My friend

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A/N: I don't care that this is short, take it or leave it.

Being in the center lobby was just about as fun as staring at a wall. I sat there in one of the chairs waiting for Sylveons all clear. She had healed Blitz and she didn't want to wake him up. I sighed and rested my head on my paws, the turtwig was still trying to make everyone hate him when they went up to the counter for help. Oooh how I would have very much liked to have thrown him through a wall.

It was late, a few mons came in now. 20 minutes after I got there, a Machamp ran in with his hand being held by a single slither of skin. I shivered and overheard the panicked Machamp and a depressed Turt talk about what caused the injury. Apparently we weren't the only ones to get attacked by creatures afflicted with that Arcues forsaken blight. I shuddered to imagine what else could be out there now.  

Sylveon walked out the room where she treated Blitz and gently shut the door with her ribbons. I eagerly jumped out the chair when she walked to me in proud strides. "He's very lucky to be alive, well, very lucky to have you! If you weren't with him, he would have died!." She glanced down at her ribbons, one had a stain of blood at the tip. She grabbed a tissue off a nearby coffee table to wipe it off.

I smiled at her. "So how long until he wakes up?" She looked up and shrugged. "Hard to tell, he lost a lot of blood even with your bandage in place, the wound never clotted due to some sort of poison, and his vocal cords are damaged. What caused the injuries?" Sylveon said calmly and gestured her ribbons to the slight scratches and blood stains around my fur. "Some sort of Feralgtyr, it was extremely violent and was barely...alive to put it simply. It's body was all twisted and it doesn't sound like we were the only ones attacked by something like that." I pointed over to the Machamp that had a bandage over the nub of an arm. "I hope the brusiers can take care of the wild mons." I cocked my head curiously. "What's a brusier?" I asked, my breath teetering. "It's like a RedCul scout, but usually bulkier mons, Machamp, Walrein, ect." Sylveon sighed, "I know they are here for our protection but they act like mercenaries, always trying to get some shiny coin. They "raided" one of our markets recently and the family that ran the store was threatened." She rubbed her temples. "Oh wait, did I tell you about his vocal cords? They were severely damaged." 

I took a deep breath in and let it slowly leave me, this was my fault. I shouldn't have asked him to come with me. "What do you mean, damaged vocal cords?" I asked, trying to hide my worry and anxieties. "He won't be able to speak for a few weeks, my best estimate would be two-three weeks." She said she looked around the room and smiled at how deserted it was. "Oh..." I sighed, now he couldn't speak so if he was angry he would just leave. I did want to get to know him, he seemed familiar, maybe we had bumped into each other before. "Hey, chin up." Sylveon tilted my head up using one of her ribbons another gently laid over my paws. "I'll say it again, He's lucky to have a friend like you! Without you, he would be past tense! I know a self doubting or self scolding look when I see one." She smiled caringly. "He'll need some help speaking or interacting with others, if you could stay and help him that would be wonderful for both of you! You both get to be around one another and get to know each other." She retracted her ribbon away from my chin.

I shook my head, confused. "Pardon?" I said, completely baffled. "Oh, did I not read your feelings right? You're feeling guilty for having him tag along and he got injured but also worried he will leave as soon as he wakes up. Correct?" She tilted her head to the side. "T...that's actually spot on." I admitted. " Trust me, he's going to want to stay." She gave me a reassuring smile. This is what Blitz did. Trust a stranger, trusted me, look where that got him. "And you are welcome to stay in the poke center tonight, if you want to watch over him." She said kindly. I nodded quickly, she giggled, "Well I have to go clean up some rooms since turt isn't helping. Please don't shout or be loud, other patients are sleeping." Sylveon warned. I nodded once more and she smiled. "See you tomorrow." She bounced off into an unoccupied room. I smiled again and a warm fuzzy feeling bounced around in my chest. I shook my head and reminded myself that Blitz was going to be okay, which only made the feeling get stronger. I walked down the halls to Blitz's room and slowly opened the door. He laid on a bed with mildly bloody sheets, the scent of metal washed over me like a wave. I quietly approached, minus the occasional floorboard creak. After two minutes of silent walking I reached his bedside and quietly placed my paws on his. Sylveon was right, I was feeling really bad about what happened. I looked back at Blitz, at least he was sleeping peacefully, hopefully not in pain. I sighed and sat down in a chair next to his bed. Resting a paw on the table next to me, I propped up my head. It was late and I was starting to feel the effects. My arm gave out and my head plopped down onto the table. I winced and knew my chin would ache later, but I couldn't care less. The endless waves of dreams and terrors crashed unto me, before I knew it, I was out. 

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