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I knew everyone was mad at me. I could see it in their eyes and on how they looked at me. I knew I was at fault. I was getting wasted while all of them were worried on Derek. I missed my girlfriend too. And my best friend. It felt like we were on a sinking ship and another wrong move, we all drown to our deaths. 
Days rolled by and turned into weeks, Derek still showed no signs of progress. Weeks turned into a month and it was all the same. It was decided, that by 5pm, if he still didn't wake up, they were going to pull the plug. That day was filled with tears and pleads that he wake up. 
5pm came and it was time. We all stood outside Derek's room, and watched as the Chief, Meredith, Mark and his family called in the terms. By the time they were finished, the Chief pulled the plug and we waited until the machines stopped.
We were all crying. This time, Arizona and I held unto each other and set aside our conflicts. Derek Shepherd was a hero in all sorts. He was a man with good principles and offered nothing but the best. We all hugged one another and tried our best not to fall apart, even though on the inside we were one tap from breaking. Arizona offered Mark to stay at my place just so he wouldn't have to deal with his grief alone. He was thankful for what she did but refused since he just wanted to be alone.
Derek's funeral came and it all finally sank in. He was gone and he was never coming back. However, he will remain in our hearts and minds, and will forever roam the halls of Seattle Grace. 


"Mark, I know that Derek's death was sudden and it hurt you like hell, but please don't do this to yourself." I was at Mark's apartment, checking up on him since he hasn't showed up for work ever since the funeral.
"Leave me alone Callie." He put the beer bottle up to his lips and took another drink.
"Derek wouldn't want you doing this Mark."
"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? You barely even know Derek!"
"I know him well enough for him not to like what you're doing to yourself."
"Fuck off Torres. I just want to be alone."
"Fine. Be that way. But just so you know, Derek is looking down at you right now and I swear he is not happy."

I left, the hopes of Mark coming to his senses now down the drain. Since I was the second closest to Mark after Derek, they all wanted me to slap some sense into him. Arizona has been up my butt, telling me to bring Mark back. I entered my apartment, a look of defeat on my face.

"So you didn't come through to him huh?" Arizona was on the couch, her legs crossed and had a magazine in hand.
"No. His place is a mess. He refuses to stop drinking or even take a shower. I swear, that man is not Mark Sloan."
"Damn it. We lost Derek and now we're losing Mark. What is happening?" I could tell that she was frustrated. She had a thing for fixing people up. She was pacing around the room trying to find a solution to get back things on track and her thinking face turned me on.
"Arizona, you're making me dizzy. Will you please sit down?"
She sat down next to me and rested her head on my chest. I was starting to think that we were now fine, since things were starting to get back to normal, or was is just me. 
"Babe?" I asked while I was playing with her hair.
"Are we okay now?"
"Yeah. We're good now."

She took my hand and kissed the back of it. I was happy that we were now fine, after all that's gone down this month, I was glad to have my girlfriend back. 
Later that day, things in the hospital went fine. Every where we looked, it reminded us of Derek. People were still bummed and were still off most of the time. Our lunch consisted of small talks and mostly just staring off into space. 
"Where's Sloan?" Bailey asked.
"Still locking himself up in his apartment." Arizona answered.
"He's still not talking Callie?" Teddy turned to me and said.
"He talks, but he's shutting me out. He screams at me and I'm starting to get scared of him."
"I'm pulling strings. I'm calling Addison." Bailey said, determined.
"Wait, Addison as in his ex?" Arizona choked on her drink. I patted her back as she coughed.
"Yes. They may be ex lovers but they are really good friends."
"Do what you have to do Bailey. I just want my best friend back."

We all welcomed Addison and I could tell that we were going to be good friends. She looked really sophisticated and classy and I got why Mark liked her. She was also soft-spoken yet talked very smart and just to add in, she was hot. 
"I heard Derek died, I'm sorry for your loss." We all thanked her and I noticed that Arizona never took her eyes off of Addison.

My girlfriend has a crush.

Addison was given privileges since a huge trauma came in. 
Our shift ended and we took Addison out for drinks before facing Mark. She said she needed booze in her system before slapping the fuck out of Mark. Teddy and Bailey went home, while Arizona and I took Addison to Mark's apartment.
"You ready?" I asked Addison.
"I'm pumped with liquor, but still sober enough to talk so I guess I'm good."
"We'll be outside incase you need us." Arizona reminded her.
When Addison was inside, we pressed our ears against the door, hoping to hear something. 

"You totally have a crush on Addison." I finally said.
"I do not!"
"Uh yes you do."
"Stop putting words in my mouth Calliope. Now shut up, I'm trying to listen."
I chuckled and still thought that she has a crush on Addison. All we heard mere muffled words and we really couldn't make out anything they were saying.
"You think we should barge in there and save Addison?" Arizona said.
"I thought we were getting Mark back?"
"Uh, we are, but what if he does something?"
"Mark would never do that."
"Fuck it. I'm going in."
She opened the door and I went behind her. We saw Mark, crying on Addison, while she calmed him down by talking. Addison saw us and signaled us that they were going to be fine and that we should go. 
We went into my apartment and when I closed the door behind me, Arizona pushed me up against the wall and kissed me roughly. I kissed back, with just the right amount of need. We stumbled across the living room as she pulled my shirt off of my body. I was a moaning mess when she attacked my neck.
"You have no idea how much I missed you Calliope." She managed to speak in between breaths, kissing down my neck.
"I missed you too."

We made it to the bedroom and her hands were all over me. I was writhing under her, wanting more.
"Arizona stop teasing me. Just fuck me already."

She granted my wishes and pleasured me amazingly. I could feel myself getting to the edge and I my eyes rolled to the back of my head. After she did me, I returned the favor. I loved to watch her as she came. It was easily one of the most beautiful sights. We spent the entire night making love nonstop, letting each other know how much we missed this. The intimacy and communication that sex brought.

"And as always, you blow my mind." She panted.
"I love you Arizona."
"I love you too my superstar."


Hours later, we were woken up by someone banging on our door. I let Arizona sleep in and I put on my robe to go see who it was. To my surprise, it was Mark, smiling from ear to ear and walked towards my couch.

"What is it that you want Sloan? It's fucking 2 am."
"Aren't you happy to see me like this?"
"I am. It's just, I had sex, the entire night and I'm exhausted. I plan to fuck her later too so I need all the energy."
"That makes two of us."
He nodded, a smirk forming on his lips.
"If sex was all it was gonna take for you to come back, I would've begged Teddy."
"Or you."
"You're a pig. Go home and let me go back to sleep. It's nice to have you back Mark."
"It feels damn good to be back."

I locked the door and went back to bed.
"Who was that?" Arizona asked as she wrapped her arms around me.
"Mark. The dude is back."
"That sounds wonderful. Now let's go back to sleep."


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