amor na máfia

By JosieS11

715K 13.4K 1.4K

Book one in the Ricci Men. Lara is an innocent girl in his eyes but neither of them knew that she wasn't that... More

Part one: Chapter 1-Introductions
Chapter 2-sorvete
Chapter 3-festa
Chapter 4- Strano
Chapter 5-flores
Chapter 6-Jantar
Chapter 7- Parque
Chapter 8-Pior encontro
Chapter 9-Folga
Chapter 10-Encontro
Chapter 11-Controllo dei precedenti
Chapter 12- O sucesso
Chapter 13-Dramática
Chapter 14-Abuso
Chapter 15-Incazzata
Chapter 16-Dia das Bruxas
Chapter 17- Namorado
Chapter 18-Pranzo
Chapter 19-Doente
Chapter 20-Chamadas noturnas
Chapter 21-Melhor
Chapter 22-Tempestade
Chapter 23- Abraços
Chapter 24- Feira de diversões
Chapter 25- Pernoitar
Chapter 26- James
Chapter 27- Emozioni
Chapter 28- Ação de graças
Chapter 29- Forte
Chapter 30- Banho
Chapter 31- Tchau
Chapter 32- Os Pais
Chapter 33- Você Está?
Chapter 34- Dormire
Chapter 35- Primeira Vez
Chapter 36- Doccia
Chapter 37- Eu te amo
Chapter 38- Raiva
Chapter 39- Sexo
Chapter 40- Queda de energia
Chapter 41- Mentirosa?
Chapter 42- Rabbia
Chapter 43- Seis dias
Chapter 44- Depois de
Chapter 45- Natal
Chapter 46- Tchau Nova York
Part 2: Chapter 1- new characters
Chapter 2- Vida Nova
Chapter 3- Cresciuto
Chapter 4- Dia De Piscina
Chapter 5- Acessórios
Chapter 6- Preparação
Chapter 7- Baile
Chapter 8- O Incómodo
Chapter 9- A Direita
Chapter 10- Hurt
Chapter 11- Traidora
Chapter 12- Pavor
Chapter 13- Adoção
Chapter 14- Invasão
Chapter 15- De volta pra você
Chapter 16- Não se foi mais
Chapter 17- Estresse pós-traumático
Chapter 18- Pai
Chapter 19- O Pesadelo
Chapter 20- Chamada Telefónica
Chapter 21- Sequestrada
Chapter 22- A Descer
Chapter 23- Eu lembro
Chapter 24- Seguida
Chapter 25- Melhor amiga
Chapter 26- Juntos novamente
Chapter 27- A corrida em
Chapter 29- Brasil caiu
Chapter 30- Uma forma de dor
Chapter 31- Diverso
Chapter 32- Guerra
Chapter 33- Casa segura
Chapter 34- O Acordo
Chapter 35- A Conversa
Chapter 36- Grata
Chapter 37- Preparando
Chapter 38- Tchau
Extra chapter 1
Extra chapter 2
Extra chapter 3
Extra chapter 4
Extra chapter 5

Chapter 28- Armas

5.1K 96 6
By JosieS11

We were now very much into the late September and the air outside started to match. It was colder and the leaves had started falling from the trees.

We aren't exactly allowed to leave the house as things seemed to be getting worse. I was away from Brazil but they didn't have it as bad apparently.

Ever since that day at the ice cream parlour where Rocco saved me we hadn't really heard from Dmitri at all.

According to Jax, Rocco is extremely skilled. The only thing we didn't know is the whereabouts of Dmitri. When something like a shooting happens, everyone throws themself infront of their leader. We don't know if Rocco killed him or if he got out. But what we do know is that when Jax's men went to retrieve the bodies they had gone.

I hadn't really slept last night. I was just thinking about everything that happened. Jax had gotten into bed way before I had finished my meeting with Carter. So when I had finished the call he was fast asleep.

Once Jax's alarm had gone off he turned it off and rolled over to kiss me when he was met with my legs.

"Good morning?" He says looking up to me who was sat against the head board with my knees in my chest.

"Morning." I reply looking down to him.

"Did you get much sleep?" He asks sitting beside me but I shake my head no.

He takes one of my hands that were rested on my knee and gently brings it to his mouth where he leaves a soft kiss.

"Do you wanna talk?" He asks and I yawn and shake my head for no before I put my head on his shoulder.

"There isn't anything to talk about I was just thinking about everything that's going on." I say and he nods and places another kiss to my hand.

"We've got an early meeting with your father this morning." He says and I groan.

