked at Eve, who was busily smoothening her gown's skirt.

He stared at her because it had been five minutes since she had been fixing it. At this rate, she would not need to iron her dress the next time. He asked her,

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