Woody and Yale Falling Under

Par kimmyxad

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⚠️ Do not read this book first if you haven't read "I Call Her Blueberry" and you are planning to do so later... Plus

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter Nineteen.

59 5 0
Par kimmyxad

Yale's Point of View

October 5th, three years ago.

The music pulsated in the air as my bare feet kissed the smooth wooden counter of the bar table while I swayed to every beat like I was in some 90's Beyoncé music video.

I wasn't though, I was at Denny's a local bar in town that I practically live at now that I'm eighteen and can legally drink. Tonight was one of the many wild nights I've been having recently, but this night was special it marked the beginning of the rest of my life and I wanted to fucking celebrate.

I pushed my hair back and ran my fingers through it's shoulder length sleekness as I danced, feeling the adrenaline rush through my veins like I was on drugs,

Like I was on coke, a coked up blissful haze.

"Yale got into Yale!" I heard Merry-Ann, my aunt and also the bartender squeal above the music from behind the counter as I twisted my neck excitedly to see her putting on her black apron while pressing buttons on the beer machine as it was time for her shift.

"Merry!" My eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning as I hopped off the wooden surface landing behind the bar in order to greet her with the biggest hug I could manage to give. "I hope you're proud!?" I smirked letting go of her fragile but strong body. She laughed as I noticed the wrinkles that revealed themselves beside her blue eyes. She was my mother's sister, the oldest amongst the two of them.

She basically raised me when my parents decided to move away. Dad got promoted in the police force and took some job far away and mom would go wherever he's work took him. I was young, still in middle school and didn't want to leave this town. It's my home and I would never let anything come between me and this town so Merry decided to take me in.

"I couldn't be prouder kid." She smiled "but that means you're leaving, and that means I'll miss you." She said almost sadly but quickly washed away her sadness with a smile.

"I'll miss you too, but I'm not leaving forever! Just a few years until I get my degree, then I'll be back home and looking for a job here, you know this...we always talk about it." I said reassuring her as she hugged me again.

"I know, it's just you're my little baby and you're all grown up now." She said sweetly as she pulled out beer glasses from the bottom cabinet with thick tears in her eyes.

"No! You are not allowed to get sappy tonight! This is good! I got into Yale! Me! A small town girl! I. Got. Into. Yale!" I placed both my hands on her shoulders and began to shake her until she laughed and then I wiped away her tears before I had hugged her again.

"Of course, Yale got into Yale! It's her destiny!" A voice had pulled me from holding onto Merry as I reached my arms across the bar counter to wrap them around Cecilia, my best friend as we both squealed with joy and excitement before I climbed back onto the bar counter as the regulars that I know very well screamed random words of congratulations while I took a dramatic but playful bow as they clapped and laughed.

I then reached out my hand to help pull Sissy up as Merry laughed.

"Two beers!?" She asked me and then I nodded "Four!" I smirked playfully "And you're driving us home!" I added and then she shook her head in jest as she began to rinse the glasses.

"Bitch! I couldn't be prouder!" Sissy said as I began to dance on the bar counter pulling her to do the same.

"Thanks, I really couldn't have done it without you pushing me and staying up all morning to help me study!" I spoke with appreciation for her because I honestly did appreciate her with every fiber in my being. She's so smart, she got into NYU and although we'll be far apart, our bond will keep us close together.

"I'd do anything for you!" She yelled over the music and then I smiled "I know!" Before Patrick the manager came out from the back and pulled us from our conversation as he clutched my cellphone in his hand angrily.

"She will not stop calling! I swear I'm going to throw this thing broken. Just talk to the woman!" He insisted seeming a little frustrated as I pouted.

I had left my phone in the backroom with Patrick for safe keeping because I always seem to misplace it when I'm drunk,

But also I really wanted to avoid her,

My mother.

