Danger Close

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"Hey, I'm going out, I'll be gone for a few days. The den keys are in the kitchen spare drawer, make sure to lock the doors at night or Sheryl is going to have a grandchild. I will possibly see you all soon. If you need help with anything, talk to the mayor."

That's what the note read. I left it on the counter the next morning and left to join Sundew.

The orange morning glare of the sun pierced through the forest in the east. The morning Pidove sang while mons started to arise from their rest.

Sundew was sitting on the path in front of Blitz's home, she had a brown bag that strapped around her abdomen and shoulders. She smiled when she saw Blitz walk out his den.. "Good Morning!" Sundew exclaimed, her tail wagging. "Morning," He replied. She noticed he was drowsy. "Here, come have this" Sundew beckoned. Blitz eyed her suspiciously but hobbled over. She handed him a tamato berry. "That's a heck of a breakfast." Blitz said, eyeing the berry.
"It will boost your fire and wake you up."
"You don't seem afraid-"
"Why would I be? Fire comes in handy!" Sundew jeered.

Blitz stared at her blankly before smiling and bit into the soft flesh of the berry. The burning sensation a non-fire type would feel lessened into a slight tingle and Blitz ate it without an issue.

"Are you ready?" Blitz asked, wiping away some of the juices flowing down his chin. "Yep! But...what is this town going to do when you are gone? You're the head scout."

Blitz chuckled at her worry. "The mayor said he'd take over for me. Although it adds a lot to his plate. I know a few scouts will step up and help him." Blitz stated. He looked west. "Well...shall we?" Blitz pointed to the western wall and its gate down one of the main roads. Sundew smiled and nodded. "We shall!" She strode onward and down the road. Blitz hurriedly followed her and kept up the pace with her.

Soft dewy grass welched under their paws. The soft chirps of bird mons grew louder as they approached the forest. Sundew stopped and looked back at Blitz, she smiled warmly. "Follow me!" She hollered before she broke off into a full sprint. Blitz laughed quietly and ran after her. Leaves crunched under their weight and echoed their steps. The forest seemed to come alive with the howls, chirps, and growls of other mons in the area.

I laughed. I felt a rush just getting the cold air blow by my face. It felt good to be out of there. Great to finally leave RedCul. I liked the town but I felt cooped up, I know I pledged to protect Redcul but I finally felt free.

In front of Blitz was Sundew who stood on a low branch, she smiled a hearty smile and jumped down where Blitz had stopped, nearly slipping due to the dew in the blades of grass. "That felt great!" Blitz exclaimed and pulled a loose twig from his mane. This only brightened Sundew's smile. She walked over to him, her tail slowly swinging side to side. She chuckled as she pulled a leaf out his mane. Blitz laughed a little and awkwardly stared at his puffy mane. "I might need to cut it soon."

Sundew stared at it, head cocked to the side she reached her paw out to his mane but pulled it back, "May I?" she asked shyly. Blitz nodded and she placed her paw down on his mane and froze. "It's so soft! And warm!" She rubbed it and placed her head on it without asking. She purred and nuzzled her head on his fur. Blitz blushed a light scarlet and hoped Sundew wouldn't see when she was done.

A moment later she pulled back with an embarrassed smile. "Sorry, that must have been awkward-" "Not at all, sometimes the new hatched at RedCul ask." Blitz smiled and wiped his snout.

(A/N Trying to "wipe" away the blush, which I've done in real life, it's a weird habit .)

Sundew giggled cutely, "You're extra red." She pointed out. Blitz playfully frowned and shook his tail from side to side. "No I'm not."

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