Back And Here To Stay (Lumity...

By Wibbit2020

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Credits to hermes52 on divineART, I used their photo to draw the body of the cover of this book. I'm saying t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chpater 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

2.3K 85 261
By Wibbit2020

School was over and I was heading out the front doors.

The brick path was flooded by students leaving to go home.

"Oi Luz!" I looked up to see Mia and Amelia standing at the end of the path waving at me.

I smiled walking over to them. They both wore the same white T and camo pants I did. Guess everybody had the same feeling of not being to separate as I did.

"Hey guy's what's up? What are you doing here?"

I wouldn't even begin to know why they were at my school. My best guess, they were here for an education.

"We were just thinking now that were out of the war we could go and grab a drink or something."

Wow I was way off.

"Since when do you drink Mia?" I laughed remembering all the times the general's let us take a few shots to celebrate our wins and Mia would always decline. Even if there was practically no Vodka in it.

"Since an Aperol Float existed!"

Amelia bursted out laughing from Mia's remarks on what her idea of a 'good' alcoholic beverage was.

"Sure I'll go. But as designated driver." I flicked the two on the forehead, crossing my arms.

"LUZZZZZZZZ!" I turned around once again to see Willow, Gus, Amity, and Boshca walking towards us.

"Hey guys. Where's Skara?"

The four stopped infront of me, Boshca's hand intertwined with Willows, a small smirk finding it's way on my face.

"Oh she's working on homework. Who are they?" Gus pointed behind me to Amelia and Mia.

"Oh these are my buddy's from war. Amelia, Mia, meet Amity, Gus, Willow, and Boshca. Amity, Gus, Willow, Boshca, meet Mia and Amelia." I said while running out of breath.

"Nice to meet you both." Amity folded her hands infront of her, addressing the two.

"Just as we would always tell Luz, no need to be so formal!" Amelia folded her arms rolling her eyes while smiling.

She always hated formal.

"Well what are doing today Luz?" Willow said.

"Oh Mia, Amelia, and I were going to go get a drink!" I smiled putting my hand behind my neck.

"Oh! You guys should join us!" Mia chirped out.

"YES PLEASE! I mean- yeah I'm down." Boshca coughed into her fist, averting her eyes to the sky.

"I don't know. It's probably not that safe if we all get drunk. A giant group of drunk young adult's wandering the streets isn't really the best idea." Amity folded her arm's tilting her head.

"And that is why I am designated driver." I put a finger gun under my chin smirking at the small group.

Amity thought for a second looking over to her other friend's who were nodding vigorously.

"Fine. When and what bar." Amity put her hand on her face sighing.

I grabbed out a pen and pulled Amity's hand towards me as a heavy blush spread across her face.

Writing down a time and adress of the first bar I couldn't think of I put the cap back on the pen.

"There. That place at 5:00. Gives us plenty of time to have fun." I smiled at the bunch putting the pen back into my backpack as Amity stared at her wrist.

"Alright. Everybody go home and get ready, then meet up at the bar. It's in the human realm so please try not to get lost, and if you do call me." I made sure to make direct eye contact so they know I'm serious.

"Why the human realm?" Gus tilted his head looking up at me.

"Because it's a bit difficult to drive six drunk people home on a staff. Now go get ready!" I said walking backwards before turning around and started running towards the direction of the portal gate's.


Time skip

I pulled into the bar parking lot. I was driving my mom's dark blue van. I made sure to drive a van because there were seven people including me, so I needed the room.

Plus, I don't have my own car yet...

I walked into the bar, a fresh smell of beer and booze washing over me.

Songs about Friday, drinking, and crazy nights were playing on the overhead speakers, being drowned out by the sound drunk men and women playing game's of pool.

Well this seems familiar.

I looked to the corner of the room and at a small booth, there sat Amity, Amelia, Boshca, Willow, and Gus.

I walked over to the five and sat down.

"Hey hey hey! Where's Amelia?" I put my arm on the table leaning back into the chair.

"She's over there playing a game of card's with some drunk guy's." Mia said taking a shot.

I looked over to the other side of the room and there she was... Holding a drunk guy by the collar yelling at him about something involving duck's, cards, and led.

"How many shots has she had?" I pointed to the girl threatening a very scared man.

"Considering how you only arrived five minutes before us, let's just say way more then you'd think." Amity said chucking.

Amelia's face scrunched up as tears came to her eyes as she dropped the man. But when he put a hand on her shoulder to give comfort him she lashed out screaming even louder then before, no tears in sight.

"Yikes! Guess she mood swings when she's drunk!" I said looking back to the group with wide eyes.

"No kidding. I've known her for less then a day and she already has made her way onto my potential best friend list." Boshca laughed rasing a small shot of Gin in the air before taking it down.

