Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (...

By makasxru

554K 15.9K 15.7K

The Fairy Tail guild has been whisked away to a hotel. Plans awaited them, unexpected arrivals from other gui... More

Currently Under Changes.
Chapter one : Going on vacation?
Chapter two : Lets go!
Chapter three : On the plane
Chapter four : Arriving
Chapter five : Pool party
Chapter six : Rock climbing
Chapter seven : The obstacle course
Chapter eight : Treasure hunt
Chapter nine : Find the rings
Chapter ten : The nightmare
Chapter eleven : Visiting him
Chapter twelve : Paintball
Chapter thirteen : First date
Chapter fourteen : The other guilds
Chapter fifteen : Concert
Chapter sixteen : Fancy dress party
Chapter seventeen : Rescued
Chapter eighteen : Ice bucket challenge
Chapter nineteen : Off to the bookstore
Chapter twenty : Feeling ill
Chapter twenty one : The renaissance fair
Chapter twenty two : Renaissance Fair (part 2)
Chapter twenty three : The eventful date
Chapter twenty four : Juvia vs Natsu
Chapter twenty five : Breakfast
Chapter twenty six : Open gate of the rainbows?
Chapter twenty seven : Rise and shine
Chapter twenty eight : Ren and Sherry's wedding
Chapter twenty nine : Want to dance?
Chapter thirty : Want to dance? (part 2)
Chapter thirty one : Gaming
Chapter thirty two : It isn't a date!
Chapter thirty three : Training
Chapter thirty four : Looking for a needle in a haystack
Chapter thirty five : The flower blooming Capital
Chapter thirty six : Merry Christmas!
Chapter thirty seven : Merry Christmas! (part 2)
Chapter thirty eight : The fight
Chapter thirty nine : Pranks
Chapter forty : Mount Hakobe (Part 1)
Chapter forty one : Mount Hakobe (part 2)
Chapter forty three : Acting differently?
Chapter forty four : Let's not give children nightmares
Chapter forty five : Goodbye
Chapter forty six : Home
Thank You.
Time To Vote!
Results + 10 Facts About Me.
Prompt Ideas?

Chapter forty two : Revenge

7.6K 254 129
By makasxru

Levy almost gagged "Gajeel if your hotel room looks like this I don't even want to see your bedroom back at Magnolia." She tossed some dirty boxers in the wash basket, which was might Levy add filled to the top.

"It's not bad, Lily cleans it." Gajeel was lying down on his bed as Levy cleaned around him. "Do you really have to clean?"

Levy huffed "if I'm going to hang out in your room it will be with a nice smell and not the smell of your sweat. Also I can walk around freely and not with your gross clothes thrown everywhere."

"They aren't gross!" Gajeel yelled annoyingly.

She then smirked mischievously and grabbed one of Gajeels shirts for the washing basket and then handed it to him "smell the shirt."

"What?" Gajeel frowned.

Levy glared "smell the shirt."

Gajeel looked at Levy confused and then looked at the shirt. He then shrugged "it can't smell that bad." He then brought the shirt to his nose and took a sniff. Gajeel choked and threw it into the basket. It smelled like sweat, but also it smelled a bit like Levys perfume, he decided not to say that though. "You have a point shrimp."

Levy shot him a glare "if you call me shrimp I should call you... Giraffe!"

"Giraffe." Gajeel sat up looking amused "is that a compliment?"

Levy grinned and shrugged "I don't know Giraffe."

"Giraffe won't stick." Gajeel scratched his head.

Levy ignored his comment and said "whatever you say giraffe." She turned and spotted another shirt thrown over the desk chair and grabbed it. But then what she saw by her feet. It was horrifying, terrifying. Levy stared in fear.

She then gave in and ran over to Gajeel jumping behind him, she locked her arms around his waist and used him as a shield. "It's there."

Gajeel turned behind him "what's where?"

Levy then looked at the same spot and whimpered. She pointed at a corner at the wall "it's there, at the corner."

"What?" Gajeel looked at the corner of the room and saw nothing, he saw a black speck but he assumed it was dust "there's nothing there."

"It's a spider." Levy said her voice shaking.

"A wh-" He looked closer noticing the black speck was in fact a spider. He groaned and put his hand on his forehead "you're scared of a spider?" He let out a gihi.

"Who wouldn't be?"

Gajeel rolled his eyes "fine I'll go kill it." He went to stand up but Levy grabbed his shirt. "What is it now shrimp?"

"Don't kill it!" Levy said "that's cruel!"

He stood up and leaned against the wall "so one minute you're terrified of a tiny spider but now you don't want to kill it."

Levy sighed "spiders are scary but don't kill it."

"What do you want me to do with it then?" Gajeel asked.

Levy shrugged "just I don't know take it out of this room."

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the small spider in the corner. It was standing in the corner not moving at all. He wondered if it was dead for a second but then saw one of its legs twitch. He heard Levy walking up behind him and watching, jeez, she's scared of it but now comes over to it? He thought.

