final round - lrh

By whiskeyluke

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the story of a boy and a girl who rely on each other to keep one another alive emotionally and physically. ... More



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By whiskeyluke

"You do anything to fuck this up Lila, you're done for."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at his lack of confidence in me. I'm sure he feels obligated to say this considering this is a huge deal but he's also said this to me about a million times since the second I woke up.

 Instead of saying something snarky in response, I nod my head to show that I'm determined to do this right and not screw it up.

"Have a little faith in me," I say practically to myself as I finish tying my hair up in a ponytail, in front of my mirror.

I eye myself over, turning slightly in order to observe all angles of myself. I had pulled my shorts up a little higher than normal and tugged my tank top down in hopes of distracting the army and maybe getting more answers than we think we're going to get from them.

Lieutenant Hemmings hasn't questioned it yet, and I only fear what he'll say when I turn around. I'm sure he won't approve of the attire but I'm hoping that he'll give in once he hears my reasoning behind it.

Lieutenant Hemmings stands in my doorway, eyeing me as I finish getting ready for our trip to Damien's camp grounds. This is the first time I'm leaving our camp in forever, so I don't know how today's going to go in the slightest. Especially because it's going to be just Lieutenant Hemmings and myself traveling.

This could either be really good for us or absolutely horrendous for us.

"We're on a tight schedule, could you be a little faster, princess?" he asks in a mocking way.

"I'm ready," I say tightening my ponytail once and eyeing myself over one last time. I feel good. Certainly good enough to seduce some answers out of pretentious assholes.

I turn around to face Lieutenant Hemmings, who wears black jeans as opposed to his usual black adidas pants. His chest is covered by the same black top I'm ninety nine percent sure he either owns 20 of or wears every day. His hair is down and gelled to tame the unruly curls that I can't get enough of.

And of course he effortlessly manages to look better than me.

His eyebrow immediately shoots up as he eyes me over slowly, "Is there a reason you look like you're about to go to a strip club, as opposed to an army base?"

I shrug my shoulders, not giving him time to dwell on it knowing he's in a rush.

"I'm sure I can get some answers from them," I say, fully committing to this task and wanting to prove myself even more. "Even if I have to flirt a little in order to get it."

Lieutenant Hemmings immediately narrows his eyes as he says, "This isn't an opportunity for you to have a quickie with-"

"Jesus, Lieutenant Hemmings, I don't want to have sex with them. I'm trying to make this trip as beneficial as possible. If I can find out more, I'm going to do whatever it takes to find out more."

Lieutenant Hemmings doesn't seem amused by the idea as he keeps a stern look on his face. I keep just as equally of a stern look on my face to show I won't back down. He needs to see that this is a good idea and I'm not allowing for him to tell me otherwise.

Lieutenant Hemmings seems to notice this before very clearly resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He puts his hand in his pocket, pulling out the button he had shown me earlier in the week. I prepare to take it from him because I feel confident having this considering if anything really goes wrong, he'll know.

He doesn't hesitate to take a step forward which instantly makes me freeze as he stands closer to me than normal. He keeps his eyes on mine, making it even tougher to keep my stern look as I know he'll always make me weak enough to not be able to say no. 

God, he's beautiful.

He grips onto my shoulder, turning me around in a gentle manner which makes me suck in a sharp breath as I feel intimidated in knowing that he's behind me. I'm further intimidated as I feel him slide the button into my back pocket, his fingers skimming the fabric with a calm demeanor.

I feel frozen in my place as his breaths fans my neck gently and he places his hands on my waist. How is it possible for him to make my heart race in such a frantic manner? More importantly, what the hell is he doing?

My silent questions are quickly answered as he pushes my waist in order to make me turn around and face him once more. My face must be sheet white as I look to him like a deer caught in headlights due to his touch that meant so little but felt like so much.

"Because I know you won't press the button if they start touching you more than necessary," Lieutenant Hemmings says, looking into my eyes once again. "The second they try to touch you as they please and grab any part of you, their hand will most likely come in contact with the button. Also, this will prevent you from having to take it out of your pocket if you need help right away. All you'll have to do is tap it against something behind you. If you're trapped and they're holding back your arms, just push your body against anything."

I nod my head in understanding to show I followed everything he had just said. I don't intend on using it considering the second I do, I show weakness and that I can't handle a situation. If I were to get screwed in a situation, I have full intentions of figuring it out on my own.

"If anything in the slightest goes wrong, you press the button. Got it, Lila?" Lieutenant Hemmings asks with all seriousness in his voice.

I nod my head once again.

"Let me hear you say it out loud," Lieutenant Hemmings says, as if not believing me.

"Yes sir," I say to him, my tone firm. "I'll press the button if anything goes wrong."

"Good," Lieutenant Hemmings says, eyeing me over one last time. "Now let's go, we don't have time to waste."

He turns around and immediately makes his way towards the door so I follow him. My heart races in anticipation as I know today's going to be a big day. Not only that, but it could either make or break me entirely.