"Do I have to get ready?" I ask and he laughs.

"I'd recommend it." He says making me roll my eyes.

"I have to cut my gym session short this morning." He says standing out of bed.

"Well have fun." I say laughing softly.

Once Jax leaves I get in the shower straight away. Once I get out of the shower I head into the closet and choose out some blue jeans. After putting my jeans out I choose out a black long sleeved top and tuck it in. I mean I was only going to talk to my dad, Marco and probably Carter.

I lean over the bed to the nightstand that my necklace is currently on. I grab my necklace then sit on the bed and put it on.

Jax comes in and kisses my cheek before making his way to the bathroom. I then quickly blow dry and straighten my hair and put a little bit of makeup on.

As Jax heads into his closet to get dressed I make our bed.

"You ready?" Jax asks as I pick up my work phone.

"Yeah." I say following behind him downstairs and to his office.

"I don't see why you have to have meetings with them every other day." Matteo says and I look up from my work phone quickly as I tried to skim read all the texts I'd received.

"Apparently today is quite important." Jax says shrugging.

I sit inbetween Jax and Gio and whilst Jax rings my father on the laptop.

Their three familiar faces pop up but they didn't exactly look very happy. I hoped Jax hadn't told them what happened a few weeks ago. I made the four boys promise me that they wouldn't say anything to them. Along with making them not tell them about Jax and I as I had no clue how they would take it.

"Fernandez, Rodriguez's." Jax says in a an attempt to greet them.

"We have some bad news." Marco starts and I started to worry.

"Our main warehouse was infact raided last night. There weren't that many men there last night so they have got some of our files. The most important files are in our home office but there were a few that were stole. Many were injured and about 40 men were killed." Marco says and I sigh. I can't believe this had happened.

"Well they have been quiet since our little Assassin killed many of his men." Jax says and I sigh.

After talking about our next step Carter spoke up.

"Lara have you got to time to talk about this?" Carter asks before Jax ends the call making everyone look at me.

"Yeah I've got a few minutes." I say and he nods.

"I'll call you." He says and I nod.

He wasn't wrong either because as soon as the facetime ended my phone began to ring.

"I'll uh see you at breakfast." I say walking out of the office and answering the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as I make my way up the stairs.

"Today was the day we were supposed to take over." Carter says and I sigh.

"As soon as all turns good again Carter we can." I say and he sighs.

"Are you still having the ceremony today?" I ask softly as I make my way down the corridor and stop outside Alannah's room.

"No, dad said it wouldn't be right today. Not after last night." Hs says just as softly.

"I um I have the list of names of men that died last night. I have to go and tell their families they died." He says and I sigh.

"That's awful Carter I'm so sorry." I say and wave at Amara who was now walking down the stairs.

"Do you want to know who was on the list?" He asks and I lean my head against the wall.

"Go on." I say.

The list was extremely long and I recognized half of the names as men I had grown to become friends with other the few days I had gone there.

"Jesus Christ Carter." I say and he sighs.

"I know it's bad but we're gonna start sending men out to recruit from tomorrow." He says.

"Lara." Jax says walking towards me.

"Wait a sec Carter." I say looking towards Jax.

"What?" I ask and he looks at my phone.

"We're waiting for you." He says and I sigh.

"Uh okay, will you wake Alannah up whilst I wrap this up?" I ask and he nods and heads into Alannah's room.

"How are you doing over there?" Carter asks.

"We're doing good." I say and Alannah rushed out of her room with Jax.

"Come on mama." She shouts and I smile down at her.

"I'll be two minutes, I'll meet you down there." I say and she mods and goes downstairs with Jax.

"It sounds like you've got things to do so I'll talk to you soon." Carter says softly and I nod. We bid our goodbyes then I head downstairs.

I join everyone in the dinning room and they all begin eating as soon as I open the door to the dinning room.

"You alright?" Jax asks and I nod and turn to Alannah who was pulling at my sleeve.

After breakfast I take Alannah up to her room and get her ready for the day. After getting her all clean I put her in some black leggings with her favourite banana top. I make her bed and we then head back downstairs.

"Muma what's wrong?" Alannah asks coming over to me with one of the stuffed animals called 'Mr Snuggles' that she had named with Jax.

"Nothing." I say tucking a strand of hair out of he face.

"You seem sad." Alannah says climbing onto the sofa beside me.

"I lost some friends last night bub." I say and she pouts. She climbs into my lap and gives me a hug.

"You still have me and dad." She says making me smile. She's the cutest.

