Up and at em!

315 9 9

Warm....so warm...

I wrapped my paws around the thing that was keeping me warm. It was so soft, so warm...I pressed my cheek against it and cooed a little. Opening my heavy eyelids I was greeted with an awkward and uncomfortable stare from golden orange eyes. I woke up, realizing it was Blitz I was snuggling. I blushed a little and gave him an awkward chuckle. "Sorry not the good morning you were expecting." I chuckled. He shook his head. "You were shivering last night, I heard your teeth clattering from outside." He said blankly.

Was I really that loud? I don't remember waking up to cold...at least he kept me warm

"Glad you're doing okay, and get ready for the longest day. Cause we have to climb a mountain." Blitz said and walked out the tent. I giggled a little bit, unsure if he was trying to make me laugh. "He's a bit odd," I smiled. I got up and followed him to be temporarily blinded by the sun. "What time is it?!" I exclaimed in surprise seeing how high the sun was." Blitz shrugged as he pulled supplies out his pack. "My best bet would be 11 or 12." Blitz said and tossed me a small blue container. "What's in here?" I asked curiously.

"Breakfast." Blitz said and opened his own blue pack and inside it I could smell curry. He set his container down and started to eat. I followed his example and saw he made some sort of rice with a mix of sausage. It smelled delicious but I could tell it was cold. "Not hungry?" Blitz asked, looking up from his finished container. "C-could you heat it up a little bit-?" I asked hesitantly. "Hmm" Blitz stared at the curry for a minute and his glare alone would make it burst into flames.

He came over and lowered. I lowered to see what he would do and he exhaled a small flame around the container. He looked like he was trying not to melt the plastic but I wasn't sure. After a minute he got back up. "Enjoy" he said and went to pack up camp. I smiled and ran up behind him and hugged him. "AGH!" He pushed me off and turned around with flames in his mouth. "Whoa!! Chill!" I shouted. He stopped and looked at me with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I thought you were another mon" he sighed. "How? I'm the only one here with you." I said, he's very odd...

"Just eat your food before it gets cold again." He said harshly and turned to pack up the tent. I went back to the bowl-like container and ate quickly. By the time I finished Blitz had packed everything up, looking at the campsite I realized that there weren't any burnt logs in a ring. "Why didn't you light a fire last night?" I asked him. He looked at me with a blank and frustrated face. He pointed to himself and it finally clicked. "I'm stupid" I sighed and facepawed myself.

He said nothing and threw on his pack and tossed me mine. I caught it with my face. "OW!" I squeaked. Blitz turned to me and lifted my pack off the ground and held it to me. He apologized and helped me put on my pack. Once it was secure we moved forward and started our climb. Blitz was a LOT better than me at climbing. The mountain wasn't a vertical wall nor a ramp, it was a combo of the two. BUT IT WAS STILL DIFFICULT!!

I don't even know how I got down...I probably should have thanked Rin for that.

Blitz got to a rocky peak, and sat on it to catch his breath. I pulled myself up and landed on top of the ledge with a groan. Blitz noticed and helped me up. "W...we have another hour of climbing." He panted "HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS!?!" I exclaimed. He gave me a glare and walked to the rocks. "Do this" He put his paw on a large rock and I saw his claws dig into the rock. He lifted himself up and hooked his other paw to another rock. "That's how you climb better" He said and fell down on his back. I walked over and asked if he was okay. "I'm good, just let me rest for a second." He panted. I nodded and mimicked Blitz's climbing. "One Paw here...." I place my paw on a sturdy rock. "And this one here- AGH!" I placed my other paw on a rock but it couldn't support my weight and broke off. I fell. I landed on something soft. Thinking I just crushed Blitz and tried to get off him but I didn't squish him...in fact he caught me. He was standing on his hind legs and holding me with his front paws. "You okay?" He asked calmly. I nodded shyly and blushed a little bit from his touch.

A Flaming MonsterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