Pack Greenbean

By SylverMine

4.7K 107 33

A series of one-shots (maybe some multi-chapter ones as well, we'll see) about Class 1-A, now 2-A as a pack... More

Nesting Habits
Consensual Scenting...?
Consensual Scenting...? (pt. 2)
Hero Training
Sleepy Bean
Winter Cabin (pt. 2)
Blue-Green Cuddles
A Day in the Snow
The Best Teachers!!
Unexpected Saftey
Unexpected Saftey (pt.2)
Unexpected Saftey (pt. 3)
Unexpected Saftey (pt. 4)
Territorial (pt. 1)
KITTY (pt. 1)
Territorial (pt. 2)

Winter Cabin

288 5 5
By SylverMine

"I'd love to come!" Izuku said excitedly as he bounced on his toes.

"Awesome! I'll get you the details once classes are over!" Kirishima beamed.

The red-headed alpha had come up to Izuku towards the end of lunch to come ask him a question on Katsuki's behalf. The question being; would Izuku like to come to a cabin in the mountains with the rest of the Bakusquad?

Of course Izuku said yes, why wouldn't he?

Later that afternoon, once classes were all done, a knock at the door interrupted Izuku who was just about to get his homework out.

"Come on in" the omega called out as he continued to sort his homework out. There were only two more days left in the week before winter break starts so he wanted to try and get all of his over-break work done before it even starts.

"Hey Deku" Katsuki began as he walked into the greenette's room.

"Kacchan! Hi, what are you doing here? Oh, not that I mind you here, I love your company especially now that we've been getting along more! It's just that you rarely come to my room without me having to ask you and I usually just come up to your room. I'm rambling aren't I? I'm sorry, I'll stop now" Izuku hurried out all in one breath, smiling bashfully as his cheeks grew a bright red.

"Stop apologizing, I thought I already told you, it's fine. Anyway, Spiky Hair told me you want to come on the trip" Katsuki spoke, eyeing Izuku with a questioning gaze.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I thought it might be fun? Am I still allowed to go?" Izuku questioned unsurely after seeing the look in the alpha's eyes.

"Yeah, I just don't know why you want to, is all," Katsuki explained. It wasn't like they would be going anywhere special. Katsuki's family owned a little cabin in a nearby forest by the base of a small mountain range. Izuku had actually been there a couple times before in the past when the two were still children.

"Of course I want to! It'll be like old times! Remember that time we were almost snowed in and my mom panicked so hard she almost set the cabin on fire because she was worried we wouldn't be warm enough. It was so scary but so funny at the same time!" Izuku giggled as he reminisced.

"We were 3, how in the heck do you even still remember that?" Katsuki grumbled, somehow fondly regardless of the scowl drawn on his features.

"Well, it was a happy memory for me," the omega explained, smiling softly.

"It wasn't it" the alpha smiled back, his features softening slightly for a moment before going back to their original expression.

"We're packing up for the trip on Saturday so we can be ready to leave on Sunday. We're all meeting at my place, after that I'm gonna drive us up there. Be prepared to spend a couple hours in the car and pack lots of warm clothing" the blonde instructed firmly to which the greenette nodded enthusiastically.

"Do you think you're going to need to go to a store to get anything before we head on up?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku thought about it for a moment. He should probably get another pair of snow boots, his old ones are starting to wear a bit thin. He has enough jackets and few good pairs of pants. Maybe he should look into getting some blankets or pillows.

Seeming to know what the omega was thinking, Katsuki spoke up.

"We have blankets and what not so you can probably make a nest or whatever...if you wanted" Katsuki uncharacteristically mumbled, a slight tint of pink covering his cheeks.

"Aww, that's so considerate, Kacchan!" Izuku teased with a big smile. Katsuki's blush darkened ever further as he turned to leave the room, muttering a goodbye to the omega before gently closing the door to his room.


Friday evening was the official start of their three week winter vacation! The class of 2-A couldn't be happier to finally get a break from their studies - but never their training, heaven forbid they ever stop their physical training!

Izuku was one of the few that was able to get all their work done before the end of the day, Friday, along with Iida, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Bakugo.

