Ghost Hunt Fanfiction: THAT A...

By Jira03

40.2K 1.4K 222

Mai Taniyama is just another highschool student when she met an unfeeling narcissist who came to investigate... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Author's Note
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
My Apologies!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
EXTRA:🌲🎊Christmas Special🌲🎊
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: The Final Arc (01)
Chapter 45: The Final Arc (02)
Chapter 46: The Final Arc (3)
Chapter 47: The Final Arc (04)
Chapter 48: The Final Arc (05)

Chapter 20

806 34 8
By Jira03

A/N: Hello! Long Time No See!! How are you guys?! Here is a Christmas Present from me guys! I hope you enjoy it! Please give me a feedback if possible!


Putting away all the documents on top of his table, Lin checked his phone for any updates from his charge. Naru went on a ‘trip’ again and this time, he went a bit far from him like he usually does. Lin’s boss said that he will arrive in the office an hour later so he remind the older man to check Mai if she is late and tell her of his arrival.

Lin sighed and went out of his office. He then saw Mai entering the office in her winter coat indicating that she just arrived a second ago. She then hang her coat and was quite surprised when she saw Lin in front of her.

“Oh! Hi there, Lin-san. How is your morning?” Mai asked cheerfully as she removed the headphone from her head. She was focused in listening that she didn’t noticed the presence in front of her.

“Taniyama-san. Naru will be arriving an hour later so make sure you prepare his tea the time he comes around.” Lin told her and returned to his office.

Mai expected him to be so cold to her because of what happened between them on their first meeting so she just let him go and smiled. It is December 22 today and it is a few days before Christmas! There is no need to entertain negative emotions!


Mai opened her eyes and roam her eyes around. She was just organizing her things in the office when she opened her eyes and discovered herself in one of her dreams. She can hear jovial giggles and also children’s footsteps that echoed around her.

She is standing in front of a construction site. The unfinished building seems to be a church. Three beautiful images of saints are carefully sculpted in the church’s front that is 3-4 meters high above the ground. Mai is a bit amazed by it so she entered the site and is surprised to see children playing around the construction.

‘Isn’t it a bit dangerous to play around here? What if a debris fall down on them?’ Mai thought as she sit on a log while watching the children play hide and seek.

One child attracted Mai’s attention while they play. That boy is no more than 12 years old but she noticed his lack of speech. He smiles and nod while the seeker explains the rules of the game to the child. They also handed a stick as a signal for him.

‘He must be mute.’

“Instead of saying words, you just have to use this stick. Hit it on a hard object for it to sound loudly. One hit if you are not ready and hit it a bunch of time if you are ready!”

“Let’s play!”

Mai saw how delightful that mute boy is as he run to find a way to hide. He chose to climb the tree and hit the stick hard numerous times indicating that he is ready. She watched for 20 minutes and the seeking seems to have trouble finding that boy.

The seeker already found all his playmates except the boy who is hiding in the tree. He gave up after a few moments and let the boy come out of his hiding place. That mute boy smiled victoriously as he went down. Mai smiled as she watch another round of their game. That mute boy won again and again as he alternate being a seeker and the one being found.

The sun is almost setting when a man in his thirties came and called them for dinner. He is wearing clothes for a priest so Mai concluded that these children may be orphans that the church accepted. He ordered them to wash up as the children told him how the mute boy won their games.

The atmosphere is warm and touching but Mai found herself feeling so melancholic. She smiled bitterly as she watched their backs moving further and further away from where she sat.


Mai woke up the same time as the door of the office opened. A young man wearing black entered as Mai stood up from her seat. Seeing her boss’ grumpy face, she hurriedly walked towards the kitchenette to prepare some tea. The sad feeling still lingers on her heart as she stared at the kettle she filled with water.

“What is the matter with you?” Naru asked when he noticed the listless face of his assistant.

“Eh?” Mai snapped out of her daydreams as she look at her boss, who is glaring at her intensely.

'Uhm, okay..? What happened?'

“Why are you so gloomy?” Mai asked as she tilted her head to the side in confusion. Her reaction made Naru twitched in annoyance. A vein popped on his forehead and he tried to calm himself down by sipping his precious tea.

‘I should be asking you that, idiot.’

“So, how is your trip? Did you bring any souvenir for me?” Mai asked in a cheerful voice while the sad aura around her slowly disappeared. Naru. On the other hand, just stare at her in a suspicious manner before ignoring her.