Due to this, I hurry to keep up with him Lieutenant Hemmings as I don't want to start off on the wrong foot. I need to be on my A-game and keep up with him all day or he's going to regret his choice to bring me.

I hear Major Hood and Ashton's booming voices outside making me look over to see them working at the pole. I cringe at my own memory of climbing the pole just this morning that was obviously unsuccessful. As always, there wasn't much progress and it consisted of Lieutenant Hemmings getting frustrated and yelling at me. 

I bit my tongue, for the most part, not having the energy to fight back as I just focused on trying to get a little bit higher than the day before. 

As Lieutenant Hemmings pushes open the door and allows me to step out before him, I notice just how nice it is outside. Considering I'm not at the pole with everyone, I feel as almost if I get my first day off. However, I'll be training tonight so I don't dwell on the thought for too long.

I feel a proud smile cross my lips as I watch all the other guys miserably train as Lieutenant Hemmings and I are going on a mission. This makes me already feel more important than any of them. 

As soon as we walk towards the group of men training, it isn't long before I hear low whistles and guys eyeing me blatantly. My stomach sinks as I recall the last time I had to experience something like this.

Major Hood and Ashton both turn around due to the lack of attention from a few of the guys. They catch sight of me and within seconds, both of their mouths drop open as their eyes go wide. In fact, they don't even hide the way that their eyes take in my outfit shamelessly. 

If it were any other guy here, I'd be shooting daggers towards them. However, coming from people as good looking as Major Hood and Ashton, I can't help but feel that much better. 

"Why's everyone staring? Get back to work," Lieutenant Hemmings says roughly, seeming to notice everyone gawking at the sight of a girl in an outfit too tiny for her own good.

I appreciate this as everyone turns back around, not failing to look back every now and then for a split second. I keep my eyes away from them, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone as I fear they'll use it as an opportunity to say something that'll make me sick to my stomach.

Luckily, it's dead silent as Ashton and Major Hood keep their attention on us, probably waiting for further instruction on how the day's going to go.

"I just want to rip off those tiny clothes," someone in the crowd says.

I open my mouth, having full intentions of sticking up for myself when Lieutenant Hemmings beats me to it.

"Who said that?" he barks loudly, his face red in anger.

No one responds, and I don't blame them.

"I asked you all a question, who the fuck said that?" Lieutenant Hemmings asks, much angrier than the last time he asked.

I'm shocked by his reaction. Especially because I can hear it in his voice that he's absolutely furious.

Does he suddenly care when the boys here talk about me like that?

Everyone steps aside, immediately ratting out the guy who looks to be around my age. He looks terrified by his own words as Lieutenant Hemmings pushes past me and storms up to him.

I stand frozen, not knowing how to react or what to say as Lieutenant Hemmings towers over the tiny boy who didn't know what he was getting himself into.

"You talk about her or any other girl here like that again, I'll make sure you have no hands to use to rip off any of their clothes," Lieutenant Hemmings says in such a threatening way, I believe his every word.

The boy nods his head furiously, clearly traumatized by what had just happened. I keep my gaze away from the scene to avoid eye contact with the boy who had just spoken about me like that. I don't need to know who around here thinks of me in such a way.

"That goes for all of you," Lieutenant Hemmings says in a demanding voice. "You are men of honor, not trailer trash who speak about women in any way they want. If I hear it again, from anyone, I will make your life a living hell here."

I have to bite back a smile at Lieutenant Hemmings' words as he's sticking up for me. He's finally sticking up for me. I never thought I'd see this day.

Everyone nods their head furiously, just as terrified as the last guy. Lieutenant Hemmings crosses his arms over his chest in an intimidating manner as the sincerity is all over his face. he looks incredibly intimidating and I have to suck in a sharp breath just to avoid any type of butterflies forming at the sight of him. 

I need to stop thinking like this.

Lieutenant Hemmings turns his head, looking to the guy once more as he clearly isn't done with him.

"Scrawny, I know how much you quite frankly suck at the pole," Lieutenant Hemmings says, nodding his head at the pole. "You are to climb it up and down five times and aren't allowed any breaks. Everyone treat him as you please considering he clearly doesn't have the decency to treat anyone here with respect.."

This makes people chuckle amongst themselves as they all nudge each other and share the excitement. I try not to react at how he's punishing him for what he had said to me. I especially try not to speak up against Lieutenant Hemmings' constant desire to publicly humiliate people.

Lieutenant Hemmings turns to look at me, giving me a quick look as I shoot him a thankful smile nonetheless. I'm appreciative of him sticking up for me and I want him to be well aware of that. I don't know what these men are capable of here and I don't know what I'd do if anything actually were to happen.

Then again, I can't help but find a sense of security in Lieutenant Hemmings. 

He just nods his head before turning to Major Hood and Ashton.