But now is not the time to be thinking about school, now the Bakusquad plus Izuku were on their way to the mall in order to pick up any necessities they would need while on their week long "retreat".

"So what are you getting, Izu?" Mina asked as they arrived at their destination via the train.

"Oh, just some snow boots. Maybe some fluffy socks or something too but definitely a pair of boots" Izuku responded, asking the same question to her.

"Well, I need a new jacket and some lotion. My hands get really itchy when it's cold because of my quirk, plus it smells good" The pink girl explained to which Izuku agreed.

The group of six continued to talk till they got to the mall 15 minutes away from the station.

Walking into the store, they collectively decided to split up so their shopping would go faster. Mina and Sero were paired, Denki and Bakugo were paired, and Kirishima and Izuku were paired.

After agreeing to meet back at the entrance in an hour, they went their separate ways, Izuku dragging Kirishima over to his favorite apparel shop.

"So what did you need, Kiri?" Izuku asked, looking up into his eyes as they walked.

"I actually don't really need anything. I just came along because everyone else was going" Kirishima answered, hand resting shyly on the back of his neck.

"Are you sure?" the omega inquired, sneaking hand to rest in the alpha's palm.

"Y-yeah, besides, we're here for you right now. You said you needed some winter boots, right?" The alpha stuttered. Izuku couldn't help but find it adorable.

"Thank you," he said, rocking up onto his toes to kiss Kirishima's cheek. "Can you help me find a good pair?"


The two ended up getting Izuku a pair of red snow boots, a fluffy green jacket, some gloves, and a hat. Izuku knew he didn't need all of this, but he just couldn't say no to the puppy dog eyes the alpha gave him when the red head explained he was just trying to make sure Izuku was well taken care of.

Izuku couldn't help but lean in to peck the alpha on the lips before taking the items and placing them in his cart.

Eventually they were able to make it out of the store with half an hour to spare, so the two decided to walk around.

On their small journey they came across a food vendor and decided to stop for a small snack.

Ordering their food, Izuku quickly realized that he didn't quite have enough to cover the cost.

"That'll be $7.84 please" the vendor told them, but when Izuku got his wallet out he saw he only had $5 dollars left. Of course he had a card with some money in it, but that was only for emergencies and this certainly didn't qualify.

He thought for a moment, completely disregarding the alpha that was trying to insist that he can pay instead, but Izuku wasn't having any of that. It was his idea so he'll pay for it.

Suddenly he remembered what he had in his pocket.

"I'm sorry, I only have a 5, but I have a really tiny Pikachu in my pocket. If I give it to you, can we get our food for $5, instead?" Izuku asked.

Kirishima looked at him like he was crazy and was about to decline the offer and pay for the food himself when he saw the vendor actually thinking the offer over.

"How tiny?" The man behind the counter asked.

Izuku dug into his pocket before pulling out the smallest Pikachu figurine he had ever seen. It seemed barely over an inch tall.

Surprising the red head, the vendor accepted the deal, taking the $5 and placing the Pikachu behind the glass on the counter, looking as proud as he could be.

Soon enough they walked off their food, Kirishima laughing so hard tears formed in the corners of eyes. Who knew that people agreed to such deals?


Time flew by and before Izuku knew it, it was Sunday.

The day before he had arrived at his moms house with all the stuff he needed from his dorm to make his room his room again. After dinner that night he made sure he was packed with enough clothes to last a week, even a blanket and a pillow. Even though Katsuki had said there was stuff at the cabin he could use, he still wanted his blanket for familiarity.

At 8:45 the next morning, the omega gathered all of his stuff, had a quick breakfast, told his mother goodbye and was out the door,

Walking over to the home of his childhood friend, he was greeted with a disheveled yet awake Bakugo Katsuki. Even though he went to bed at 8:30 every night didn't necessarily mean that he was an early riser or was even less grumpy.

"Hi Kacchan!" Izuku cheered, smiling as he looked at the blonde. Katsuki was still in his sweats and a tank top, his hair messier than usual and toothbrush hanging in one of hands.

Grumbling a good morning back, the blonde alpha turned back around, sticking the toothbrush back in his mouth as he left the door open and walked back up the stairs to the bathroom.

