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"Ah, you must be Blitz." An old Samurott walked in the pokemon center where the scouts were recovering. Blitz was sitting on a bench watching Flame get bandages on his arm. "Yes? Who are you?" Blitz asked, turning around. "That's the mayor, kid." Flame said, not turning to look at him. "Flame, how's your arm?" The Samurott asked. "It's fine, just need to eat some oran berries." He sighed and got up. "Did Petra come and get you? Come to meet our new recruit?" Flame smiled. "New recruit?" Blitz looked at Flame with a confused look. "That is up to him to decide, you can't just call him a recruit until he signs up to be a scout." The mayor sighed and explained. "Blitz, do you want to be a scout for Red Cul?" Flame asked. "I...Not right now, let me think about it." Blitz said, scratching his head.

"Right." flame said and went back to tending to his arm. "Come along Blitz, I would like to show you the town. It's the least we can do for you, saving Petra's life." The Mayor said and walked out the pokecenter. "Go follow him." Flame ordered. Blitz gave a hesitant nod and walked out seeing the mayor speaking with some fire types. "If you could show him how to responsibly use his fire around here, that would be great!" He smiled cheerfully at a Arcaninine, a Ninetales and Simsear. They smiled back and nodded and waved to Blitz. He shyly waved back. "Let me give him a tour first." The mayor turned to Blitz. "Come along now." He motioned, Blitz followed with little hesitance.

The mayor showed Blitz around the town. The houses were moderate in size, decay and time got the best of some of the buildings towards the outskirts of town. The foundations creaked at the slightest vibrations, the mayor explained that the buildings were scheduled to be torn down. Then they passed an old hollow beneath a tree, the wooden roots of the tree draped down the front, covering the wooden door. "Hmm..." Blitz stopped in his trek on the path and stared at the door. "Interested?" the mayor noticed Blitz. He nodded and ran forward and quickly burned the roots off the door. "Careful!" The mayor scolded. Blitz winced and pulled the charred roots off the door.

He threw the roots away and opened the door. It was pitch black. "There's a light switch in the right corner" The mayor said and stayed outside. "Thanks."  Blitz said, flicking on the lights. The light revealed an old table, couch and rug. Everything was covered with dust. He smiled and walked into the kitchen. Oak wood cabinets on the bottom, sink with a compartment beneath it. There was also a pantry built into the corner that would allow food storage. Blitz walked out the kitchen and into a dusty hallway and turned on the lights. There were only two doors. One leading to a bathroom and the other leading to a bedroom. The bed didn't have any sheets on it, but was full of dust. "Yes, this den was abandoned a while back." The mayor had come up quietly behind Blitz. "Is it scheduled to be demolished?" Blitz asked the mayor. He smiled down at the Flareon.

"It is, but if you like it. I can tell the crews to avoid this den, but it will be noisy for a week or so." The Mayor offered. Blitz nodded. "That would be amazing." Blitz said. The mayor nodded. "There are two more bedrooms, I'm sure you won't need the other. The one here is the master bedroom. You can go explore now, I've shown you the majority of town. I'll have some cleaners tidy up your place while you go out." The mayor said and then looked at the dusty surfaces. "What do you know about medicine?" The mayor asked, "Not much, but I can learn." "Great! We have a healer in our town, as I'm sure you saw her. She's been looking for an apprentice." The mayor said. "You want me to be her apprentice?" Blit asked. "It's entirely up to you." He said in a soothing tone. "Okay, I'll think about it." "Remember you don't have to do it, you have many opportunities in the town, Flame wants you to be a scout. The healer needs an apprentice. There are many more." He said to Blitz. "Okay..." Blitz nodded. The mayor smiled one last time before leaving the den and going about his day. Blitz turned and walked out after looking in a mirror and noticing how dirty he still was. Mud covered his paws and leg, leaves and sticks stuck out of his mane and one stick in his tail. Blitz sighed and walked out the bedroom and into the shower.

"So if electricity is still in the house..." Blitz turned the silver knob and water came from the shower head. "That works." He smiled and got in to wash himself.

His fur draped down his sides. "WHY AM I SO FLOOFY?!" He shook himself three times attempting to dry himself but his fur remained soaking wet.
"If I'm a fire type..then this shouldnt hurt..." He used ember on his fur. "OWWWW THAT HURT THAT HURT!!!" Blitz shook himself again and his fur remained soaking. "How do I dry..." Blitz sighed and made his way to the counter and pulled out a towel, surprisingly it wasn't dusty.

"Finally" Blitz sighed, throwing the towel in front of a washing machine. Blitz's fur had finally dried after multiple attempts of drying with the towel, although it was quite poofy when he was done. Blitz made his way to the front door and walked out. "Hello" A Arcanine passing bye greeted him. "Hi," Blitz responded, giving a shy wave. "You're Blitz?" Blitz nodded. "Heard what you did for Petra. That was pretty cool." She smiled. "It was no big deal...but can I ask you something?" The Arcanine gave a confused expression. "Sure" "Okay, so when we fought the Pangoro. It shouted Hungry over and over. Was it going to eat her?" Blitz asked. The Arcanine put a paw to her chin. "Pangoro are fighting types so yes, it was going to eat her. If you didn't know already. Any type that has an advantage over another can eat the type it has an advantage to. For example. You are a Flareon so you are weak to Rock, Ground, and Water. Those pokemon that have those types can eat you or any other fire-type." She quickly explained. "Thanks... I'll be weary of those types now." Blitz smile, they smiled back at him and waved. "Well I'm off scouting, don't burn the place down." They joked.

"I won't!" Blitz responded with a laugh. "Hey what's your name?" Blitz asked. "My name is Arcy." They smiled. "Yours?" Blitz smile slowly disappeared. "Blitz," he said.

"Well  Blitz, it was nice to meet you!" Arcy turned and waved. "Nice to meet you too, Arcy." Blitz called and felt a pain similar to a sharp sting in his heart. He stopped and went back inside his den. He turned and walked back into the bathroom. Looking at his reflection in the mirror he mumbled. "Don't burn the place down."

He looked down at his paws and then clenched them. "Fire evolution..." Jessie suddenly flashed through his mind. The horrified look she gave him. He looked up back at the mirror with blurry vision from tears.

That was the moment I met my Fire stones Conscience

"Strong against Grass-types" he inhaled and exerted a small flame. He sighed and put his paw on the mirror. "Flames hurt anything living."

He looked into his reflection eyes. "Why this stone? Why did you choose me?" He looked at his reflection when his reflections eyes changed to a aqua blue and a small curl of the yellow fur on the head. Blitz didn't react but stared at it. "I chose you because I saw great success in your future." She said ominously.

Blitz sighed. "You're the fire stone?" She nodded. "Did you foresee me as a killer?" Blitz almost laughed. "I'm going insane, this is just a hallucination. I'm dehydrated." Blitz spoke to himself. "I'm not a hallucination, and I did not see you as a killer. I saw you as a great fighter, respected by many, will have to find out for yourself." The Flareon explained and then phased out of the mirror and next to Blitz.

He yelped and hit his right paw on the counter as he jumped. He quickly whimpered but then gazed at the Flareon. She grabbed his paw with hers. "And if you need help. I'm always here for you." She then faded away and Blitz heard her voice once more. "I'm here for you."

Blitz looked at the mirror once more. He put up a false smile and put his paw on the mirror. "I never wanted this." He said weakly

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