For as Sick as it May Seem

By timebomber666

15.9K 845 105

Growing up, Corianne Stanley knew Christopher Cerulli as her next door neighboor and the older brother of the... More

1 - I Saw Your Eyes
2 - The Urge is Getting Stronger
3 - Unstoppable
4 - Stung by the Wasp
5 - My Heart is a Timebomb
6 - I Will Break You Carefully
7 - The Distance Kills Me
8 - Lust Verses Love
9 - Until Your Heart Caves In
10 - Love is Like Fire (Trigger Warning)
11 - You are All That I Have Left
12 - Black
13 - The Pain We Love
15 - You Could Never Understand Me
16 - We'll Sing Forever
17 - Undress Your Body (Explicit Content)
18 - This Place That I Call Home
19 - Santa's Pissed
20 - I Don't Know Where Home is Anymore
21 - Push Passed Everything
22 - They Will Surely Take You Away From Me
23 - This is a Love Song
24 - I Know Our Future
25 - Don't Say Goodbye
26 - Forever and Always
Behind The Scenes
Alternate Endings
I'll make you a deal...
New Story!

14 - Goodbye

546 33 0
By timebomber666

The last couple days had actually been quite wonderful. Who knew Chris Motionless could be such a romantic? He was so good to Cory, and he made her feel good despite the circumstances.

Now, it was Sunday and Chris was getting ready to leave. He was packing up any last minute things he may have needed. Cory really didn't want to see him leave; but she was excited for him. This tour was a big one, and there would be a lot of great opportunities for the band.

Chris walks out of the bedroom with all of his bags, ready to go.

Cory stands, "You have everything?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Cory nods, then hugs him as tightly as she could. He hugged her back, not wanting to het her go. Wednesday looks up at them and yips, wanting their attention.

They break the embrace and laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you too." Chris says, kneeling down and petting the small dog, "You be good for your new mommy, alright?"

Cory smiled and laughed as Chris stood back up. There's suddenly the honk of a horn outside.

"Oh. They're here." Chris says.

Cory nods, "Tell everyone I say 'hi'."

Chris nods in return, "I will."

There's a small pause, then Chris wraps his arms around Cory and brings her to him before kissing her passionately. Cory wrapped her arms around Chris' neck and kissed him back, standing on her tip toes. They each memorized the movement of eachother's lips, the feel of their embrace, the way they tasted...

They come apart and just sort of...stare at each other a moment.

"I'll call you." Chris says.

Cory nods. "Have fun. Be safe." She says, "And good luck."

Chris smiles and nods, then grabs his things. He gives Cory one last glance, and smiles.

"You're going straight to the book case the minute I walk out, aren't you?"

Cory snorts, "Psht, whaaaat? No..."

Chris rolls his eyes and smiles, "Have fun." He sings before walking out. Cory and Wednesday were now alone.

Cory lets out a loud exhale and runs straight to the 'book shelf' full of unorganized video games, movies, and CDs.


"Sooo she's like, living with you now?" Ryan asks.

"I guess so." Chris says.

"And how long have you two been together? Like together together?"

"Um...eight days? Maybe two weeks? I'm still not sure if when I told the medics at the fire that I was her boyfriend is when I actually became her boyfriend."

"And you had her like, unpack her things at your house and said she could stay." Ricky states.

"Preeeetty much."

"And you thought this was smart?" Ghost asks.

"Alright, look. At my age, is having a girlfriend that's still in high school stupid? Very. But does it feel good? Hell fuckin' yeah it does. Was having her move in with me this soon a dumb choice? Probably. But was it the right thing to do? Yes! She didn't have anywhere else to go except for maybe with Mandy. And it absofuckinglutely feels good to know that Cory Stanley is gonna be the first face apart from you fuckers that I'm gonna see when I get home. Yes, it's stupid, and rushed, and not very well planned or thought out, but I still do think it could work." Chris says, confidently.


Scranton is a pretty small town; so word that Cory was dating and living with 28 year old metal singer Chris Motionless got around pretty fast. Unfortunately, so did the news of Cole's death. So when Cory got to school on Monday, half of the students were calling her a slut or a whore, and the other half were giving her their condolences. Neither of which did Cory enjoy.

None of that first day back was very fun. Cory hadn't been to school in quite a few days so she wasn't caught up. Her lessons were confusing, and she was behind on a lot of her homework. Luckily, her teachers understood and told her to take her time when trying to catch up. Though, none of that changed the fact that Cory would practically be up all night this week trying to catch up. Her OCD wasn't going to let her be behind for very long.

When Cory got home that day, she was immediately greeted by Wendesday. Cory got as much homework done as she could before she absolutely had to start getting ready for work. She made sure Wednesday had enough food and water in her bowls, then headed out.

Cory headed to Starbucks, as she normally did before work. This time though, she made sure to actually tell the barista that her name ended in a 'y'. When she got it, she even checked to make sure her name was spelled correctly so that Chris' tour bus didn't crash or something else terrible. (A/N: I'd just like to clarify that bad things don't REALLY happen when Cory's name is spelled with an 'i' and not a 'y'. However, on days when she did drink coffee with her name spelled with an 'i', bad things JUST SO HAPPENED to occur. And with Cory's mental illness added into the equation, she now believes it. It has nothing to do with the actual coffee though. It's all Cory.)