She set me up on a blind date with one of her coworkers sons without even asking me if I want to do this, apparently he's new in town and I'm suppose to welcome him with open arms, and I honestly don't mind making new friends but she's been raving on about him for weeks and practically wants to marry me off to the poor boy,

Firstly I'm not looking for a man, and secondly I'm sure Mr. blonde hair and blue eyes would have his hands full with me...I don't think any man is ready for me.

I'm a lot.
I'm independent, I like to drink and I never know when to shut up. I'm everything but wife material through the eyes of society.

My mother is a real devious woman when she has time to be.

A blind date is the last thing I want!

"You can turn it off!" I yelled over at Patrick as Sissy laughed "You have a date tonight! Oh my god! She wasn't playing. She's calling because you suppose to go on a date!" She said remembering what I had told her the other day as she found it suspicious that my mother wouldn't quit trying to reach me.

"Honey! Just answer the call and tell her you're not going. If you turn it off she might drive over here and drag you to the restaurant with her bare hands." Merry chimed in making so much sense as I rolled my eyes and sighed knowing she was right. My mother was a woman of extremes.

"Fine! Gimme the phone!" I yelled and then Patrick tossed it over before Merry handed both Sissy and I our beer glasses filled to the brim.

I took a huge gulp, chugging it down and then jumped off the bar counter, placed my glass down and went into the backroom where the staff would hangout.

It was filled with alcohol supplies and a tiny lounge area. I plopped myself down onto the couch taking a deep breath in as this thing wouldn't stop vibrating in my hand.

I answered.

"Hello, mother." I rolled my eyes holding the phone to my ear, she was silent for a minute and then spoke "I hear music! You're not home getting ready! Where are you Yale!? I promised Chad that you would be at the restaurant at 8 it's 7:30!" She screamed. I could feel her rage but I wasn't phased.

"I'm at Denny's!" I paused "look mom, I'm not going on the date! This is weird and you need to stop with these antics! You're driving me insane!" I was frustrated with her.

"I'm driving you insane!?" She was astonished "You're at a bar every weekend and I don't think that's healthy! You need to start dating because you're honestly out of control!" She was stern.

I can't believe this woman!

"So you think once I get a man he's going to magically tame me and get me to stay home on weekends and knit sweaters!?" I cocked my head back in disgust "I don't need a man, I'm at my prime and life's good! I'm happy! And also, I'm tired of your bullshit! No man on this Earth is going to stop me from doing what I want to do." I cupped my forehead with my free hand "And I can't believe that you think a woman is suppose to be submissive to her man just because he's a man! And what's even crazier is the fact that you're setting me up on some date in order to control my life!" I screamed as I hopped off the couch from anger.

I was mad at her! She's so closed minded and doesn't care about my happiness, all she cares about is her stupid image.

"You agreed to the date last week!" She ignored every valid point I was making. She never listens to me.

"I was drunk and I wanted to get you off my back!" I yelled.

"Well, I hope you're strong because I'm about to jump right back on! Be at the restaurant Yale! You have 30 minutes to go home, get cleaned up and show up!"

"With all the respect, fuck off. I'm not going and I'm done talking about this. Don't call anymore I'm putting my phone off. Bye!"

"Yale I swear I-" she tried to say something but then I cut her off. "I said bye!" Before hanging up on her.

I shook off my irritation as I inhaled slowly and then exhaled as if my body was trying to push out my rage.

I turned off my phone and placed it on the coffee table and followed the music out as it began to drown my ears with its growing seductive sound.

Merry stared at me and then I shook my head "I'm so sick of her!" I rolled my eyes "You and me both kid!" She smirked as a few customers crowed to be served pulling her attention as I glanced at my best friend who was having a blast dancing on the bar counter as people cheered her on.

She was a good dancer and she was totally in her element as I watched her for a moment as joy rinsed over my heart and a smile dangled on my lips.

For a moment I forgot I was mad as she swayed around having her dark hair move with her motion before spotting me.

"Come on!" She yelled and then reached out her hand for me to grab as she pulled me onto the counter and then I took her glass taking a sip of her beer.

50 Cent began playing, the beat of Candy Shop drummed in my ears as I swayed and moved with my best friend while we held onto each other while Merry kept the drinks coming.

