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I could feel her wiggle out of my grasp so I tightened my hold on her. She stopped wiggling and I felt her hands on my hair.
"Callie wake up."
I groaned and buried my face further into the pillow.
I turned over and opened both my eyes to see her on her elbow staring at me with a soft smile on her lips.
"What are you looking at?"
"You. And how beautiful you are right now."
"So I was ugly yesterday?" I said pretending to be offended.
"That's now what I meant! It's just you have this glow every morning. Like you've been sprinkled with fairy dust."
"Well you, you look like you had an amazing night." I said while bopping her nose.
"I sure did. It was truly amazing."
"Come on, get up."
I said while pulling her up.
"What do you want to eat? I'll cook you something." I was headed towards the door when she pulled me back to her and pushed me to sit on the bed.

We got into a morning love fest and just as we finished, our pagers went off.

"I guess we won't have time to eat actual breakfast huh Arizona?"
"I'm good. I don't need to eat anymore." Her mouth curled up into a smirk and I just shook my head.
"Let's just get coffee and donuts yeah?"
"I'm in the mood for a muffin though." She said while pulling on a clean shirt and throwing me one as well.
"Then let's get that. Hurry now sweet cheeks we don't wanna be late."
"Okay I'm done. Let's go."

We rushed to a shop near the hospital and I got her muffins and the both of us coffee.
After we got our treats, we went into the hospital and dropped by the attending's lounge since she badly wanted to share her muffins.
"Ohhh muffins. Thanks Zona." Teddy said shoving one into her mouth.
"I'm guessing you woke up on the right side of the bed Robbins?" Bailey said picking up one.
"I wouldn't say that." She smiled shyly.
"Well no shit! You two finally did it!" Mark exclaimed.
"Judging by the deep shade of red that's on Zona's cheeks, they definitely did."
"NICE ONE TORRES! UP TOP!" Mark raised his hand and I of course smacked his hand.
Arizona just hid her face behind her hands as Teddy shook her shoulders while Derek and Mark laughed.  

"Hey Callie?" Teddy spoke.
"Yes Teddy?"
"I got something to say."
Interested at what she was about to say, I leaned closer to Teddy. The next thing she said almost made me choke on my own spit.
"Can you bang Zona everyday? I'm digging the whole free breakfast thing."
"TEDDY ALTMAN!" I exclaimed.
"WHAT DID SHE SAY?" Arizona moved closer to us, the curiosity eating her up.
"She told me to bang you just so she could get free breakfast."
"I don't mind you banging me every second of every day." She said proudly, kissing me on the lips, while Teddy had her hands up her ears, covering them.
"Okay enough of that! Let's get to work people." Said Bailey.

We all exited the lounge and went to our respective floors. I sadly had to let go of my girlfriend and watched her skate away into the elevator. Our eyes met briefly the moment she got in as the doors were already closing. 
I sighed when she disappeared from my sight. I just want to be joined at her hip and watch her work all day. But unfortunately, we weren't on the same specialty, so I just have to endure the agony of not getting to see her every passing moment. 

The day passed by slowly, with only a couple of traumas, which was unusual. I only had to get a few follow ups and check ups and that was basically how my day went. 

Lunch came and we were all huddled in one table.

"So I got the test result today." Mark spoke.
"What test?" Derek asked and I could tell Bailey wanted to know too.
"The paternity test."

Derek, Arizona, Teddy and Bailey all dropped the things that were in their hands and looked at Mark.

"What are you talking about?" Teddy was about to laugh but stopped when she noticed that Mark was serious.
They all turned to look at me.
"Why are you so quiet?" Bailey asked, bother her eyebrows raised.
"Should I have any reason to say anything?"
"You're not shocked by this...?" Teddy asked.
"She was the one who administered the test, so it wasn't a surprise." Mark confessed.
"CALLIOPE!" Arizona turned to me shocked.
"Yes babe?" I eyed her innocently. 
"How could you not tell me about this?!" She was now furious.
"It slipped my mind."
"This kind of information does not just slip your mind." She narrowed her eyes at me.
"But it really did!"
"You get a pass at this Calliope, but the next time you fail to tell me anything, you're screwed." She threatened.
"Callie, you must not fail. Arizona is true to her words." Derek advised.
"Gee what have I got myself into." I scratched my head.
"So what did the test say?" Arizona asked.
"I'm a dad." 
Everyone laughed, including me. Mark just looked at us weirdly.
"What?" Mark asked.
"You? HAHA! A dad?" Derek said while laughing.
"I though I'd never see that day Sloan HAHA." Teddy too laughed while she said that.
"Well it had to happen at some point. Considering the amount of women he had slept with." Bailey added, bursting into a fit of laughter.
"Things finally caught up with you huh Sloan?" Arizona was now full on laughing and giggling at the same time and it took me all my strength not to kiss her.
"OH SHUT UP! I thought you guys would be happy for me." Mark said before munching on his daily apple.
"Oh we are. We're just trying to process this. This is something." Derek snickered.
"When do we get to see this little fella?" Bailey asked.
I laughed when Bailey said 'little fella'.
"Got something to say Torres?" Bailey added.
"Well, I wouldn't say little. She's way past that stage. She's a woman." 
"How old is this kid exactly Mark?" Now it was Derek's turn to ask.
"Well, She's 18 and her name is Sloan."
"The mom really had to name her after you huh HAHA." Arizona said while laughing.