Once Cory got to Hot Topic, Mandy was the first to greet her with a hug.

"How you feelin' honey?"

"I'm fine." Cory sighs as they break the embrace.

Mandy had taken Cole's death really hard as well. She'd known Cole since Cory first started working for her and had always gotten "annoyed" over Cole's little crush on her. In actuality though, she'd actually thought it was kind of cute.

"Here's all the money I owe you for the clothes you got me." Cory says, handing Mandy a wad of cash.

"Oh, no, you don't owe me anything."

"Yes I do. Just take it."

"It's okay, really."

"Come on!



"You're not gonna stop until I take the money, are you?"


"Ugh." Mandy groans before taking the money and putting it in her bra, "Happy now?"

"Yes. But if I were you, I'd put a little something in the other cup 'cause now you look lopsided."

Mandy looks down at her chest, then looks back up and shrugs, "Eh. The left one's bigger anyway." She says, "C'mon. We just got a new shipment in. Help me put some stuff on the mannequins in back."

Cory nods and follows Mandy to the back room of the store where only employees were allowed. Cory liked it when Mandy had her help out back there. They could really get some privacy.

"So...I know you hate talking about this, but...with Cole gone and all...Maybe you should start looking into your birth fam -"

"Don't. Even. Start." Cory says.

Mandy shrugs, "Just trying to look out for you." She says, "Anyway. How's living with Chris been?" Mandy asks, grabbing a few pieces of clothing from some boxes.

"Amazing. He's really, really good to me and he's got the cutest dog ever."

Mandy nods. She hands Cory a stack of clothes, a belt, some shoes and some jewelry.

"Put this on one of the girl mannequins." She says.

Cory nods and gets to it.

"So are you and Chris, like, together now?" Mandy asks, beginning to dress one of the male manequins.

"I guess you could say that."

"Oooh, yay! I knew it was gonna happen soon! I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks, Mandy. It really means a lot that you -"



"Chris Motionless' girlfriend is working in my store! That's gonna be so great for business!"

Cory raises an eyebrow at her.

"Seriously though. Happy for you." Mandy saves.

Cory just smiles and rolls her eyes.

"Sooo gimmie the deats!" Mandy says.

"The deats?"

"Yes, the deats! The scoop! The gossip! The 411! The information." Mandy says.

"What information?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"If you could."

Mandy huffs, "What's it like?! Being with Chris, I mean. Like, okay; is he a good kisser?"

A small smile creeps its way across Cory's face, "Good would be an understatement."

"Aw yeah, now we're talkin'!" Mandy says, "How does he hold you at night? Are you falling asleep in his arms?" She asks, dramatically.

"Every night before he left."

"How is he in bed?"

Cory raises her eyebrows, "We haven't gotten that far."


"Say it louder! I don't think the guys at the GAP store heard you!" Cory exclaims, "And is it really that surprising? We haven't even been together two weeks."

"So? There are people out there that have sex without even knowing each other for two hours. Myself included." Mandy says with a smirk.

"Mandy!" Cory exclaims, "Look, this whole thing is really new to Chris and I. I've never been in a real relationship before, and in his adult life he's never been with a teenager -"

"*cough* virgin."

"Fuck off!"

"Holy Hell you're gonna lose your v-card to Chris Motionless."

"Stop!" Cory laughs. She pauses, "You know, I missed this."

"Missed what?"

"This. Us. Just you and me, screwing around with each other."

Mandy smiles, "I missed it too. It's good to have you back and I'm glad you're doing alright." She says, "So when does Chris get back?"

"In a month and a half." Cory answers.

"A month and a half?!"


"Well what are you gonna do until then?"

"School, work, clean."

"Sounds like you."

"That's because it is!" Cory says.

"Well it's good to see you getting back to the way things were." Mandy comments.

"Yeah, it feels pretty good too."

Mandy nods and changes the subject, "Soo...I was gonna do this earlier, but then the fire happened, and...well you know." Mandy starts, "Look, Cory, I think you're a really good employee. In fact, you're one of the best ones here."


"Mhm. And I'm not just saying that because you're like a sister to me or because of what happened with Cole; I mean it." Mandy says, "So...How would you like a promotion?"

Cory's eyes widen, "What? Seriously?!"

"Yup. How'd you like to be assistant manager?"

Cory gasps, "Oh my God, yes! I'd love to! Oh my God, thank you so much, Mandy!" Cory exclaims, hugging her best friend.

A/N: Alright, as far as filler-chapters go, that one wasn't bad. I liked it. A lot of new and important things were established.

Agh. I fucking hate everything. I am living a life that I don't want to live. I've dug a hole that I won't be able to get out of until after I graduate. I keep telling myself I can make it until then but Jesus Christ if things don't fucking slow down soon I'm gonna collapse. I hate that I can't fully be myself. I hate that I have an "image" to maintain. I hate that my parents are constantly breathing down my neck and looking over my shoulder at everything I do. I'm lucky they haven't found out about these stories yet. If I ever suddenly drop off the face of the earth, that's why. I hate everything so much...

Chapter Title From: Puppets 3 by MIW. One of my favorites. I know its kinda stupid Im only using one word but whatever. My first thought when I heard the song for the first time was 'Holy shit! He's finally fucking over it!' haha!

Anyways. Tell me what you thought!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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