The American And The Russian...

By TheFictionWitch

80K 1.9K 213

Y/n Y/l/n is The USSR's rising star, In the pipe line to eventually replace Borgov, trained from birth in the... More

Part 1 Play...
Part 2: Poshel ty!
Part 3 See You
Part 4 : Dance
Part 5: Princess
Part 6 Care
Part 7 In The Bag
Part 8 How?
Part 9 Have you
Part 10 Goodnight
Part 11 Ya Ne Znayu
Part 12 You don't wanna Here it, I don't wanna talk about it
Part 13 Nice Pillow
Part 14 No!
Part 16 Pills
Part 17 : Date Night
Part 18 News
Part 19 Dancing
Part 20 Home Sweet Home
Part 21 The Way I feel when I'm With you
Part 22 Bad
Part 23 Reading
Part 24 It's Okay To Be Scared
Part 25 Promise Me
Part 26 The Door
Part 27 We Knew
Part 28 Pawns
Part 29 : Interrogation
Part 30 The Yellow Phone
Part 31 Favourite Toy
Part 32 The Dead Rat Gift
Part 33 Sing For Me
Part 34 : Are You Sure?
Part 35 : Americans...
Part 36 Worth It
Part 37 All American A**
Part 38 Home feels like hell
Part 39 Hi Daddy
Part 40 ty dumayesh' ya glupyy
Part 41 are you real?
Part 42 I promise
Part 43 Welcome home princess
Part 44 Dancing with pixies
Part 45 Together.
Part 46 I'm never letting you go again
Part 47 Cuddle
Part 48 Fly Me Home
Part 49 Home
Part 50 Mrs Watts
Part 51 I want to
Part 52: My Princess
Part 53 Gently princess

Part 15 Gone Shopping

1.7K 47 1
By TheFictionWitch

I Gently woke up stretching my arms up noticing I was cold and the covers tucked around me tighter than usual, I moved sitting up fixing my hair where some of it had fallen from my bun into my eye. I noticed the bed was empty. I shrugged. Maybe he got up early today so I got up fixing my little nightie as I walked out across the apartment noticing it was cold, Quiet and Empty upon first glance "Benny?" I asked into the room but no response. I wondered out towards the kitchen "Benny?" I asked again slightly louder but still nothing I noticed a little note on the chess board on the dining table

'Gone Shopping,

Back soon Honey Bunny.

Benny x'

I smiled going for a shower and washing my hair wrapping myself up in the towels as I tidied up the apartment, I smiled going and putting one of the few dust covered records he had on letting the sweet music gently play listening to the sweet tunes as I cleaned, I dug in my bag for one of my dresses seeing one of my little bottles of Pills spill out and onto the floor seeing the rainbow of coloured pills I ignored it and stuffed them back into the bottle hiding them away again, I don't know why I felt the need to hide them in all honesty, I mean benny see's me take them everyday? I don't want to worry him is all. I dried off my hair and put it back up in my usual tight bun as I did I saw benny's flowery robe he often slips on of a morning or when he can't be brother to actually get dressed I slipped it down from the door and over my shoulders it swamping my much smaller body in the little towel but it was another to keep away the chill as I went to go make myself an apple juice and some eggs for breakfast. As I stood setting up the kitchen to cook the door opened revealing benny with groceries

"Ohh hey you, You're up then" he laughs

"You could have woke me"

"Well I didn't you where sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake you up" He says locking up the door and putting the shopping on the side "wha- what are you wearing?"

"Don't I look pretty?" I asked

"You look beautiful" he smiled wrapping his arms around me tightly nuzzling into my neck giving my skin there a kiss "You should be like this every morning"

"What? In a towel?"

"In a towel, in my clothes, your hair up in a cute bun, no make up on... I don't know. You just look... happy" He says kissing my cheek "Ohh I picked up some extra stuff because we are having a fancy night

"A Fancy night?"

"Like... a date but. Since you can't leave the house it'll just be the two of us a little at home date night"

"Sounds lovely benny" I smiled giving him a kiss "Now I should get dressed I still need to do my poses"

"Yes! I hoped you'd wait till I was home to do them..." He smiled "Can't you do them in the towel? Or better yet... without the towel"

"Don't push your luck benny" I laughed going to the bedroom. 

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