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The drive on the way back to the hospital was dreadful. I could feel the tension in the car get thicker the closer we got. Callie's fingers drummed against the steering wheel impatiently as the other gripped the wheel tightly. 
I couldn't help but sigh at the sight in front of me. If something did happen to Mark, I wouldn't forgive myself if I wouldn't let Callie stay for him. I could see that Callie was getting frustrated with the traffic and so I reached for her hand and laced my hand with hers.
She turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes were glossy and her lips slightly quivered. 

"Callie, he's going to be fine. He's got the best doctors in Seattle looking out for him."
She sniffed and reverted her eyes back on the road.
"Right. He's going to be okay."

The moment the hospital was in sight, I had to calm Callie down to prevent her from jumping out of the car and heading over immediately to Mark. We got in the hospital safely and just didn't have the patience to wait for the elevator, resorting to taking the stairs instead.
It didn't take long for us to reach Mark's room. Teddy was on his bedside just looking at him. I gasped at Mark's appearance. He looked worse. 

His appearance was paler and he looked severely exhausted than what I had seen during my rotation with him. Callie was already by his side and had a look of defeat plastered on her face. I couldn't help but feel sympathetic for Callie and Teddy. Though Mark and I met first and had the privilege to work on several cases, we weren't just as close unlike the three of them have. Teddy is my bestfriend, without a doubt but now, I can definitely tell that Callie and Teddy are going to be closer, considering their close relationships with Mark. 
I stood on the foot of his bed and held onto the railings. Callie was now on a chair, holding his hand as he slept. 

"Hey Teds, can I talk to you outside?" I asked Teddy. I wanted to know what was going on and why Mark was like this. He was in perfect condition earlier, but with a few wounds and such, and for him to just slowly deteriorate was beyond questionable. Teddy nodded at me and ushered to lead the way. Once outside the room, I crossed my hands against my chest and licked my lips before speaking.
"Teddy, I want you to be honest with me, and by honest, don't hold back anything, just tell me what's up with Mark. I want to know if he's gonna be okay. I want to know whether we should stay for him or not. I want to know everything Teddy so you better start talking right about now."
"He injured some of his organs and by injured, he was actually bleeding inside. Bailey operated on him and managed to fix the bleeding right before you guys arrived. He was rushed immediately to the O.R. when I called Callie. It was a quick operation since it was an emergency. Webber scrubbed in too which made the operation even faster. Let's just hope he pulls through and eventually fully recovers. But rest assured Arizona, he's going to be fine. There is no reason for you and Callie to stay behind and not leave for Africa. In fact, the both of you should go home, get some rest, and take the day off tomorrow and finish packing. Karev and the Peds fellow can handle your cases." Teddy put her hands on both my arms as she spoke. I pulled her in for a hug, and just held her. I broke from the hug and now it was my turn to put both my hands on her arms. 

"You take care when we leave okay? Don't forget to call, email or  text me everyday Theodora. I love you so so much and I will miss you, truly." I meant every word I said to Teddy. She pulled me in for another hug and I had to stop myself from getting emotional. 
"You are going to the airport right? To see us off?" I asked as I pulled back.
"Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world. Now get in there and be with Callie. I have to go somewhere."

She left me standing outside the door and there I was about to enter the room again. Callie was in the same position when we arrived earlier. It was heart wrenching to see her so down and devastated. I can't imagine what would happen to me if Teddy or Callie were in Mark's state. It would crush me in ways unknown to humanity. I put my hands on Callie's shoulders and I felt her release one big breath I think she was holding. 

"He's going to be okay, right?" Callie said, not looking at me.
"Yes sweetie, he's going to be just fine. Now how about you rest on that couch there while I watch Mark." I suggested. 
"No. I'll watch him. I don't want him out of my sight." Her tone was distant and almost monotonous.
I nodded even though she can't see me, as I was behind her. Feeling the need to give her some space, I left the room and headed to the nearest coffee cart. I got Callie coffee too since she was adamant on watching Mark. I slipped back into the room quietly, enough to put the coffee cup on the table nearest to the door. I then went to a nearby on call room to get some sleep


I was woken up by the slamming of the on call room door. Checking the time, I rushed out of the room and silently entered  the private room Mark was in. Teddy was in there and so was Bailey and the Chief. Callie was listening intently on something the Chief was saying while I stood there a few feet away from them, my presence unknown. 

Teddy finally saw me, and ushered me to get closer. I awkwardly stepped closer and stood beside Teddy. She wrapped one arm around my shoulder as she listened to Bailey speak.
I wasn't listening as my thoughts were too wrapped up with my flight literally just a day away. 

"So as I was saying, he still needs to be monitored though I am positive he is gonna pull through. Has he had any changes since last night?" Bailey asked and turned to Callie.
"Yeah. He woke up a few times and well we chatted for a short while but I guess he was exhausted that he just dozed off." Callie shrugged as she brought her fingers to her mouth, worriedly. 

With that, Bailey, alongside with Teddy and the Chief exited the room. I stood by Mark's bedside and didn't dare to move nor speak. Callie wasn't speaking either but I could see her in my peripheral fishing something out of her bag. Next thing I know, she walked right past me, as if I was nonexistent and entered the bathroom. My heart sunk. I just wanted to comfort her, but it seemed like she was pushing me away, just like those times when she was going through things. She always did that. Even in the tiniest arguments we've had, there have been moments where she just shuts me out, and pushes me away. We both have that trait but with her, it's unusual.
She emerged from the bathroom, and finally looked at me. Her eyes were empty, and were clearly exhausted from watching Mark all night. I offered her a smile and she gave me a small smile in return. Deciding that the awkwardness in us was unbearable, I started walking towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" She called out to me in a small voice. 
"I'm going to the apartment to get you clothes since you clearly aren't gonna go home." I said, not turning around to look at her.
"Oh, okay. Are you gonna head back here right away?"
"No. I'll grab the stuff we got last night and I'll pack them. Then I'll go back here."
"Okay. Take care."

I nodded my head, as a form of an answer and made my way out. I then got the stuff we bought from the car and I walked towards the apartment, since it was just a walking distance. I soon reached the apartment, hands filled with bags. I dropped the bags on the floor and took a seat. I took the sight of the apartment and my chest tightened. 

I sure will miss this place.

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