Izuku let himself in, closing the door behind him and setting his bag down just out of the way of the door.

Climbing the stairs that Katsuki had just gone up, Izuku followed the hall to where the bathroom was located. Peeking in, the greenette saw Katsuki brushing through his hair, styling it in its normal look.

"Hey Kacchan" the omega greeted again, poking his head in through the doorway.

Katsuki grunted in response, causing the omega to giggle slightly at the still half asleep alpha.

"I haven't been up here in years. It's all the same, but somehow different" Izuku described as he looked down the rest of the hall and further in the bathroom, noting all the new items or items that he remembered but had since disappeared.

"Well what did you expect? Everything to be exactly the same?" Katsuki asked in response.

"Well..." the shorter of the two started, looking down the hall again so he wouldn't have to meet Katsuki knowing eyes.

"Why were you here so early, anyways. You could've waited a little longer" Katsuki pointed out simply, finally walking out of the bathroom with the greenette following behind.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just a little excited," Izuku admitted.

The two ended up sitting in the alpha's bed playing video games until the others arrived and soon enough, the Bakugo's doorbell rang, signaling someone's arrival.

Throwing his control back on the bed behind him, Katsuki stood up and stomped his way to the door leaving Izuku by himself in the alpha's bedroom.

Eventually everyone arrived and they were packing up the van to leave.

"Okay, who's sitting where?" Denki asked once all their bags were situated in the trunk of the car.

"Sit where every, I could care less," Katsuki answered, taking his place in the driver's seat.

"Izu and I are taking over the back seat!" Mina called as she dragged the omega into the very back seat of the van, leaving the remaining three to decide where they were sitting. Eventually they decided that Kirishima was going to be upfront with Bakugo and Sero and Denki would be in the middle.

With that, they started the drive up to the Bakugo's cabin at 10 in the morning. They should arrive at the cabin at around 3 in the afternoon, making for a four hour drive in the car.

"What should we do? Listen to music, play wacky car games? Anyone have an idea?" Mina asked the group from the back seat, looking hopefully up at the four boys' heads.

"No" Was the only response she got from Katsuki, which immediately made her frown.

"Oh come on, don't be such a party pooper!" The beta girl whined. "Back me up, guys!"

"Well, we could play 20 questions," Ser suggested.

"Or we could play Would you Rather, or even Never Had I Ever" Denki added.

"We could play I Spy," Izuku gave.

"We're playing the quiet game" Katsuki all but demanded.

"But Kacchan, that's not fair!" Izuku whines at the alpha.

"Yeah, Kat! That's so boring, lighten up a little" Of course, Katsuki growled silently at the suggestion.

"We're starting now, the first person to speak loses" The blond ordered. Mina huffed quietly as she flopped back against the seat and glared out the window.

Unfortunately the game only lasted for about 3 and a half minutes before the silence was broken.

"I never pegged you to be such a calm driver" Denki said.

"Wow, I thought for sure Izu was going to be the one to break first!" Kirishima announced with a chuckle.

"Ei, I know how to be quiet, I'm not that talkative!" Izuku whined, crossing his arms with a pout on his lips.

"I have yet to see any evidence of that," Katsuki teased, causing the pout on the omegas face to deepen into a frown.

"I'm surprised that I wasn't that one to break first. But Denki does have a good point. I thought you would have major road rage, Kat. Who knew you could be so calm!" Mina acknowledged.

"Would you rather I drive like a maniac? Unlike you apparently, I know how dangerous a vehicle can be and I enjoy living" Katsuki said sarcastically, sneering ever so slightly.

"Well, let's play something" Denki encouraged, wanting to do something other than just wait.

"Why don't we play 20 questions?" Sero asked. Eventually they all agreed to play Would you Rather, with a reluctant Bakugo Katsuki agreeing to play along.

"Alright, who's going first?" Mina asked.

"I can go first," Izuku volunteered. Thinking for a quick second, he spoke up again.

"Sero, would you rather lose your sight or your memories?"

"Woah, Zuku's starting with the deep ones!" Mina exclaimed.

They continued like this for a good hour, everyone going around in a circle so that everyone had a fair amount of questions asked. Most tended to be rather basic, but there were some interesting ones thrown in there at times.

