introduction to the family

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Aarushi pov:
After being ready for the day me and Tara walk out of the room.
The palace is beautiful but silent like, it have so many secrets in these walls

White marble floor and chandelier lighting the corridor, paintings on the walls making it all classic and luxurious

But something is a weird thing there is not a single door on this floor other than the room on which we came from.

Not suppressing my curiosity I asked Tara.

" uhmm tara " I called out .

"Ji babhi "  she said slowly.

"Can I ask you something".

I asked , she nodded

"Why this floor only have one room".
I asked .

"I don't know bhabhi but this section of the palace is made for Sinha's son".

"And maybe because ishannk bhai is the eldest of all brothers that's why he have the whole floor. " she pout after explaining.

"Ohh". I nodded.

We descend the stairs and  went ahead into another corridor. We both was silent, tara is walking a little ahead of me and I am looking around for any information.

When suddenly tara speak.
"This room is advik and kashvi " she sign towards my left I saw a big door of white and golden color.

"The third son of sinha's ". She explained further.

We walk a little ahead and again tara explains.

"This one is mine and akshat ji" .  She  give him total respect by ' ji ' .

I nodded.

Her face suddenly feel dull with the mentioned of his name  .

I put my hand on her shoulder and smile towards her , she hide her face dullness in the mask of her cute smile.

No one can understand the pain until they experience it by themselves,  hiding behind the mask is not easy , smiling when all you want is to cry is not easy , looking at everyone with the eye of victim , who can't  trust anyone  when all you want to trust someone  is not easy , the pain change the person

Her eye said it all like she want to belong somewhere.

She smile and explains further.

"This one is anant and anisha". She sign towards the right a little ahead of her room .

"And ".

"That is Lavanya and that is lakshya rooms".

She sigh toward the room door right in front of her and on the left . In the middle is a open space and there hanging a beautiful big  chandelier .
That is the space between her and Lavanya room .

"Wait , who is Lavanya and lakshya ". I asked,  who is the two new fingers  ,  are they a danger to me ?

"Ohh , lakshya is fifth son of sinha's and Lavanya is the only girl child in the house, they both is siblings " she explained.

I nodded  at the hidden information and notice tara behave like a trained woman  she explained everything so quickly and  in one go , so like she don't have to explain again,  she is not being herself but like other told her .

She smile and asked me to come with her , we again descend the stairs and again  a corridor came I blinked towards her and she laughed a little.
How many corridor this house have.

"This one is for close relative and guest" she explained.

We descend another stairs and seriously my feet  are about to gave up walking on these heels.

A2-the story of secrets ♡♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें