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Can't you see by why don't we

Anna and ash eventually pulled away and and ash looked deeply into her eyes and she did the same with his bright , brown ones.

The more anna looked at ash the more she remembered what he had done to her. It shattered her heart into a million pieces , all her love for
Him felt like a waste.

The shy girl took steps back letting her hands drop from holding him. They feel to her side and she nervously looked down.

"you don't have to be nervous with me , an. You know that." he spoke with a soft voice.

She mumbled something before looking at him again and inhaling some air.

" I don't know why I kissed you ash.." she spoke up a little.

His face frowned and he looked at her in frustration and anger. Just like he did when he hurt her.

Her heart sank and she was sweating as she took more steps back. Ash took a few steps closer to her.

" why not?" His voice sounded more relaxed than his face said.

"you know why ash. I need to go , sorry" Anna mumble back at him and turned away.

She began speed walking down the hall way outside , ash followed right at her tail.

"ma!! Wait , please. An!" He called out pushing past people until they reach outside.

If Anna was honest she was terrified. Terrified of what he might do , terrified she would upset him and he would lash out.

She stopped waiting for him to catch up.

"let me take you home and we can talk about everything and I'll answer any questions you have about before. Please.. an" he begged the girl.

She debated on what she should do but finally agreed. A small smile escaped his lips and they drove away.

The ride home was quite.

"Why did you kiss me back there if you regret doing it?" His voice was deeper than before.

Her eyes stayed focussed of what was outside but could see him looking at her while driving.

"I don't know. I'd be lying if I said I didn't still love you in a way but I wouldn't go back for anything. " Anna mumbled , eyes glued to what was outside.

Ash's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he clenched his jaw , hoping for any other answer.

"why wouldn't you an? I would , if I could I would take back that thing I did it and what I said to you that was out of order. I'd do anything to be with you again Ma.." he responded them loosing his grip on the wheel.

Anna slighting smiled but was quickly covered by a flash back of ash hitting her.

"I trusted you with my life and you meant so much to me but took it all way with what you did that night. And that's why I would never go back with you." She raised her voice slightly as they pulled outside her house.

"I would never do that to you again Ma.. trust me-" Anna was quick to stop him.

"I hate you more than anything ash. All that love for you is gone in a way. I love you as a friend but never a my boyfriend. I feel disgusted looking at you." She spoke more softly and she was about to leave the car.

"ma please-" he was cut of again.

"I hate you ash , I hate you!" Now tears where spilling from her eyes and she slammed the door and rushed to her door.



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