Artichoke Cerita

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6 cerita

The Dangerous Trials of Silver Canyon oleh NonexistantArtichoke
The Dangerous Trials of Silver Can...oleh Arty
Arty Nonex and his best friend Ducky embark on a quest to save their hometown of Excaline. With the help of a strange, what they call a goat, kid, they must find a way t...
star gazing. oleh nehacutie
star gazing.oleh nehacutie
💡 we had been trying to count the number of stars that strung the sky, but we lost count and turned to the faint freckles that strung his cheeks.
The artichoke's fetish oleh GuyDunce
The artichoke's fetisholeh Penn Ayme
Once there was an artichoke. As you can tell, he had a fetish. Ironically enough, it was being choked. One day he tried it for the first time. He experienced a feeling l...
A is for Artichoke, not for Apple oleh urashima2014
A is for Artichoke, not for Appleoleh Yan Urashima
"Get three artichokes today," Ken said to April and then was killed in a car accident. Five months have passed, and still the curtains of April's room remain c...