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"Callie who turned the lights on! It's blinding my eyes!" Arizona woke me up by shaking me like a mad woman.
"Arizona, I am trying to sleep." I pulled my pillow from under my head and covered my face. 
"Who turned on the lights?! DAMMIT!" She was frantic.

I sat up and frowned groggily, fighting off the urge to lay back down on the bed.
"Arizona what?"
"Turn off the fucking lights!"
"The lights are not on! It's the sun's fault that it's so bright."
She opened one eye and when she saw that I was up and sitting, she pulled me down and threw the covers above our heads. We were now under the covers and we just stared at each other. Her eyes seemed to twinkle and the white sheet over her head with the sun shining behind her made her look like an angel. I tucked  a strand of her hair behind her ear and rested my hand on her cheek. She put her forehead against mine and we stayed like that for awhile.

"I'm sorry I woke you up. I just get all grumpy whenever I get hangovers."
"It's okay. And good morning by the way."
"Morning. What's so good about a hangover Calliope?"
"Nothing. It's just so nice waking up to you."
She smiled and closed the gap between us. 
"It's nice waking up to you too baby."

Our phones started blaring from somewhere in the room.
We both picked up at the same time and I could hear her at the far side of the room, her other hand on her ear and the other gripping her phone.

"TORRES! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU AND ROBBINS?" Mark screamed from the other line.
"Mark can you please not scream! My hangover is already shitty and you're making it worse. What's up?"
"Mark seriously! There is no need to shout!"

He hung up the phone and I watched as Arizona put her phone down.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Teddy. She sounded intense."
"Like rushing you to go the hospital right at this minute?"
"Yeah. She barely gets that intense unless there's something urgent or super important. Who called you?"
"Mark. He's rushing me too. Oh shit! What if the trauma guy's coming?"

We pulled on whatever clothing we could find hanging around and didn't bother washing our faces or even brushing our teeth. She had time to put on her heels, while I on the other hand was in my fuzzy slippers.
She handed me some gum in the elevator and I immediately chewed on them. I handed her a comb to fix her hair. When we reached the lobby, we ran like zoomed all the way to the hospital. 
Mark texted me that they were waiting for us in the conference room so we best hurry. Both Arizona and I rushed to change into our scrubs and got into the conference room. All eyes were on us and the culprits who got us drunk last night looked like they were about to shit themselves from trying to hold back their laughter.

"You both could use some coffee and a bath." Teddy whispered.
"No thanks to you guys, we both look like zombie walking doctors." Arizona hissed at them.
"Who we waiting for?" I asked.
"The Chief. Guess he's running late." Bailey answered.
"If he's running late then why did you scream at us on the phone telling me where the fuck we are then?" I ranted while looking at Mark.

I was about to say a few more words but then the Chief entered the room and greeted us.
"Good morning everyone!"
We all mumbled a fair share of good morning's and what's up's.
"I'm cutting to the chase. This will be a quick meeting. The surgeons I told you about the other day, will be arriving tomorrow. Turns out they couldn't wait. So just a quick reminder to put your best feet forward and do not let this hospital down. Brief your residents and their interns. We must impress. That would be all. You can now go back to work. Thank you for coming in early." The Chief ended his announcement and left the room. The moment he was out we were all chattering in the room.
"Okay settle down people! You heard the Chief. Let's go back to work!" Bailey sternly said making all of us exit the room.


After the meeting with the Chief, we all went to the coffee cart to relieve our hangover asses.
"You might wanna upgrade that to an up-size Torres. Your ass is as grumpy as Robbins." Mark said while looking between me and Arizona.
"Her ass is better than mine though."
"CALLIOPE!" She smacked my arm making me wince lightly.
"She's right Zona. No offense Callie. But you do have a great ass." Teddy said while looking at Arizona's ass.
"Okay will you guys quit it? This is for Callie's eyes only. Not for you Theodora and certainly not for you men."
"See? Grumpy."
"Shut your ass Sloan. You're giving me a headache." Arizona said while gulping on her large coffee cup, throwing it in the bin beside her and ordering another one.
"Slow down sunshine. You might want to eat first."
"Fine. Can I get a pound cake? And 2 more up-sized coffee." My eyes widened at the mention of '2 more'
"She means 1 more." I said to the lady.
"Callie, I need caffeine in my system and I can't function if I don't fill myself up with that percentage."
"Okay. I'm backing up now." I said holding my arms up as a sign of surrender.

We all had our coffee and got into work.  
In the middle of surgery, I got a call from Mark, then from Derek and lastly from Arizona telling me that the surgeon's flight who was supposed to come in today got delayed and so he was gonna have to reschedule to come by next week. 

Back at my apartment, Arizona and I finally had some time to eat a good home cooked meal. We were talking about a case she had and how it felt like the Chief was pressuring her in her every move.
"He's been breathing down my neck the entire day. I'm getting claustrophobic Callie. He doesn't back off and has been tailing me ever since the mention of 25 million."
"25 MILLION?!"
"Wallace's parents are giving 25 million to the hospital, for research, to find him a cure."
"How's Wallace?"
"He's worse Callie. We never thought he'd make it. We never thought that we'd see the day that he would turn 10, but now 11. I'm scared that he might not make it this time." She said while wrapping her arms around me, seeking comfort.
"He will. He's got you as his doctor. They have nothing to worry about." I hugged back and pulled away, putting both my hands on her shoulders.
"You are awesome. You hear me? And I am so lucky to have you." I kissed her and went back to hugging her.

"Babe, I'm gonna go swing by my house tonight and grab more clothes? If that's okay with you?" She asked looking up at me.
"Of course. Want me to come with?"
"No it's fine. I kinda need to take care of a few things."

We finished our dinners and Arizona left to go to her house. As I was washing the dishes, my phone rang. I wiped my hands on my pants and went to grab my phone. Surprised to see who called, I picked up.

"Yes Attorney? You called?"
"Ah Mrs. O'malley."
I cringed at the surname he gave me.
"Isn't that supposed to be Ms. Torres now? I sent him the divorce papers long ago before I left for Seattle. Don't tell me he didn't sign them."
"Unfortunately, your husband didn't send them in."
"Ex- husband. Fucking bastard. Thank you for informing me Attorney."
"That would be all. Have a great night Mrs. O'malley."
Before I could reply and correct him, he hung up leaving me problematic as hell.
Arizona came back, a huge bag on her hand and I could tell by the way she was looking at me that whatever my face was putting out right now worried her. She dropped her bag and sat beside me.
"Calliope what's wrong?"
"I need to tell you something. Please don't get mad." 
"Okay... Go on."
As I was about to confess everything, her pager went off interrupting me from what I was about to say.
"Crap! It's Wallace. Let's have this conversation some time? I love you." She kissed me quickly and stormed out of my apartment.

I sighed and ranted to myself.
"I love you too, so much. But I don't think you're still gonna love me once I tell you that I'm still married since my fucking ex-husband who is actually still my husband is a moron who didn't send in the divorce papers I sent him. FUCK MY LIFE!"

I dropped down on the couch, put a pillow on my face and screamed until my voice went out.

What the fuck am I gonna do now? 


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