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After the call with Arizona, I bit on my fingers with a smile laced on my lips.
I stood up and headed to the cafeteria to meet with Mark.
When I got there, I saw him, staring very intently at the beaming intern who had a juice box in her hand. 
Sneaking up behind him, I touched his shoulder making him jump in surprise.

"Who's got a crush now?"
"Jesus Torres, you scared the crap out of me."
"So who is she?"
"Meredith's long lost sister."
"Wait what? Grey's got a sister?
"Like I said, that's her."
"So tell me why are we staring?"
"I wasn't staring. I was just...looking."
"Sure. suuuuure. Lookingggg." I said while drinking my soda. 
"So how was your date?"
"It was amazing Mark. It was like a very good dream I didn't wanna wake up from."
"That sounds... great?"
"It was great! Perfect I suppose."
"And how is your date now?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"How's Robbins? How's her foot?"
"She twisted her ankle and she's currently at home resting."
"Damn Torres, you are a good lover."
"What? We're not girlfriends."
"Sure whatever you say."

We chatted a bit more before getting paged. Quickly munching on the fries I had, we both left our food and headed down to the pit.


Several traumas came in, frying every attending available, we soon headed to the attending's lounge.

"You know, sometimes I hate this job." Teddy exclaimed.
"Are you serious? I love this job! It comes with hot chicks and doctors." Mark spoke.
"Tssk. Typical manwhore Sloan." Bailey butt in.
We all laughed and the laughter soon died down when our pagers started beeping like crazy, again.

"Oh come on!!! I just got comfortable! I need to catch a breath." Mark complained.
"Come on Sloan, it's time to save lives." Derek said with such promise.
We all went our separate ways and went to meet our patients.


Night came and I called Arizona the moment I left the hospital.
When she didn't answer, I figured she fell asleep. On my way to the apartment, my phone started ringing and Arizona's name popped in the screen.

"Heeeey, you never called." 
"Yeah about that, I fell asleep."
"So? Do I come over now?"
"Please! I've been cooped up in here all day!"
"Alright I'm heading over. Do you want me to bring anything?"
"Just bring yourself Calliope."
"I'm not coming over empty-handed Arizona."
"Up to you. But you really don't have to."
"Well I am and I'll see you in a bit?"
"I'll see you then."

Pressing end, I headed to the nearest donut store as I was craving for something sweet.
I then called for a cab and headed to Arizona's.

I paid the cab driver, letting him keep the change and walked up her front door. 
I knocked on the door and patiently waited for her to open it.

"Just a second! Stupid crutches." I heard her mumble behind the door.
The door opened revealing Arizona with a blanket wrapped around her shoulder.

"Oh Calliope, you came!"
"I did and I got donuts." I showed her the boxes of donuts I was carrying and her face lit up.
"OHHHH MY FAVORITE! You have no idea how much I've been craving for these. Oh, come in, come in."
I stepped inside and took in my surroundings. 

"You have a very beautiful home."
"Thanks, I make it as homey as possible."
Watching her struggle with her crutches, I stood beside her grabbing one of her crutches.
She faced me, her face written with confusion.
"Calliope what are you doing?"
"You're obviously struggling. Why don't you hold on to me instead?"
She nodded and I put my hand on her waist and guided her to her couch.
She sat down properly and I sat down beside her. 

"So how's your foot?"
"Better, I guess? I didn't really do anything on it."
"Good. That's good. So what do you do the entire day?"
"Sat down, ate a lot of junk, watched TV, read my magazines and slept." She said with a straight face.
"Well that sucks."
"Anything interesting happened in the hospital earlier?"
"A few. But holy shit we're all on a case on this guy. He has a tumor in his spine, but get this, he's got a heart defect and a nasty liver failure."
"Ohhhh. Now that sucks."

We talked about basically everything while we ate our donuts. We then watched the TV since we ran out of things to talk about. She had her head on my shoulder, and I put my head on top of hers. She then reached out and grabbed my hand, intertwining them. I looked down to look at her face and I could make out a smile even in the darkness of her living room.

We stayed like that for a couple more hours. No matter how hard I held back a yawn, I ended up yawning anyways. She looked up at me with an adorable expression on her face. She sat up and turned on one of her lamps.
"You sleepy?"
"A little bit."
"You gonna head home now?"
"In a while. I'm enjoying myself in your company."
"How about you stay for the night? It's late and I wouldn't want you heading home alone. There are creeps out there you know?"
"Are you sure? Wouldn't that be weird?"
"Calliope, of course I'm sure. I let a lot of my friends crash here when it gets late."
"Alright then, I guess I'm staying."
"Yaaay! Now how about,, you go to the kitchen and grab beers?"
"You wanna drink? How are you gonna head up the stairs, with your crutches, whilst have had a drink?"
"Well you're here, I suppose you won't let me fall?"
"Oh I won't. I'll most definitely catch you when you do."
Sensing that I may have said too much, I nervously played with my fingers, looking down.
I felt her grab my hand again and she placed her other hand on my chin, making me look at her.
"Calliope, what's the matter?"
"It's nothing. Where's your kitchen?"
"Right down the hall. The beers are in the fridge. But if you want wine, I got some too."
I stood up and went into her kitchen. I got the beers and came back in her living room.
We talked more while drinking our beers and finishing whatever was left of the donuts.
Yawning for probably the fifth time tonight, Arizona insisted that we head to bed. I helped her get up the stairs and asked her where her bedroom was. When we got to her room, I helped her pick out her clothes and turned around when she got changed. When she was done, I helped her get on the bed properly and tucked her in. I turned off the lamp beside her and walked to her door to head down.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asked sleepily, sitting up.
"I'm gonna head downstairs."
"Uhh, why?"
"I'm gonna clean up."
"Just leave it there. I'll clean it up tomorrow."
"Nonsense, I'm gonna clean it up so you can continue resting that foot tomorrow."
"Ugh you're so stubborn. Fine you can clean it up."
"Alright. Just yell if you need anything."

I headed down to clean up the mess we made. When I was done, I took off my shoes and got comfortable on the couch. All of a sudden, Arizona yelled, calling me up.

I jumped up and bolted up the stairs. I rushed inside her room and saw her still sitting up.
"What are you still doing up?"
"I waited for you to come back."
"I said, I waited for you to come back."
"Where? Here?"
She nodded in response.
"I was already getting settled on the couch."
"You wanna sleep on that hard ass couch?" She raised one eyebrow at me.
"Seemed pretty comfortable to me."
"Come on, you can sleep next to me." She said patting the bed beside her.
"You want me to sleep beside you?"
"Didn't you hear what I just said? Come on!"
I hesitantly walked to her bed and got on it. I patted the pillow and laid my head on it. I faced the other direction, not facing her and pulled the duvet up my chin.

"Well, good night Calliope."
"Good night Arizona."

She turned off the lamp and the room was filled with darkness. I continued blinking, not being able to sleep knowing the gorgeous blonde that I've grown a liking with was right beside me. I could feel her toss and turn beside me. Risking my next move, I whispered:
"Can't sleep?"
"I'm getting there."
"Okay, well good night again."

I could feel myself getting sleepy as the time ticked by. Soon enough, I was in a world of peaceful bliss. 

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