Gajeel crouched down and reached his arms out to grab it but it scurried away up the wall. "That son of a..."

The spider then changed its location to the top corner of the wall. Even he wasn't tall enough to reach up there. He looked around for something to get him up, the bed didn't move it was stuck to it's place, the chair had a broken leg after Natsu and Gajeel fought they broke it. And the dressing table was also stuck on to the floor nowhere near where the spider was.

An idea then popped into his mind and he turned to Levy. He smirked. Levy frowned "what? Why are you looking at me like that."

"Get on my shoulders and get the spider." He folded his arms.

Levy looked at him as if he had just said the most ludicrous thing on the planet "you can't be serious. The pranks day is over, I am not touching a spider." She put her foot down.

Gajeel reasoned with her "well there's two options shorty. One you go on my shoulders get a small harmless spider and it will be gone or two we can go back to what we were doing with the scary spider in the corner ready to jump on you." He knew that wasn't going to happen but he thought it was kind of funny.

Levy shivered and then said "fine, crouch down."

He smirked proudly and the crouched down. Levy then put her hands on his shoulders and then swung her legs on Gajeel holding her ankles tightly. Levy was thankful she was in leggings today. Even though Levy had never been up on anyone's shoulders she wasn't scared at all. She knew she would be safe with Gajeel she trusted him.

Gajeel then stood up and Levy sat up, she cringed as she looked face to face with the spider. Levy just said to herself "okay do it know it'll be gone, it's harmless." Levy nodded firmly and then reached out and put her hands over the spider blocking it from getting anywhere. She sqeaked "I can feeling it jumping around on my hands."

"Just get it in your hands and then you'll be fine, but then give it to me I want to put the spider in Salamanders room." Gajeel grinned.

A smile tugged on Levy's lips and then she went to close her hands all around the spider but it jumped out from the space between her fingers and landed on her legs.

Levy screamed "oh my god!" She started flailing her arms and shouting "get it off!"

"Stop moving I'll drop you shrimp!" Gajeel said trying not to laugh at her screams. He let one of Levy's ankles go and gently grabbed the spider that was on her legs and closed his hand making sure it didn't escape.

Levy sighed in relief "I did it."

Gajeel then said "you did nothing."

"Uh I got it down from the top corner!" She protested but then when she thought about it she realised it was mostly Gajeel. She shrugged and then Gajeel put her down.

They turned and saw Lily standing by the door a smile on his lips.

"Hey Lily!" Levy waved.

Gajeel asked "how long have you been here for?"

Lily shrugged "a while."

Levy sighed and picked up the washing basket "I need to go put these in the washing machine, I'll be 5 minutes."

"Okay." Gajeel nodded waving goodbye with a sly grin.

Levy muttered giraffe and then left their room. She sighed, there was no way giraffe was going to stick. She felt mortified as Lily had saw them, well she was freaking out screaming.

Levy pressed the elevator button and it dinged then opening the doors she pressed the bottom floor. She wondered when Lucy and Natsu were coming back. All they had been doing now is going out, Mirajane will be over the moon if they start dating. And honestly, so would she.

But somehow in Levy's gut she had a feeling that it wouldn't be long until their holiday would end. Somehow she didn't want it to end, but then she did. She did miss the guild, but hopefully things wouldn't go back to normal when they returned.

The doors opened and Levy walked into the laundry room.

It wouldn't though, so much had changed now, of course for the better. She was with Gajeel and couldn't be happier. Her heart sank for Erza, Jellal would have to leave soon. He had been in the same area for a long time it wasn't safe. But he said he would come to Fairy Tail regularly.

Levy dumped all of the dirty clothing into the washing machine and poured some powder in and turned the dial starting up the machine. It rumbled and then water began going onto the clothes and cleaning them.

She went back into the elevator going up. Gray and Juvia were fine, Juvia kept on blabbering about marriage and kids a lot and Gray backed away. It was adorable. Levy didn't know much about Meredy and Lyon however. But something was going on between them and she knew it.

Sighing again Levy shuffled out of the elevator which was now open and then walked back along the corridor and into Gajeel's room. He was back on the bed lying down staring up at the ceiling while talking to Lily.

Levy smiled and sat at the small space on the bed that was between his legs.

Gajeel looked over at Levy noticing her presence and smiled "hey."

Levy smiled "hey."

They smiled looking at each other for a while.

Levy loved looking into his red orbs and all around his face sometimes. Just in a trance, it was her and him together. Not doing anything, just, looking.

Levy said "want to watch something then?"

Gajeel shrugged "sure."

"Here." Lily passed Levy the remote and she took it smiling.

Gajeel put his hand up "hold up. I don't trust you, you'll put on some sappy movie."

Levy laughed "what, are you going to cry?"

"No!" He folded his arms.

She rolled her eyes and flicked the TV on trying to find something to watch. Levy sighed flicking through the guide, there was nothing good on...