We continued to tease Mark and soon we were all paged by the Chief, cutting our lunch short.
We all headed to the conference room and got settled. Seconds later, Chief Webber entered the room.

"What do you have for us Chief?" Bailey said.
"I gathered you all here today to let you know that a few days from now, a renowned trauma surgeon will be coming in and will be checking into Seattle Grace. If he does get to like it here, I will be offering him a position as an attending."
"Do we know who it is?" Mark asked.
"I will not be saying anything until further notice. I hope you all will treat them with respect, and welcome them as if they were already a part of this hospital. I expect you all to do this."
"Would that be all Chief?" Said Derek.
"Yes. You can now go back to your work." The Chief adjourned the meeting, him getting out first and left us all wondering who this trauma surgeon is.

"Hopefully this person is a guy. I could use more hot guys here in the hospital." Teddy said nonchalantly.
"Or a gal. I could use one too."
"You people are such horny teenagers." Bailey said with her face disgusted.

We all went back to work and eventually got tied in a few surgeries.

Night came and I was suddenly then paged to the E.R., surprised to see Arizona there.

"Did you page me?" I asked.
"Yeah. I need a consult."
She held out the films and I looked at it from over her shoulder.
"Tell me what do you see." She said.
"Scans look clear."
"Doesn't that look weird to you?" She said while pointing at the X-ray.
"No. Seems fine to me. Did you ask Radiology?"
"Of course I did Callie, but they said the same thing as you."
"What's wrong then?"
"I can't find out what's wrong with this kid. He's been in and out of the E.R. and his mother is frantic. I don't know what to do." She sighed and took a seat on the chair nearby.
"We'll figure this out together. I'm gonna help you."
She looked up at me with such a loving expression on her face.
"You will? You'd do that?"
"Of course I would. I want nothing more but to help you. Now tell me everything that went on, every test and every theory you got."
"Okay. But can we do it at home? The hospital is kind of stressing me out right now. Especially since I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with this kid."
"Alright. Let's go."

We went to her apartment and got Chinese. We took out every medical journal and other case files and studied each and every one of them.
Boxes of Chinese and a can of sodas later and we were barely hanging on a thread. We were exhausted and want nothing more but to jump in bed and get sleep.

"Callieeee." Arizona was now by my side, clinging unto me and cuddling.
"Yees?" I said, still reading and grabbing another medical journal that was in the scattered mess on my table.
"Can we go to sleep now? I am tired." She whined and proceeded to lay her head on my shoulder.
"But I though we were--"
"Let's continue this tomorrow please. I just wanna close my eyes and sleep." She groaned.
I lightly chuckled and wrapped an arm around her.
"Put your feet up and use me as a pillow. You sleep while I'll continue this."
"Callie please."
"I promise I will go to sleep when I feel like it. As for you, you get cozy and try to get some sleep okay?"
"Fine. But you better be asleep when I wake up."
"Close your eyes Arizona."
"Good night Callie."
"Night sweetie." 

She was instantly knocked out and I kissed the top of her head. 
I got back into reading and researching the heck out of this case. I soon felt the arm that I had around Arizona get numb, so I decided to carry her to bed. I covered her body with my blanket and turned off the light.
I went back to what I was doing and eventually made myself coffee. If I were to do this all night, I need to pull out an all nighter. 
I was doing things all at once. I was reading and at the same time drowning myself in coffee. The next I was reading while my other hand was writing what I was reading. My living room was in shambles, with paper scattered all on the floor as well as folders. The table was stacked with the medical journals we read and I was just there, sitting on the floor writing away.
I was so deep into wanting to find out what was wrong with this kid that I did not realize the sun come up. The sound of my bedroom door creaking open, made me snap my head towards that direction. I saw Arizona come out while rubbing her eyes. I slowly pretended to be asleep, to get out of trouble but I instantly failed.
"I know you're awake Calliope."
"Hmmmm?" I pretended to yawn and stretch.
"I told you to get some sleep and yet you didn't."
"I'm sorry. I just got so engrossed into this case. And luckily, I did discover a few things."
"Ohhh do tell."
"He needs another test."
"But Callie, his mom's insurance can't cover that."
"I'll cover it."
"You don't have to do that. We could make this pro bono."
"Okay let's try that."

My head was pounding and my eyes were heavy.
"You should've slept. You look like crap." She said while pushing away a few strand of my hair out of my face.
"I'll nap at the hospital when I'm free."
"Okay. For the mean time, how about we clean up this mess?"


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