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Gaining consciousness, I rubbed my eyes and tried to move. Realizing I didn't make it to my bedroom since I was clearly on my living room and from the back ache I was currently having, I stretched out and let out a yawn. 
Checking the time, I scratched my back while walking to the kitchen. My stomach growled which only meant I was starving, and fixed myself a healthy breakfast. Opening one of my cupboards, I frowned when I found out I didn't have any coffee left. Disappointed, I slammed the cupboard close and ate my breakfast without my coffee. 
After picking an outfit, I went to take a shower. Satisfied with how I looked, I then grabbed my keys and headed to work.

Since I didn't get my dose of caffeine, I stopped by the coffee cart and bought an up-sized cup of coffee. Reaching for a packet of sugar, I saw a streak of blonde hair by my peripheral vision. Turning my head, I locked eyes with the one and only, Arizona Robbins. We probably were staring at each other way too long since I heard the coffee lady clearing her throat. Blinking away, I shot Arizona one of my signature smiles and paid the lady what I owe her. I then walked away, smirking as I held the coffee cup up to my lips.

Another trauma strolled in and I was in a case with Teddy with her resident, Cristina Yang. Cristina and Teddy were arguing at some surgical plan while I just stared at them amused.
"Well if we go my way, there are less complications. It's too risky for that Yang. I won't allow it."
"But I've done this surgery with Dr. Burke. I know this. I can do this. This is a flawless surgical plan Dr. Altman."
"I will not risk a patient's life Yang. We are not operating using your surgical plan. We are doing this my way."
"One more word and you're off the case." Teddy furiously warned Cristina.
Cristina nodded and took the files off the table and exited the room.

"Can you believe her Callie? She's too stubborn and proud. Sure, she's brilliant and one of the most promising residents I have ever had but come on! The little stud's got a massive ego." Teddy huffed.
"How about you calm down and read more of the articles? That way, you can study up and nail this surgery." I suggested.
"Ugh fine. Hey, Don't you have surgeries today?" 
"Nope. I just have a few patients coming in for a follow up. Then I'm watching Shepherd's surgery."
"Lucky you. I'm gonna have to deal with Cristina for a whole 8 hour surgery, or more!"
Laughing, I left Teddy to meet with the patients.

When the last patient left, I headed to the gallery and sat down on one of the benches. Seeing that I'm the only one around for now, I took out my phone and decided to check up on my family back in Miami.
Soon, a few people came in including Mark and Arizona. Arizona sat on the chair that was on my right while Mark sat on my left side. Mark offered me chips and I gladly munched on them. Halfway through the surgery, I rested my hand on the arm rest, not realizing that Arizona's hand was there. I ended up placing my hand on top of hers. When I was about to pull my hand away, her other hand went on top of my hand and she held onto it. I stared at our hands for a whole minute and slowly looked up at her. 
She was looking down at the glass where Shepherd was operating. I could hear my heart race and the hairs at the back of my neck stand.

Okay what the fuck is going on???

I decided not to pull away and calmed myself down. I just let her hold my hand until the surgery ended. I didn't notice Mark slip out of the gallery and everyone else was leaving. We were left alone, our hands still connected. No one dared to pull away. Breaking the silence, I decided to speak up.
"So uhm, you comfortable?"
Shaking her head, she looked at me and smiled.
"Yep, I'm perfect."
I felt her grip my hand tighter.
"Wow, you're grip is strong." I chuckled.
"I know. I've been told."
"So you're not letting go of my hand?"
"Why not?"
"Because I kinda like holding it?"
Smiling, I put my other hand on top of hers and gently gave it a light squeeze.
"Good. Cause I'm kinda liking it too."

Our hand holding session was interrupted with her getting paged. Reluctantly removing her hands, she sighed.
Tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, she excused herself. Before she could actually leave, I called her again.
"Hey Arizona?"
She stopped, her back facing me. She turned her head to the side, semi facing me.
"By any chance you free tonight?"
"I'm free. Why?"
"Wanna finally hang out? We can go to the movies or go to Joe's or or go to dinner or or--" I rambled on but she cut me off.
"Are you asking me out?" She finally faced me completely.
"Uhm what if I am? Are you gonna turn me down?"
"No no. I'm glad you asked."
"Yes Calliope, I'm going out with you. I was gonna ask you first but you beat me to it." She laughed.
"Great! So I will see you tonight?"
"Yeah. And hey should I swing by your apartment? We really don't have a proper plan."
"Leave it to me. Text me your address once you're done. I'll pick you up."
"Okaaaay. Well I better get going. The tiny humans of Seattle Grace need me."