Soon, their rounds of would you rather turned into Truth or Dare and once that died down they just listened to the radio and talked about whatever popped into their minds.

About 3 hours into the drive, Izuku ended up falling into a light sleep, resting his head on Mina's arm. When she saw though what had happened, she was able to gently maneuver the greenette so he was resting comfortably with his head in her lap with her hand coming through his curls.

He could help but fall into a peaceful sleep for the rest of the drive.


When Izuku came too again he was in Katsuki's arms as the blond was walking up to the door of the cabin.

"Kacchan? Are we here already?" The omega mumbled, still half asleep from his nap.

"We arrived a couple minutes ago. We got everything all situated into the cabin. I was gonna let you stay in the car, but everyone else kicked up a fit at that. Apparently they think you'll get pneumonia or some crap like that. It's barely even cold out here" the alpha grumbled as he opened the door to the wooden house.

"Well, thank you for coming to get me" Izuku said as he snuggled deeper into the alpha's hold, trying to steal as much of his warmth as he could. Unfortunately his comfort was short-lived as Katsuki dropped him on the bed he would be using not even a minute later.

"Start putting all your things away" was all the blond said before shutting the door to the omegas room behind him as he exited.

Soon enough, Izuku had put away all his folded clothes and hung up what needed to be hung in the closet. Next he went about fixing the blankets on his bed, adding his own and making sure that he would warm enough when night fell in a couple hours.

It was 5 in the afternoon when Izuku finally emerged from his room to see everyone else huddled around the fireplace.

After making dinner for that night, they discussed some activities they could do tomorrow. Both Denki and Izuku were hoping for snow during the night, that way they all might be able to go sledding and play in the snow. Guess they would just have to wait to see!


Waking up the next morning, everyone was happy to see that it had snowed a bit during the night.

After having a bit of breakfast and bundling up in their snow outfits, they went outside to see what they could do.

Sero and Kirishima ended up building a snowman while Mina made snow angels. Denki, Izuku, and Katsuki were engaged in a three snowball fight, which eventually led to the other three joint in.

Soon it was Izuku, Denki, and Kirishima against Sero, Mina, and Bakugo.

Unfortunately the fight ended in a draw as they had unknowingly spent almost all day outside in the snow. The two sides agreed to concede for the moment and spend that last hour or so of daylight sledding down on the hills close to the cabin.

As the first day in the cabin came to a close with hot chocolate and s'mores, everyone could agree that this vacation was going to be awesome.


The next day Katsuki was able somehow drag everyone out of their beds and into a hike on one of the nearby trails.

It was one that Izuku was actually familiar with. Everyone Izuku came to the cabin with the blonde when they were kids, Katsuki would drag him on the same trail.

Izuku was actually the first to be ready besides Katsuki, followed by Sero, Mina, Kirishima, and last but not least, Denki.

Soon enough they were all putting on their boots and trudging out of the cabin and through the foot and a half of frozen snow left from the previous day.

It was actually a nice walk. It had started to lightly snow half through but that didn't really bother anyway, it just added to the beauty of the forest around them.

Passing a frozen lake brought up the topic of maybe going ice skating during their stay - although no one had ice skates, so ice sliding maybe?

It turned out that the only people who knew how to ice skate were, of course, Mina and Katsuki. With that knowledge, Izuku was able to convince the pair to teach him, Denki, and Sero.

It wasn't until it had started snowing harder that the group decided to turn back. Unfortunately, halfway back to the cabin, the mild snow storm turned into something more like a blizzard.

They all ended up having to hold hands so that they could make sure they would be able to stick together and not blow away with the wind. It was also getting more and more difficult to see out and the temperature seemed to drop even more.

Soon enough the group was just able to make out the cabin in the distance. With an abundance of determination, the group of six made it safely back inside the cabin, or at least, they thought they were six.

Wasn't there one more person with them? Let's see, Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Mina,...IZUKU!

Where was Izuku? Why wasn't he with them! How did he get separated from them? How did nobody notice?

"Who was supposed to be holding his hand?" Katsuki growled at the four idiots in front of him.