As time passed on I could feel myself slipping into a fuzzy state while we had sung karaoke to Brittney Spears and Celine Dion. We were horrible but we were having fun as laughter flowed from our lips uncontrollably while we tried to hit the high notes and failed miserably every time. Our stomachs hurt from the pain of our laughter and then I felt someone hand me a glass of water which means I was drunk and I needed to hydrate.

I held the glass in my hand and saw a blurry and shaky Merry wink at me as I sat my bottom down onto the counter and finished my entire glass of water in a few swallows. I hiccupped and then noticed a cute boy talking to Sissy from beside me, he was leaning over the counter looking up at her while she was bend over looking down at him as they spoke about things, talking close to each others ears while they flirted and laughed.

Go bitch! Go get that fine man!

I smiled and then she climbed off the counter carefully as Merry and Patrick kept an eye on her to make sure she was safe.

She placed her one hand on his chest and then slightly pushed him aside before grabbing my wrist, coming closer to me.

"This is Josh, we're going to sit at the booth and talk!" She said and then pointed her eyes at the empty booth across from us, "Are you okay here? You wanna come with us?" She asked and then I shook my head "No! You you guysss talk! I'm okay here. Merry and Patrick are here! Go get you that fine ass man!" I smirked sloppily.

"Girl! He is fine!" She agreed "He smells like food though, it's kinda making me hungry." She said and then we both laughed "I'll order you some wings! Now go!" I said politely and then she kissed my cheek.

"Love you." She said and then I nodded "Love you too!" As I watched her walk over to the empty booth with Josh.

"She's shes," I swallowed as I turned to talk to Merry "Shes going to sit at the booth and talk to Josh. And she's hungry, she said she wants wings" I told her and then she nodded as she handed me another glass of water.

"You wanna call it a night kiddo?" She asked with a small smile on her face.

"One more glass!" I shook my head and then she rolled her eyes. "Fine one more, and Patrick will drive you home. I'm doing a double shift tonight, I'll drop Sissy when I leave." She said and then I smiled drunkenly "Okay! Love you!" I said to Merry.

"Love you more." She responded, pouring me a glass of Gin and juice and then handed it to me before attending to her customers.

I brought the glass to my lips as I felt the cold liquid greet it like it's been years since they had spoken, the sip was shy but sweet.

Maybe my mothers right. I should stop drinking. I mean I can barely lift myself off this counter. I don't even want to try.

I took another sip.

My mothers right.


No, she's fucking not.

I smiled at my thoughts and then glanced up at the bar clock.

I put my glass down beside me.

It's almost 11:11

I should make a wish. I felt dizzy. I closed my eyes for a moment to think about what I truly wanted in life and struggled gain an answer. I already have everything I could ever want.

I mean I-

Oh shit, I felt myself lose balance as my eyes drifted away. My body feeling like jelly and dead weight as I felt my form falling off the bar counter as I helplessly allowed it to do so.


I swallowed feeling arms hold me up and a hard chest press against my head. His one arm looped around my back as the other looped around my legs, keeping me above the ground sternly.

I inhaled as I snuggled into his chest. He smells....nice.

Like shower fresh softness, not like food...I mean I don't know if that was good or bad. I like food, Sissy's lucky to have food smelling Josh.

I slowly opened my eyes as my vision began to become clearer.

A grey t-shirt and pretty blue eyes.
Blonde hair. I reached my hand up to touch it.

"Oh my god!" I heard Merry begin to panic.

"Is she okay!?" She asked him.
"I'm fine!" I answered in a grumpy, tired voice as he laughed.

"She's fine." He shrugged still holding me in his arms.

"Thanks! Can you put her on the couch in the backroom?" She asked him almost cautiously.

"No! I I want to stay here. I'm comfortable here!" I said and then I heard him laugh again.

His laugh was different. I had never heard that laugh before. It was oddly attractive.

God, I'm really drunk. I'm starting to find laughs attractive.