"Heeeeyyyyy Amityyyyyy! How about a drinking competition!" Willow smirked reasing her head on her hands.

By the look's of it she wasn't drunk. Just very... very... tipsy.

"No." Amity turned to the blue haired witch giving her a weird glance.

"Well then. Guess I beat you at somthing. Who's half a witch now!" Willow stood up throwing her hands in the air.

Very tipsy.

Amity looked up at Willow with the single most terrifying glare I have ever seen in my life.

"You are so on!" Amity stood up following Willow out of the booth.

"Amity are you sure this is a good idea?" I stood up following her out.

"Yes of course I'm sure. Kind of?" She walked of the the tables as the bartender set up two long lines of shots.

"Curse her and her competitiveness!" I slapped my hand to the side of my head groaning.

"She may be competitive, but I really wanna see this!" Boshca ran past me standing on the other side of the table from where Willow and Amity were, a small crowd already forming.

"Oh God. Since when did Willow become the impulse type." Gus stood beside me watching as the two girl's readied themselves.

"Wow you sure do got yourself a catch!" Mia doubled over laughing, one hundred shades of red covering my face.

I huffed and walked away from the short girl, heading to the table where Amity stood.

"Ready? Start!" The bartender yelled into a microphone as Amity and Willow took down shots that were in their line.

Amity was winning. Unsurprisingly with how competitive she was.

I could only imagine how much it burned to drink those.

It was strait rum.

I don't care what people say but strait rum is hard to wash down.

Is it bad that it's kinda attractive how she was taking down shots? NO! BAD LUZ!

Amity finished her line of shots about five second's before Willow did. She flipped her last glass cup over, everybody in the bar letting out a loud yell that sounded like a cheer. The shot glass made a clinking noise as it hit the table.

Amity through her arm's in the air for victory.

"Yeahhhhh, no." I walked over to Amity, wrapped my arm around her legs and throwing her over my shoulder.

"Luz- what the hell!" Amity hit my back before groaning and going limp.

"Fine you win!" She sighed as I threw her back into the booth Gus and Mia following close behind laughing their heads off.

I looked over to willow who was smiling and laughing while falling over on Boshca completely limp.

If she wasn't drunk then she was now.

"Oh my god Amity! You really just did that! I thought you said you were too 'mature' for those things!" Gus was laughing so hard I swear he would pass out.

"Neee- vuerr! Nev-ar againnnn!" Amity put her hand on the side of her head as if to hold it in place.
She leaned over falling on my shoulder.


PFFT! I'm calm! I'm as cool as a cucumber!
No Luz! That's dumb!

"Hey guy'ssssss! What's wrong with minty?" Amelia came back to our table after making the grown man she was yelling at cry.

"Drinking competition." I sighed rubbing my hand on my head in circles.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see gus started taking a few shots, alkng with Mia.

"The room's spinniiinnngggg." Amelia toppled over onto the floor, stiff as a board.

Why did I say yes to this?

"I take back every decision I have ever made." I looked up from the table to see Gus's face flushed red from alcohol.

Huh. So he's a lightweight.

My thoughts were cut short as a shot glass filled with Gin was held infront of my face.

"Luz! You should take a shot." Amity purred in my ear trying to hand me a shot.

"Amity, no. I'm your driver. Sober you would kill me if I did." I chucled to myself while Amity just looked disappointed.

"Comon Lulu! It's just one drink!" Amity put her hand on my thigh and my soul left my body right then right there.

God she's flirty when she's drunk.

I slid her hand off my leg and grabbed the shot, putting it on the table.

"No. I think it's probably time we leave anyways. You're all toasted." I stood up dragging Amity along with me, carrying her bridal stile.

"Mia can you help me? You're the only somewhat sober person here other then me and..." I looked over to see Gus laughing hysterically over nothing. before continuing. "What used to be Gus."

Mia laughed trying her best to pick Amelia off the floor.

"Yeah I'll help. Boshca may be sober enough to help! Not too sure though." I looked over to Boshca who was singing with a randome song that was on the radio with Willow and... A drunk man with a racoon hat. I really hope it's fake.

I groaned in annoyance walking out the front doors, making sure not to hit  Amity's head on the frame.

"Ahhahahahhaaaayyyyyy cutieeee! Come here often?" Amity cupped my cheek laughing and throwing her head backwards.

It's weird and yet funny to watch my childhood best friend go crazy while drunk.

"Alright I got Willow and Boscha." Mia came along with the two drunk girls leaning on her.

I opened the door of the van as she threw the two lazily in the seats.

I put Amity in the back seat and as I pulled away she held both her arm's out infront of her, keeping them there.

"Nooooooooo! Come back! I want more cuddles!" Amity whined throwing her arm's onto the seats of the vehicle.