Alannah had fallen asleep on my lap. I was completely distracted at the news of all the men that died. That's all I could really think about and how heartbreaking it is. But then I couldn't help but think about how sweet Alannah is.

I spent most of the day chilling with Alannah as I wasn't really feeling amazing. But once me and Jax tucked her into bed I just felt weird.

We stepped outside of the room and I went to walk into his but he grabbed my wrist so I turnt back to him.

"You are coming with me." He says and I look at him confused. A please would've been nice.

I followed Jax downstairs and when we got down them Amara was going up.

"Will you listen for Alannah please. I'm taking Lara to the warehouse, we shouldn't be too long." He says and she nods.

"Why are we going to the warehouse? I thought I wasn't aloud to leave the house?" I ask putting some shoes on.

"You're with me, you will be fine." Jax says leading me out to his car which was parked outside the front.

On the way to the warehouse I kept glancing over at Jax confused. He either didn't care or didn't notice as he focused on the road.

When we got to the warehouse he rushed over to my door and let me out. He checks around before opening the door further for me leaving me rather confused. He takes my hand to help me out of the car and takes me into the warehouse.

We head straight to the office where all the boys where.

"Finally." Gio says playfully making me smile but it still left me confused. I had no clue I was coming to the warehouse till about twenty minutes ago.

I sit down on the other side of Matteo and Rocco was on the other side of him.

"So why am I here?" I ask looking between Gio and Jax.

"I need you to sign the last few things for your trust fund. Then well David sent the very last paper of the adoption form." Jax says and I take a breath of relief.

"Really?" I ask and he nods.

Once I finished signing the papers Jax puts them in an envelope and I put the pen down.

The real question is why am I here? I know for a fact Jax doesn't want me to leave the house no matter the need. So even though I'm happy to be out of that house for the first time in a while it doesn't make sense.

"Why am I really here?" I ask and everyone turns to Jax.

"You're going to learn to shoot a gun properly." He says and I look at him confused.

"What's wrong with how I shoot a gun?" I ask. I thought I was pretty good.

"A lot of things actually." Gio says and I glare at him.

"Look your technique is a bit off and if it comes to you having to use a gun again and someone notices they'll use it as an advantage." Jax says and I sigh and sit back in my chair.

"I don't want to shoot to kill though, I'll hurt someone but not kill." I say playing with my necklace.

"Look, your a women in a mans world. Many men will try to take advantage of that. Some already have. You need to be ready to kill if you have to. If you don't want to kill, you're in the wrong line of work." Rocco says and I look over to him to see looking at me.

"You may never have to shoot to kill but what if you someone tries to get in the house at night. You're in Jax's room but he's not there, he's still at work. There are guns in Jax's room. Let's say three men come in, you're out numbered. Now what are you going to do? Shoot them in the shoulders continuously. Many aren't scared to be shot Lara and it doesn't affect everyone the same way. They'll get up and they'll hurt you, one of us aren't always going to be around to save you." Rocco says whilst I bite on my lip nervously.

"Fine." I say and look at Jax who seemed calmer once I agreed.

Jax had taken me down to the gun range that I didn't know they had on the same property as their warehouse.

The first thing I was taught was how to hold a gun because apparently I really wasn't good at that. Then I was taught to put the bullets in a gun and how to check the bullets.

I knew how to shoot a gun, well I never actually learnt I've always just shot. Jax had demonstrated first the places you should aim for. Considering I always shot a shoulder it felt weird aiming for the chest and head right now.

It didn't take to long considering Jax had me stand in the gun range just shooting at someone's head and chest for a solid hour.

Every time I missed I had to go over and do it again.

I was then waiting in the office whilst the boys finished up their work. Well Rocco was actually going to do a hit apparently but I didn't really listen.

Once we had finally got back it was very close to 1am. I went straight to Jax's room and got ready for bed.

I checked on Alannah before climbing into bed. I took my necklace off and placed it on the night stand.

Jax had come into the room and I smiled softly at him.

"Come here." He says as he makes his way to his desk. I climb out of bed and follow him to his desk.

He opens a draw that had to guns in. I wasn't exactly the best with guns, I had no clue what the names of them were.

"There is also an ak 47. behind that photo with quite a few bullets." He says and I nod. "Just incase." He says kissing my forehead.

I climb into bed and wait for Jax whilst he gets ready for bed. Once I feel the bed dip slightly I turn around to face him. He places a kiss on my lips before bringing me closer to him. I put my head on his naked and perfectly toned chest.

"I love you." He whispers before placing a kiss to the crown of my head.

"I love you." I say before falling to sleep.

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