And with that, she left me smiling like a drunken idiot.


Ending the day with a bone replacement surgery, I skipped my way to the attending's lounge feeling ecstatic.
When I got inside, I then skipped towards my cubby. I heard Mark snicker.
"What's got you snickering Sloan?" I asked.
"You HAHA. Was that a skip Torres? What's got you all smiley and giggly?"
"I got a date tonight." I smiled proudly up at him.
"NO SHIT! Who's the fella?"
"Not a fella." I said, grabbing my clothes.
"Wait. A chick??"
"Yep, I have a date with a hot, hot chick."
"But I thought you weren't gay?"
"I just said that so you would stop asking me. You are annoying, didn't you know that?"
"Okay so you are gay?"
"Not completely, I'm bisexual. Well yeah, so kinda gay."
"Well I'm not keeping you for long then. Tell me about your date aight?"
"Sure. Hopefully you get yourself a lady too."
"I'm the fucking Golden Boy of Seattle Grace, Torres, I can get any lady I want."
"Except for me and Arizona."
"Waaiiiiit, you're going out with Robbins?"
"Yep. Why? Is that a bad thing?"
"So good ol' Blondie Robbins finally decided to pull her big panties up huh?"
"What do you mean? I asked her out."
"Ohhh now I'm disappointed."

Bidding them goodbye, I fished my phone out  from my bag and waited for Arizona to text me her address. 
When she finally did, I walked to my apartment, got changed, then I made a few calls. 
Heading down, I saw the limo already up front. I gave the driver the address and headed to Arizona's. 
When I arrived, I grabbed the flowers that I got along the way to her house. I got out of the limo and headed to her door. Straightening my blouse, I knocked on her door and patiently waited. I heard footsteps, and the next thing I know, the door flung open and I swear, the sight right in front me me almost knocked the air right out of me.
Arizona stood there, her mouth agape.
"Calliope, you look--stunning."
"Thanks. Now you, you look amazing. And oh by the way, I got you flowers."
I handed her the flowers and she gladly took it, pulling it up to her nose, taking a whiff.
"I didn't know what to get you so I got every flower I saw at the flower shop."
"Aweeee Calliope you didn't have too. These are beautiful. I love it."
"Glad you liked it. Let's go?"
" Wait! Let me quickly put it in a vase then we'll get going."
Disappearing from the doorway, I stood there and waited. She then reappeared, a purse in hand.
"Okay, let's go." She grabbed my hand and locked the door behind her.

"Oh my, you got a limo? When did you have time for this?"
"I have a few tricks up my sleeve Robbins. You are about to be swooned by one Callie Torres."

On the limo ride, we held hands on the way to our stop. We arrived at the restaurant and her jaw dropped.
"Callie, you got a reservation here? It's impossible did you know that? How--how did you get one?"
"Let's just say, they're a family friend."
I got out and held my hand out for her. She grabbed my hand and stepped out. 

"Reservation for Callie Torres."
"Right this way ma'am."

Pulling out a seat, I motioned for Arizona to sit. After she got settled,  I went over to my seat and fixed myself. Opening the menu, I offered her a few of my recommendations.
The waiter then arrived and took our orders. We then got a bottle of champagne and took a toast.
"Here's to an awesome night."
We clinked our glasses together and took a drank our champagne. 
Our food arrived and we ate. We stirred up an interesting conversation and got acquainted with one another. After dinner, we headed back to the limo and drove to the nearby park.

We strolled underneath the moonlit night with our hands intertwined. She laughed at my jokes and I laughed at hers. Seeing her yawn, I smiled.
"I take it, you're sleepy?"
"Kind of. But I don't wanna end this date."
"We can have a second one."
"Oh so there is a second one?"
"You don't want a second one?" I asked, tilting my head with suspicion. 
"Of course I want a second one Calliope. But the next date is on me."
"Glad to know that."
"But I don't think I can top this date."
"Pfft, Highly doubt that."
Laughing, we headed back to the limo and we drove back to her house. I walked her to her front door and we stood there for a while.
"So I guess this is me. Thanks for the wonderful night Calliope, I had fun." 
"You're welcome Arizona. Looking forward to our next one. "
"Just so you wait."
"Well good night."
"Good night Callie."
She took a step towards me, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. She let her lips linger a bit before pulling away. She then shyly swayed and got in her house.
Shocked at what happened. I stepped back and just stared at her door.
I walked back to the limo, the biggest smile painted on my lips.

Well what a great night indeed.

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