"Wait go back." Gajeel said.

Levy went back and frowned looking at the channels "what?"

"Look Transformers is on." Gajeel took the remote from Levy's hands and put it on, the movie was just beginning so they hadn't missed any of it.

Levy frowned and then rolled over and stretched out to get the remote. Gajeel put his arm up so she couldn't reach "I think I should choose what we watch today." He smirked.

"Come on!" Levy sighed trying to get the remote, even though it was no use.

Lily just sat watched the couple quarrel.

Gajeel shrugged "isn't there such thing as relationship equality?"

Levy paused and realized he had a point. She huffed in defeat and then plopped back down folding her arms "fine."

"Hey it's a good movie." Gajeel said.

Levy shrugged "we'll see." She smirked.

Gajeel rolled his eyes and then sat the remote on the bedside table. Gajeel put his hands on Levy's hips gently and then pulled her towards him. She let out gasp and then her back rested on his chest, it was actually pretty comfy. He wrapped his hands around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head.

Lily smirked at Gajeel but he ignored. Lily then continued to climb up on the bed and sat next to the couple watching the movie.


Lucy ran into her hotel room with the news.

Erza and Juvia whipped their heads round when Lucy burst into the room and they raised their eyebrows. Erza asked "are you alright?"

Juvia asked "how was your date?"

Lucy grinned "well. We're... we're-"

"You're?" Erza said.

"We're dating now." Lucy blurted out.

Erza smiled and said "I had a feeling that would happen. Good for you Lucy."

Juvia smiled "Juvia is happy for you."

"Thanks." Lucy blushed.

Erza frowned "have you told Mirajane?"

Lucy sighed "yeah... When we got back to the hotel she ambushed me and Natsu, then we told her we were dating and screamed and then fainted."

Erza rolled her eyes "I wouldn't expect any less."

"Where's Levy? I was going to go tell her." Lucy looked into Levy's room and saw it left open and empty.

"She's with Gajeel." Erza replied.

Lucy nodded "okay, I'll see if she's not busy." Lucy spun around and then left their room and walked down the corridor entering the boys room.

She opened the door and poked her head through seeing the main room empty. Lucy spotted Gajeel's door and knocked.

Lucy waited but there was no answer. But when she listened closely she could hear sounds coming from his room.

She knocked again but still nothing.

Lucy then felt slightly worried. She pushed open the door and poked her head through and then spotted Levy. Lucy sighed when she looked at the scene.

She walked into the room and there was Levy sleeping with Gajeel's arms around her. Lily was there too, his head resting on Levy's waist.

"That's too cute!" Lucy whispered.

Someone grabbed Lucy's shoulder and she jumped forwards. Lucy gasped and looked behind her and saw Natsu frowning at her.

Lucy breathed out and whispered "you scared me!"

Natsu shrugged "why are you whispering?"

Lucy pointed at Gajeel and Levy.

Natsu walked further into the room and then his lips turned up into a smirk. "Metal head is going to get it now." He ran out of the room and came back in a flash with a black marker pen.

Natsu leaned over Gajeel and started doodling on his face.

Lucy said "hey leave him be!"

"No way! I'm getting revenge!" Natsu said.



Natsu sighed and checked his phone. He widened his eyes and saw he had a ton of new messages and notifications.

Happy asked "what's wrong?"

Natsu shrugged and then checked his messages to see one from Gray saying 'go check gajeels twitter.'

He went onto twitter and then onto Gajeels twitter to see a tweet from him. Natsu gaped and then growled "I'll get that metal head!"

It was a picture of Natsu sleeping with writing on his face. On his forehead in black marker that said 'GAJEEL RULES' then on his cheeks it said 'IRON' on each side. And then all around his face was flowers.

Natsu jumped up and spewed fire out of his mouth "I'LL GET THAT DAMN METAL HEAD!"


Natsu clenched his fist remembering when he woke up that day vowing revenge. Now this just added onto the revenge.

He grinned and tweeted one of the pictures. "I've got him this time!"

Lucy sweat dropped.


Gajeel had woken up from his phone beeping like mad.

He checked his phone and then he saw the picture Natsu tweeted. On his forehead it said 'NATSU RULES' then on his cheeks it said 'FIRE' and then there were love hearts all around his face.

Gajeel clicked his phone off and looked at his face in the reflection.



I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

I am so sorry for not updating in 3 weeks. Everything is piling on and I've just been so busy I didn't have any time to write anything. There's been homework, tests just a lot.

Also I'm changing my upload day to every Saturday/Sunday. So I'll have more time to make sure I have something written.

Excuse any spelling mistakes but I'm going out so I don't have much time to check. But I wanted to make sure I had something updated for you all who have been so patient, thank you for waiting.

Well I'll have the next chapter up next week!

Twitter - rebeccaaa_4

Tumblr - drxg0ns

- demon-halphas

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