Jackwills Mga Kuwento

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8 Mga Kuwento

Picking the Poppies {on hold} ni Gugler
Picking the Poppies {on hold}ni Gugler
Poppy Montgomery is a 22-year-old. She is also a Harry Potter maniac. She loves it. So when she gets drenched by a Land Rover which happens to be Tom Felton's, her life...
Is This Possible? ni Makkaroon
Is This Possible?ni Kenzie Horan
{VERY SLOW UPDATES DUE TO SCHOOL} Makenzie and Alyssa never expected to meet One Direction; and not even on purpose... Makenzie comes across Niall in Jack Wills! Niall i...
Misconstrued Emotions ((ON HOLD)) ni rinkadink
Misconstrued Emotions ((ON HOLD))ni Lucy
Love. Lust. Lies. Secrets. Rule number one -- if you have to sneak out late at night, hide your relationship from the world, and listen to him tell people in interviews...
The Only Way Is Up (Niall Horan Love story) ni NiallersNandosxoxo
The Only Way Is Up (Niall Horan Lo...ni Jesse Horan
Jenni is just a regular girl vacationing with her friends in London, England when she literally bumps into the world wide popular band One Direction. Secretly, Jenni is...
All because of Jack Wills ni mshood_1996
All because of Jack Willsni Karissa Hood
Cast Zoella as Lilyanna One Direction as them selves
I don't think i can forgive you. Zayn Malik Fan Fiction(: ni Bribri1993
I don't think i can forgive you. Z...ni Brianna(:
Rosemarie Wills has alot of tracks to cover from her horrid past. Cheating, Lying, Stealing, and well, Her relationship with Zayn Malik. Her story began in 1993, but com...