I can not stress this enough when I say I was half tempted to actually go back and give her a hug. But I still had to drive them all home and get the last two into the car.

I quickly ran back inside grabbing Amelia, as Mia grabbed Gus.

Boscha was in the passenger seat next to me and behind her Gus was in that seat with Willow beside him and Mia, Amelia, and Amity in the far back.

Luckly I could drive them all home because ever since the human world and witch world merged vehicles from the human world were allowed to cross.

As long as they weren't truck's.

Some witches still didn't like cars. They say it's unnatural.

They're one to talk.
What the hell is natural about a flying sick?

I pulled up to the portal stopping at the gate's.

(If you're wondering, I imagine the portal being massive and having border security on either side. Like the one's you go to when you want to leave the country. Just to make sure they're not smuggling anything to witches and stuff. This may be weird but I for some reason love it.)

They gave me the clear to go through as I pulled forward. The light consumed the car, bringing us to the other side.

"Willow do you know the muffin man?" Amity started chucking to herself reaching over putting her hand on Willows shoulder.

Oh god, please no.

"The muffin man?!" Willow followed her sentence after before Amity continued.

"ThE MUffIN mAN!" Amity screamed, throwing her hand in the air before letting her arm drop of Amelia's face.

"How do you guy's even know that quote?! I thought you said you didn't watch human movies!" I looked in my mirror as the entire car went silent to see everybody staring at me, only to to give glances to eachother ever once and awhile.

How did this get so weird so fast?

I dropped everybody off one by one. I felt really bad with how worried Willow's dad's looked.

They thanked me for bringing her back in one peice and they were glad she was having fun, but they did ask me to make sure if we went drinking again that I would make sure she didn't have as much as she did now.

Really awkward to bring somebody's daughter back drunk after not seeing them for many, many year's.

Soon enough or maybe even far too soon Amity was the only one left. I parked infront of her house helping her out of the car and to the front of her house.

"Lulu did you know you're beautiful?" Amity raised her hand up booping me on my nose. My face heated ul one again as I knocked on the door.

When nobody answered I knocked once again, when Amity started laughing.

"Nobodyyyy's home sillyyyyyy!" She fell limp causing me to haft to hold her up more.

"There's a key in that fake rockk." She lazily pointed her finger towards the ground as I went to pick up the key.

Actually quite a smart place to put it.

I unlocked the door, swinging it open. "Hello!" I looked around the dark mannor trying to see if anybody was home.

I know Amity said there was nobody home but she's not exactly in the best condition to be making call's.

Amity grabbed me by the hand pulling me into the middle of the room.

"Amity what are you doing?" I asked starting to get a little annoyed. As much as I cared for Amity I was not in the mood after dealing with five and a half drunks.

"Come hereeeeeee!" Amity pulled me into a hug while slightly playing my hair.

I sighed picking Amity up and trying to find her room. This place was way bigger then I remembered.

I can't really leave her to her own devices.

I finally found the room with Amity's name on the door so I sighed in relief as this goose chase was over.

Amity started laughing as she opened her bedroom door grabbing my hand once again, pulling me inside.

"Amity I'm really to tired for you to be drunk because right now I feel sleep drunk."

It was a really bad to be a designated driver on a school day. Not only that but I still wasn't used to the new time's I go to bed and wake up at. I go to bed later and wake up later. It just wasn't programmed in my brain.

"Oh Lulu." Amity smirked pulling me closer to her. "You know were alone righhhhttttt?"

My face heated up by her sentiment, even if her word's were somewhat slurred and I knew she had no clue what she was saying it still shocked me.

I pushed her away from me slightly, in doing so earned me a groan from the witch as she face planted into her bed.

"Amity as my mother would always say, 'consent doesn't count if they're drunk'."

She looked up at me with an irritated look on her face.

Amity averted her eye's to the floor and without looking up she opened her arm's.

"Then can I at least have cuddles?"  Amity looked up to me before quickly turning her gaze back to the floor.

Her mood changed so fast it was crazy. She goes from lust to anger to sweet, faster then I could try to think.

That's what being drunk does to you I guess. Along with many other thing's. Kinda had to be grateful for how fast she switched. I would explode if that happened for five minutes.

I smiled walking over to Amity, taking the hug willingly.

We stayed hugging for who knows how long. But soon enough soft snores filled the room telling me she was asleep.

I leaned against her bedroom wall with her laying on my shoulder as I let out a deep breath.

Now to wait till morning.

Sorry if the writing's bad, I have never gotten drunk.

This is not proof read.

Tell me what I should do in the comments, my mind is running on empty.

Also, I wouldn't do this without asking because I can do it just bit unless people really want me to but a friend of mine asked me to write smut. So if you want that tell me.

I will not do it unless you guys want that.

Thank you for reading!

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