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After my early surgery, I got a message from Callie that I go to the attending's lounge the minute my surgery is over. Doing what I was told, I made my way into the the lounge. My eyes went straight to the pink box resting above my cubby. I opened the box and just as I guessed, it contained donuts. Picking up one and taking a bite out of the donut, I moaned at the familiar taste of glaze that I've always loved. Pulling my phone from out of my pocket, I called the person who gave them to me. I heard her pick up and even just the sound of her breathing on the line made me smile.

"Well if it isn't my amazing girlfriend." Was the first thing that I heard the moment she answered.
"You bought me donuts?"
"I sure did. I hope I got the right ones."
"They're delicious. Thank you."
"Anytime lover. How was surgery?"
"It went just as planned. We're hoping for a full recovery."
"That's amazing news sunshine. Hey what do you want for lunch?"
"I just ate breakfast Calliope."
"Is it bad that I want to get you lunch too?"
"You're spoiling me."
"Because you deserve to be spoiled and the best way to a woman's heart--"
"Is to spoil her with donuts. I know that line Callie." I chuckled at my made up sentence.
"I was gonna say something else but that worked. Call me when you're free for lunch okay?"
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too."

I hung up first and went to rounds with Alex Karev trailing behind me with his interns.
"Who wants to present?"
Hands were raised and that was basically the routine in every room we went for rounds in. After rounds, the interns basically ran out for lunch while Alex and I headed to the NICU. 
When I was done checking my row of preemies, I turned to watch Alex being so careful in handling his. 
"You good Karev?"
"Yes Dr. Robbins."
"When you're done, you can head down for lunch."
"I think I'm staying here."
"Alright. Well I'm gonna head down."

On my way down, I called Callie. My first call went to voicemail and so were my following calls. I figured she got pulled into something and so I sat down with Teddy in the cafeteria. 
"Hey Zona. Been awhile since we last talked huh?"
"You have got to stop with the melodramatics Teds."
"How are things with Callie?"
"The best. She makes me so happy."
"Good for you guys. I'm so happy for you two." Teddy leaned over and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. 
Her pager went off in the middle of our conversation.
"I gotta go. They're paging me."
"Hey can you text me when you see Callie?"
"Sure. Gotta run."

I was left alone munching on the carrots I got. Minutes into my lunch, I got a text from Teddy saying that Callie is in surgery and will probably will be in there longer than expected. Thankful for the information I received, I called Callie just to know how things are doing. My first call got shot down again and so was my second call. So instead of calling again, I just texted her to meet me at my house later this evening. 
After lunch, I got pulled into the ER, to check up on a kid.

"Hey little girl. What's your name?"
"Em--Emily." The poor kid stuttered.
"Okay Emily. Tell me what hurts?"
"My stomach hurts."
"Can I touch your stomach?"

I proceeded in examining Emily and the moment I pushed on the part where her appendix was at, she complained of pain.
I turned to a resident, telling them to book an OR.


In the OR, I asked a few of the interns that I let in on how to perform an appendectomy. 
"Okay what do I do next?"
"Peritoneum clamped to moist sponges surrounding the incision."
I performed what was told of me and continued the process. Nearly done, I asked again.
"Okay now what?"
"Appendix is ligated proximal to the first crush with heavy absorbable suture, which is held in a clamp and removed close to the second clamp using stapler."
"Very well, thank you very much for your participation."

I finished the surgery and closed. I scrubbed out and instantly checked my phone for any messages. I then learned needed to charge my phone as it was about to die. I dropped by the OR board to see that her surgery was still on it so I decided to finish my day by doing paperwork.
My shift ended and I headed home. 
When I arrived, I plugged in my phone and headed into the shower. After I was done, I went downstairs to get something to eat. The contents of my fridge consisted only of water bottles and a few cans of soda and beer. I then decided to go grocery shopping. I quickly put on some shoes and grabbed my bag. 
I got into the grocery store and got a few items. Okay maybe a lot. I grabbed fruits, eggs, bacon, sausage, bread, coffee, chips, vegetables that I don't know that name of, some chicken, popcorn, cereal, ice cream and some other stuff I needed. I checked out and drove home.

Pulling up into my driveway, I opened my trunk and got out of the car to fetch the things that I bought. But before I could get to the back of my car, I saw a body laying on my front porch. I walked to my porch and gasped at the sight in front of me. Callie was drenched in sweat and laid there like a lifeless body. I dropped down and sat on the floor.
"Callie?" I shook her again. No response.
"CALLIE!" Still nothing. 
I checked to see if she was still breathing and thankfully she was. I then checked her carotid and I was relieved to find that she had a pulse. 
"Calliope, wake up sweetie. I'm here." I moved and kneeled down, lifting her legs and supported her ankles on my shoulders. 
I watched her face as I continued to do what I was doing. Her eyes slowly opened and the first thing she did was grab her head. I carefully put her legs down and moved closer to her face. I hovered over her and cradled her head, caressing her hair.
"Honey are you okay?"
Her eyes were now fully open and judging by the way her face scrunched up, she was confused. She slowly sat up and I guided her.
"ARIZONA!" She pulled me into a hug and kept on caressing the back of my head as if I was a child who got lost and was just found.
"Calliope are you okay?"
She pulled back and put her hands on both sides of my face. Her face was laced with worry and I just wanted to kiss those worry lines away.
"Where have you been? You weren't answering my calls and I couldn't find you anywhere."
"I'm sorry. My phone died and I went grocery shopping. I'm sorry for not answering." I said while wiping away the sweat that was on her forehead.
"Why are we on the the porch? And why am I on the floor?"
"I think you passed out."
"Right. I ran to get here."
"I didn't run all the way here. I got into a taxi and we were stuck in traffic and since I was so worried that you may be mad at me, I ran from then on."
"Baby didn't you get any of my texts?"
"I did but I didn't check them."
"You should've checked first before you ran all the way here.
"I know, I know and I'm sorry."

I helped her get up and I had my arm around her incase she falls.
I opened my door and helped her in. I helped her get on the couch and I went to get water in the fridge. I opened the bottle before handing it to her.

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