‘What happened to her?’ Naru was about to ask her this but what comes from his mouth is totally different from what he wanted to ask. And instead of concern, he let out a dissatisfied groan making Mai furrow her eyebrows in anger.

“What are you still doing here?”

“You are really a jerk.” Mai commented as she stomped her feet in anger.

“You can just say what you want.” Naru nonchalantly said as he enjoy his tea in his seat like a king.

“I want a holiday. I have matters to attend to starting December 25 until the end of the month. I also wanna tell you in advance that I want a leave on Chinese Lunar New Year.” Mai answered before harrumphing at him.

“A holiday leave?” Naru asked as he stopped. She will be away for a few days. Naru wondered who will prepare his tea in those days. Well, guess he will be enduring the tea made by cafes then. He turned his gaze towards the young girl in front of him and heave a sigh.


“Are you going home to celebrate Christmas with your family?” Mai asked in a curious tone without the annoyed voice she had earlier. Naru was a bit amused at the quick change in Mai’s expressions.

“Yes. Like you, Lin and I will be on a holiday starting December 25. We will be out of the country for a while.”

“Really?! When are you leaving?”

“Dec. 25, 2pm.”

“Whoah, I’ll also leave at 2pm in that day. But it’s Great! That means we have time to celebrate Christmas in the office! The others will be delighted. Ne, Naru, how does exchange gifts sounds?” Mai asked in an excited voice however, Naru’s expression is opposite to hers.

“No parties.”

“Naru, don’t be a grinch. Come on, the others will love this! Also, I will set up a Christmas tree in the office in the afternoon to liven up the mood!”

“No. if you want to celebrate, go find a church.”

Mai stiffened as Naru’s answer made her recount her dream and her strange melancholic feeling after that. Naru noticed her abnormalities but Mai shook her head to erased the feeling even before Naru ask what is wrong.

“Anyway, I will not listen to you! I will be calling the others and let them know the news!” Mai countered and hurriedly ran outside her boss’ study.

Naru just sighed and let himself accept his fate. He really don’t know what to do when it comes to his predictable but sometimes unpredictable assistant.

Bou-san, Ayako, and Masako came to the office that afternoon – much to Naru’s dismay, to help Mai decorate the room and set up the Christmas tree after hearing the news. They were chatting and loud that Naru have to shut himself in his study to avoid the noises.

John also came hours later after they finished the decoration and having tea. Naru was displeased for a moment but when John stated his business, his mood immediately change and to be ready tomorrow.

“Oh man! A case on Christmas?”


Are you ready?”

“Here I come!”

Children’s giggles can be heard around her but all Mai can see is black after she opened her eyes. And in that darkness, she can feel helplessness and sadness inside. She clenched her chest in pain as she forced herself not to cry. Bitter memories of her childhood flashed through her head as the giggles of children rang louder.

She was on the verge of collapsing when a warm hand suddenly touched her shoulders. She abruptly turned around and saw the gentle smile of Mr. Guardian’s face.

“It’s me, Genie.”

“M-Mr. Guardian.” Mai called in a whisper and the negative emotions inside her lessened as the other held her shoulders.

“It’s okay. I am here.”

Mai calmed down as his gentle voice entered her ears. The giggles also stopped and she felt better after a few moments. She pushed her tears back as she continuously blinked her eyes.

“Are you okay now?”

“Yes. Did you call me here?”

“Yes. I have something to show you.” Mr. Guardian answered maintaining the warm smile on his face. Seeing his face, Mai slowly got better and look at what her guardian is pointing at.

She can see a boy standing in front of the gate, looking like he is waiting for someone. He held a stick in his hand and draw on the ground.  After a better look on the kid, Mai suddenly recognized him.

It was the mute boy in her previous dream. Mr. Guardian and Mai watching in silence from afar. A man came and the boy jumped in glee as he hug the man.


It is the first time Mai heard the boy’s voice. It is cheerful and childlike. It brings a little bit joy in Mai’s heart. Like her, the man also smiled at the boy and pat his head. The boy then drag his father to play in the backyard. They are playing hide and seek. Instead of using stick, that boy is using his words to signal his father. The scene is so warm that even Mai and Mr. Guardian smiled while watching.