"I'll sit with her in the booth over there?" He pointed his eyes to the left as Merry exhaled a sigh of relief as she nodded before thanking him a million times while the customers were hounding her.

I felt my body move as he began to walk and then I felt him sit down and scoot over in the booth with me still in his arms.

I felt like a baby, it was nice.

He exhaled as I opened my eyes feeling the room spin.

"You blew me off to get drunk?" He stared down at me as I stared up at him and then touched his hair with my hand, completely mesmerized by how soft it looked and felt.

It took a while before I had finally realized what he had said.

"Wait! What!?" I tried to sit upright as he had helped me to do so. I twisted myself to face him.

"Chad?" I asked and then he smirked.

"I waited for you. I waited for like two hours before I realized that you weren't coming. The waiter kept giving me sad looks like he felt sorry for me." Chad laughed under his breath and then I smiled shyly.

"I'm sorry." I nodded and then glanced deep into his eyes. He's so handsome. Chad's so fucking handsome. "You're pretty." I swallowed.

He laughed "Thanks, and you're stunning. Drunk but stunning." He was so sweet.

But hey, how did he even find me. I mean I-
I cut off my own thoughts to ask him as I shook my head slightly confused.

"How did you find me?"

"Your mom called to find out if you showed up. I said no and then she told me you're at some bar called Denny's. I had to meet you so I came looking for you. I walked in and asked some random girl if she knew Yale and then she pointed me in the direction of the drunkest girl in the bar." He smirked.

"You disappointed?" I smiled leaning into him.

Why was he this cute, you can tell he's not from this town...the guys around here are all muscles and meatheads. He wasn't, he was different, he could hold a conversation and he...he was just different.

"That the smart, beautiful and sweet girl I kept hearing about is drunk as shit? No." He shrugged "but the fact that you blew me off? Yes." He paused "I will say, you're the first woman to ever blow me off." He spoke while his eyes stared at me curiously.

If I knew you were this charming, maybe I wouldn't have.

"If you're so top tier, why agree to a blind date. Blind dates are lame." I spoke.

"Mmmm...I don't know, I'm new here. It sounded like a fun idea. I like mystery and you're mysterious." He said genuinely.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I like your energy, and I hate that." I admitted as I laughed a little.

"Why?" He laughed too.


there's that laugh again.

"Because my mom set this up!" I exhaled.

"No, your mom set up a restaurant blind date that didn't work out...but this, coming here...was all me. You didn't show up and I had to know the girl who didn't show up. I had to know you, I'm not use to this." He was serious.

"The one that got away." I played with a jokingly soft smile on my lips. He laughed.

"Almost got away." He corrected me.

"I can still leave." I was sassy.

I couldn't I can't even walk straight.

"Then go, I'll respect it." He shrugged "But I have a feeling you won't." He swallowed.

"I hope you won't." He corrected himself "I hope I'm top tier enough for the girl who exceeds all levels." He smirked.

"You're smooth, I get it." I rolled my eyes playfully "If I stay you better not break my heart!" I joked.

"Woah, your hearts already invested?" He teased "I guess I'm smoother than I thought." He bit his lower lip.

"No!" I laughed "I was kidding!" I tried to defend myself as I gripped his arm out of panic. I didn't want him to think I was crazy.

He glanced down at my hand resting on his bicep and then I slowly took it off. He smirked.

"I won't." He shrugged.

"What?" I asked raising a brow.

"Break your heart." He said nonchalantly. I laughed.

"I'll break yours." I said knowing I didn't want anything serious but he seemed to know that already but didn't care.

"I know." He smiled thinly.

"So will you break mine?" I asked to see if his answer would change.

"Still no." His mind was made up. I liked that.

"Not even once?" I played as I glanced into his eyes while he smiled small and then he glanced back into mine.

He swallowed "Never."


Authors Note

Hey, everyone! I just want to thank you for voting as this means the world to me. I really appreciate every little star and I'm grateful to you all for sticking with my book and taking the time to read it.

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