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My back was killing me as I sat up on the hard wood floor. I previewed last nights events and I couldn't help but smile. We learned more about each other and it was very fulfilling. I looked at the sleeping beauty beside me and a thought lingered in my head.

How did I get so lucky?

I finally stood up, my back still killing me. I carried Arizona to the couch, in thoughts that her back might not be as bad as mine. After I put her down, I walked to the kitchen and made coffee. When I opened my fridge I found out that I was out of milk and cream and so I decided to run quickly to the store. Still in my clothes from yesterday, I grabbed my keys, locked the door and went to the bakery to get cinnamon rolls. I figured we needed a change in the breakfast menu. After I got the rolls, I then went to a store nearby and bought a few more stuff, other than cream and milk. 
It was one of those days where it was typical Seattle weather. When I stepped out of the store, the rain poured and I had to run all the way back to my apartment, yet still very careful not to drop the items I had. 
I was drenched and my hair was dripping all the way down the floor. I struggled to open the door as my hands were full. Luckily, Arizona opened them for me.

"Where the hell have you been?" She said as she walked to my room and emerged holding out a towel. She wrapped the towel on my shoulders and pulled my hair back. She took the things I bought and brought them to the kitchen. I was still by the door, shivering and my teeth chattering due to the cold rain.
"I'm dripping babe, I might wet the carpet."
"Okay. I'm bringing you more towels and some clothes."
She came back with clothes and a few towels. I was drying my hair and I noticed her staring at me.
"Arizona, you're staring."
"I'm sorry. It's just, even in that drenched state, you're still stunning."
"Arizona stooop."
"I'm serious!"
"Okay quit it. Now turn around. I'm changing."
"I've seen all of that Calliope. No need to be shy now."
I could feel my face get warm as she said that.
"ARIZONA! Turn around."
"What's the point? I've seen you naked, you've seen me naked. Plus you're so sexy, why would you rob me of such view?"
"If you don't turn around, at least close your eyes."
"Seriously Callie?"

She closed her eyes and I stripped. When I pulled my shorts up, and went to grab my shirt, I caught her staring at me.
"WHAAAT!!! I really can't watch you change?"
"I'm not turning around or closing my eyes."
"Fine. I'm just gonna have to turn around then."
I turned around and pulled on my shirt.

"Damn Calliope, even your back is sexy."
"It's the Latina in me baby."
"Jeez come here."

I walked towards her and when she took my hand, she twirled me around and swayed us. And since I was a tad bit taller than her, I kissed her forehead as we continued to dance with no music playing. 

"We should probably eat."
"Right. What did you get?"
We went into the kitchen and I opened the box of cinnamon rolls.
"Calliope I swear I fucking love you." 
"I fucking love you too."

When we were finished eating, we got ready for work. Hand in hand, we walked to work, I had to take off my jacket to cover us from the rain and Arizona thought it was the sweetest thing ever.
When we entered the hospital, the atmosphere was hectic. People were scattered everywhere and it was very crowded. We managed to get into the swarm of people and when we got to the lounge, we caught Mark and Teddy lip locking.

They both pulled away and looked down.
"Theodora Altman, I did not know you had it in you." Arizona said as she walked to her cubby.
"Shut up Zona. Easy for you to say when you already have your hands full of Calliope."
"HEY! I AM LITERALLY RIGHT HERE!" I said while pointing to myself.
"Well Sloan, you better treat my girl right or else those balls are going to the stray dogs." Arizona threatened.
"Zona stop, we're just hooking up. Nothing serious." Teddy protested.
"Still! We never know. One of you might crack and confess such feelings."
"Enough of this girly girl feelings crap. I'm getting out of here. This is getting on my nerves." Mark went out and walked pass me.
"What's going on outside?" I asked.
"I have no idea. But they were saying that Harper Avery was coming in today. I don't know if it was a rumor or what." Teddy answered.
"THE Harper Avery?" Arizona said with her eyes wide in shock.
"Yeah." Teddy shrugged her shoulders like it wasn't such a big of a deal.
"Holy shit."

The rumors were true. Harper Avery really was in the building. Turns out, he needed surgery and he only trusted the Chief and his grandson, Jackson Avery. He even thought Meredith Grey was the Ellis Grey. 
We had the chance to see the established man that was Harper Avery from up the gallery. He was awake during his surgery and even directed the Chief. It was amusing how it went that way. Arizona had to leave the gallery though to get into her surgery. I gave her a good luck kiss and continued watching the Chief on his surgery.
The surgery went well and we all congratulated the Chief. Night came and we were all in the attending's lounge when we got an email from the Chief saying that not one, but two renowned trauma surgeons were finally coming in tomorrow. Mark and Teddy couldn't wait and as for the other attendings, they were cool with what the email withheld. 
We went out for drinks and for some dancing. This time, Arizona and I hit the brakes on drinking excessively. We wanted our brains to be intact for some action tonight. Derek was getting wasted that Mark literally had to take away his drink. Teddy told us that Derek told Mark that him and Meredith were having problems. Mark took Derek home while Teddy decided to crash with us, blowing our plans. We let Teddy crash in the other room in my apartment while Arizona and I went to my bedroom. 

"If you guys are gonna do what I think you're about to do, please do it quietly. I plan to sleep soundly tonight! THANKS!"
Arizona groaned and I couldn't help but laugh.
"She just ruined our sexy night and she had the audacity to fucking tell us that. I swear I'm going to kill that woman right now."
"I'll help you hide the body."
We laughed at ourselves. The laughter soon died down and we just looked at each other. Arizona reached down to grab my hand and intertwined them. She swung her leg over me and straddled me. Her hair cascaded on my face and I pushed them away. She leaned down and kissed me, and without hesitation I kissed her back. She reached down on the hem of my top and proceeded to remove my shirt. I stopped kissing her and she she looked down at me confused.
"What's wrong?" She panted.
"I don't care."

She pulled me in for another kiss and I surrendered to her. 
We were riding each other's high and I slumped down beside her panting as we finished.
We kissed for the last time and I spooned her, while she got a hold of my arm around her. We closed our eyes and just when we knew we were in for one of the best nights of our lives, Teddy just had to come up and wreck it.

"Shit guys! I wasn't kidding when I told you to keep it down. Now I'm horny as hell. Can I join in?"
Arizona shot her eyes opened and I swear her face turned red like a tomato.
"TEDDY ALTMAN SHUT YOUR ASS OR I WILL THROW YOU OUT!" Arizona screamed and I had to keep myself from laughing.
"Callie do me a favor and fuck Arizona again? She's being mean."
"Go to sleep Teddy. I'll talk to Mark tomorrow and I'm gonna have to tell him to bang you good." I laughed and Arizona did too.
"That's just mean!"
Teddy didn't speak again and so we decided to finally rest. 
"Well, that shut her up." Arizona snickered.
We lightly laughed and she tightened my arm around her.

"Good night Calliope."
"Good night baby."

I kissed her cheek and she turned around, burying her face in the crook of my neck as she let herself melt into my embrace. 

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