Unlike her previous dream, the boy’s father continuously won. And even if the boy hide in high or low places, the father will always find him. But even after his continuous defeat, the boy laugh joyfully and hug his father in glee.

The scene changed and the boy and his father is standing in front of a church. The man or rather the priest in her previous dream is also standing in front of the pair. The boy is bowing his head while having tears in his eyes.

“Father, you are leaving me again?”

Mai heard the boy’s voice but she didn’t saw him opening his mouth. That boy must have been mute now that he couldn’t speak. Mai suddenly felt like someone had gripped her heart.

“Be a good boy, Kenji. Do not cause for trouble for Father Toujo while I am away. I will come back soon so don’t worry.” The boy’s father said while consoling his son. He rubbed his child’s head and bow to the priest.

“I am sorry for the trouble.”

After some formalities, the man left with a heavy heart while carrying his bag. Mai can see a tear fell down from that father’s eye. Mai also noticed the haggard look on that man’s face. It was completely different form the face she saw in the first scene Mr. Guardian showed her,

“Father, I will be a good boy so come back soon!”

Mai heard the boy’s inner voice again as he reached out his hand to his leaving father. The priest put a hand on his shoulder and escorted him inside the orphanage. The scene changed again and she saw the priest and other men shouting that boy’s name.

“I don’t see him anywhere!”

“Where could he have gone?”

The men searched the area near the orphanage despite the heavy rain. A few moments later, they arrived in the construction site of the church. They saw that the scaffolding collapsed and they saw a lot of debris piled up in front of the entrance of the church.

They thought that the boy was buried in there so they dig up and search but in the end, they found nothing. Mai’s vision became dark and she started to hear those giggles again. But despite that, she can hear a boy’s faint sobs somewhere near.

She turned around and saw Kenji, the mute boy, sobbing while hugging his knees in the dark. His face is buried in his body and Mai can see him shivering. She was about to hug him but Mr. Guardian stopped her from doing it. Mai’s heart was about to burst in sadness when she saw that boy. Mai’s hands keep on shaking as she struggled free from Mr. Guardian’s grip.

“I am over here! Please hurry…”

“Please hurry up and find me!”


“Is she late again?” Naru asked in his cold but angry voice when his assistant is not around.

Masako scoffed while covering her mouth with her sleeve while the others smiled nervously at him. Takigawa-san tried to call Mai’s phone but she is not answering. It is winter and it is very cold but they suddenly feel so much colder when the young boss keep on glaring at the ground.

“I am sorry! I am late.” A familiar voice sounded and the others were quite annoyed by the newcomer. They are about to scold her especially the boss but when they turned around to meet her, their words were stuck in their throats after seeing the teen’s appearance.

Mai is covering her face with a surgical mask and eyeglasses. Her eyes are red and her voice was a bit hoarse. Though she is wearing multiple layered clothes, they can still see her shivering!

“What happened to you?! Are you sick?!” Ayako asked her in a worried tone as soon as she saw her.

Takigawa-san didn’t mind Mai’s cute outfit in pink as he run to her side and place a hand on her forehead. Ayako also came and slap Bou-san’s hand away to feel her forehead.

"Thankfully, it is not that high but it is still a fever. Why did you come when you’re like this?!”

“Yeah! Are you trying to burn your brain?!”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. I already took some medicine. No need to worry!”

Naru stared at Mai as she tried to pacify the nagging adults. His annoyed look was replaced with worry when he saw her. Lin also noticed this so he went back to the office to get medicine and warm water.

Mai insisted to go and the two ‘parents’ couldn’t do anything about it so they hurried towards the location John gave. Because Ayako and Bou-san wanted to keep an eye on Mai, she sat on Bou-san’s car while Masako went to Lin’s. Masako was happy about this but when she saw Naru’s bothered look, she swallowed the words she was about to say to him and bowed her head.  On the other car, the two didn’t forget to remind Mai to drink warm water while scolding her as they drive away.


Hello! I am here again. Haha. Let us play a game to liven up the mood in the comments section below. Haha


Let's start! The topic is about this Fanfic. Here we go!

1. The inspiration for this fanfic is the anime Ghost Hunt.

2. I started writing this fanfic 5 years ago.

3. I posted this fanfic here on Wattpad to make some friends.

4. I am so addicted to the couple MaixNaru.

5.  Ghost Hunt is the first anime I have watched.

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