Denki hesitantly raised his hands, his face twisted in guilt that he didn't notice Izuku's hand slip from his own.

Katsuki only growls louder.

"I'll have to deal with you later, because of your extreme stupidity, I have to go out now and fix your mistake" the blind alpha shaped, causing the beta in question to look back at the floor.

"I'll come with you to help find him. You three stay here in case he's able to find his way back" Kirishima spoke before Katsuki killed someone.

Within seconds, the two alphas were back outside.

"IZUKU? IZUKU CAN YOU HEAR US?" The two shouted, trying to be heard over the howling of the wind.

"I swear once we find him I'm gonna kill him" Katsuki growled menacingly, though Kirishima knew the blond was just worried out of his mind.

"We'll find him, do you think you maybe make some light with your quirk? It's getting darker"

"You idiot! You think I haven't thought of that? I'm not half-and-half, I can't become a human torch! If you want light from me, it's gonna be in an explosion" the blonde snapped.

So they kept looking and looking. Searching through the snow and behind every tree, but still no luck. At this point, both the alphas were beginning to panic.

"IZUKU! Where could he be?" Katsuki almost whined. He was beginning to get scared. He would never admit it out loud, but he was. He knew that couldn't give up, that he shouldn't stop searching, but there wasn't much more they could do.

The snow storm had eased up once, in fact it seemed to worsen and it was only getting darker, a sign that the sun was setting behind the dark clouds.

"We can't give up. He's somewhere out here. I just know it. We need to find him!" Kirishima urged, pushing his best friend to not give up. Nodding, the two continued their search.


The three beta's were still waiting for their omega or the alphas to come back.

They were starting to worry even more, Denki on the verge of tears.

Sero was able to start a fire in the fireplace, the three making sure it wouldn't die out so the cabin would be nice and warm for when the three returned. They refused to believe the two alphas wouldn't be able to find their wayward omega.

"What if something happened to them, like they got lost themselves or what an animal got to them?" Denki worried. Fiddling with the hem of sleeves in an anxious manner.

"I'm sure they're all just fine. They'll be back any moment now" Mina tried to encourage, doing her best to stay positive.

It seemed like hours before Mina went to the window to check and see if anyone was back yet, and low and behold, there were their friends rushing back as much as they could against the freezing winds.

Banging the door open, everyone was relieved to see the green haired omega in Katsuki's arms, but upon closer inspection, Izuku was unconscious. His lips tinted a frightening color of dark blue as his cheeks were red from the cold. His blue fingertips could barely be seen from where they were tucked beneath his jacket.

"You found him" Sero exclaimed, but there was no response as the two alphas rushed the omega to his room so they could analyze his situation better.

The betas watched on, knowing that Izuku was in good hands and that they'll be able to see him soon enough, and hopefully apologize for losing him in the storm.


Katsuki gently set Izuku down on top of the mattress before carefully yet quickly yanking the jacket off him as well as his shirt before moving to the boy's pants.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Kirishima demanded, thinking that Bakugo's intentions are less than innocent.

"I'm trying to warm him up and the first step to doing that is to get him out his cold and wet clothes and into something warmer. Can you look and see what he has" the blonde explained almost calmly as he worked to get Izuku out of snow covered clothes.

Kirishima rushed over to the dresser to look and see what he could get for the omega, but stopped when he heard Katsuki let out a distressed whine.


"He's going into a false heat" was the only explanation the blond gave him, making the redhead panic even more.

"You just tell me that and expect me to just ignore it, what do you mean he's going into a false heat?" Kirishima implored as he watched the blond cover Izuku in blankets.

"His body is trying to keep itself warm no matter what. Since his heat naturally raises his body temperature, that's what it's doing. But if it's not handled properly it can do more harm than good" Kirishima had no idea how the blond was able to seem so calm in this moment.

"Then what do we do?"

"For now, all we can do until he wakes up is stay with him" Katsuki answered as he laid down on top of the blankets covering the omega. He gestured for the red-headed alpha to lay down as well.

A bit confused but also determined to help, Kirishima laid down as well, making sure that the greenette seemed comfortable as he slept.

The two shifted closer to the still shivering boy, both hoping and praying that he would wake up soon. 

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