
Happy  Tuesday, gorgeous humans!
          	For the first time EVER , Invoke has reached #2 under the category "SCARY STORIES!"
          	I am so humbled. Sometimes, we writers need something wonderful like  this to happen so that we don't lose hope, but it also drives us to more to put ink to paper.
          	At least for me...
          	Thank you so much, everyone.


Happy  Tuesday, gorgeous humans!
          For the first time EVER , Invoke has reached #2 under the category "SCARY STORIES!"
          I am so humbled. Sometimes, we writers need something wonderful like  this to happen so that we don't lose hope, but it also drives us to more to put ink to paper.
          At least for me...
          Thank you so much, everyone.


Hello, beautiful, followers. 
          I know it has been some time since I have posted anything on Wattpad.
          I assure you I do check in on my page weekly, however.
          I was thrilled to see that Invoke hit #3 under the " Scary Stories" category.
          This is the best ranking I have ever had.
          Invoke is my baby, my debut novel.  I wrote it in 2013!
          A little fun fact about  the protagonists name, Scarlett.
          My son, Brady selected it, along with the non traditional spelling. 
          He said " two T's , Mom."
          I have not queried this book as I was quick to publish on Amazon. To my chagrin, I discovered that literary agents prefer non published pieces to take on. 
          Nonetheless, I still get excited when I see people reading and commenting on this story.
          Update on what I am up to these days... Writing on the weekends and at times, struggling with writers block.  My story is a stand alone Thriller/ Romance.
          I was supposed to have it completed moons ago, but sadly, the timeframe didn't work out. It will be complete before too much longer.
          Much love to all! 
          Stay well and safe.


Thank you, beauty!
            I am undecided about posting the new one; I am torn. 
            I would love to have my readers input , so that definitely pushes me toward posting on WP.  
            We shall see !


@MichelleHayesAuthor hey, it’s good to see you! I love that your son named Scarlett and was particular about the spelling. That’s so sweet and funny! Will you be posting your romantic thriller or saving it to query?


I have just finished reading Temperence and Roman's story. Brilliant writing, I was unable to put the books down. The series goes into my all time greats. Worthy of being published.


            Thank you so much! I am beyond thrilled to read this.
            Your reads and votes help get it noticed on this platform.
            It is my dream to have it published. For now, I will keep dreaming!


Heyy beautiful author I would like you to know that I'm currently reading your story Invoke. I really love your story every time I read it gives me goosebumps  I really feel the story, so anyway I love it.. keep it up.. thank you for the amazing stories you made....


            Thank you again for reaching out.
            I’d love your input about Invoke.
            If you’re interested, I have a series on Wattpad, How Deep the Roots Go & The Vines of Blood and Ash. 


I’m just now seeing this!
            Your words mean so much to me.
            Thank you for taking the time to read and vote 


Hello Michelle please tell me you are going to write another book on Roman and temperance . I just read invoke and then how deep the roots go series. My heart is just not ready to let them go. 


@GenevieveHarding alrighty☺️☺️☺️☺️


            Awe, I am so sorry for the delayed response! 
            I cannot thank you enough for your kind words , but also your lovely reads and votes!
            I have thought about a sequel to Invoke, however, I am currently working on a stand alone; debating whether to put it up on Wattpad.
            I'm in the middle of it, and to my chagrin, I've past my own deadline for being complete!
            Please hit the follow button and you'll get updates!


Please don't leave me hanging I'm waiting to read more of your amazing books


            Thank you for supporting...


Except the lyric