"Don't take it easy on him today," Lieutenant Hemmings gestures towards the guy struggling to climb the pole. "Lila and I will be gone most of the day but I want the same routine going on here. Don't cut the day short or make it easier than any other day. The guys here are useless and we need to toughen them up."

Ashton nods his head before looking towards me and asking, "You guys ready?"

I look to Lieutenant Hemmings to answer for the two of us as he nods his head, "Ready as she'll ever be."

"Well good luck," Ashton says mostly to me.

"Thanks," I say with a small smile, still not feeling 100% normal around him. Especially after what had happened. I know I need to talk to him about it considering we can't continue going on like this forever.

"Just give a call if you need anything or backup," Major Hood says.

Lieutenant Hemmings nods once before saying, "Well, we're going to hit the road. We'll keep in touch."

Major Hood claps hands with Lieutenant Hemmings before he and Ashton do the same. I shoot Major Hood and Ashton one last smile before I wait for Lieutenant Hemmings to lead the way.

He nods his head towards the opposite direction as if gesturing for me to leave the scene as he takes us away from the crowd of people. I do exactly that as I begin to hear the guys laughing as they taunt the guy climbing the pole.

I can't help but feel guilty as I was once in that position and I know how badly it sucks.

Lieutenant Hemmings doesn't say anything as we walk side by side and make our way away from everyone. I keep up with his long strides as he picks up his pace and seems to want to get out of here quickly and efficiently.

I contemplate thanking him for sticking up for me like he had, but I fear he'll just snap at me. For that, I decide to let it go and not think too much of it. I need to focus on the rest of the day, not what happened before.

"How are we getting to the other army's base?" I ask, having no idea where we are or where they are.

"Private jet," is all Lieutenant Hemmings says.

My eyes widen at this. We're flying to get there? Hell, I thought it'd just be a quick drive. But then again, that'd make sense to not put the two bases right next to each other. I'm sure with them being further away, this is how we're both capable of avoiding anything before the war.

"Where is it landing?" I ask him.

"We have a landing spot about a quarter of a mile away and it should be landing soon. So pick up the pace."

I don't question anything further as I pick up my pace, just as he had demanded. He doesn't look back towards me to ensure I'm following as I feel like we're practically running at this point. However, considering Lieutenant Hemmings' legs are practically the length of me, it's clearly a brisk walk for him.

I keep up with Lieutenant Hemmings as I begin to hear the sound of a jet nearby. My eyes look up to the sky to see it coming fairly close to the ground as my heart races in anticipation. I refrain from gawking at the sight as I attempt to keep my cool. I've never flown on one of these things before. 

This is going to be one hell of an adventure.

"Stay close by me," Lieutenant Hemmings says to me as he looks over his shoulder.

However, I don't question it as I jog towards him so we're side by side. It's clear he's unphased by the private jet as I'm sure he's been on one of these hundreds of times.

As we get closer to the landing spot and I see the jet coming closer to us, I watch in amazement as I can't help but feel excited. I know this is nothing for me to get excited over considering we're about to go on a very serious mission, but a part of me feels adrenaline course through me.

We stop when we approach a circle and wait for it to come down. Lieutenant Hemmings keeps his gaze on the sky and taps his foot in anxiousness. I know he just wants to board and get there ASAP. I can only imagine what's going through his head right. 

As the plane officially lands, Lieutenant Hemmings doesn't take another second to run up to it so I do the same. A pilot is quick to open the door as he descends a set of stairs for us to walk up.

"Good morning, Lieutenant Hemmings."

"Good morning," is all Lieutenant Hemmings says, as he walks up the steps.

I do the same and shoot the pilot a kind smile, appreciative of him coming out here and doing this. I'm sure this is his job but he's the one getting us there in one piece so I'd like to be on his good side. On the other hand, Lieutenant Hemmings doesn't seem phased in the slightest.

Lieutenant Hemmings takes a seat in one of the seats and I contemplate whether I should sit away from him or next to him. However, knowing him, he probably wants me as far away as possible from him.

Before I can contemplate the idea any more, Lieutenant Hemmings says, "Lila, come sit next to me. I'd like to discuss what's happening today."

"Okay," I say, glad he made up my mind for me.

I walk towards the empty, reclining seat beside him and take a seat. Lieutenant Hemmings tugs out a notebook and pen from the seat in front of us and the doors to the plane close.

"It's a big day, meaning we have no room for mistakes," Lieutenant Hemmings says to me so I nod, understanding the severity of today. "If anything is to go wrong, we are in a lot of trouble. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good," he says before sketching a design out on the piece of paper. I watch him carefully as he marks different spots and seems to be making a map of Damien's base. I wonder how he knows what it's like, but I don't question it because he seems to know everything regarding this war.

Lieutenant Hemmings is occupied sketching everything out so I just sit and watch him carefully. I don't say anything in fear of potentially distracting him so I wait for him to speak. He seems focused and determined to make this as accurate as possible so I make sure to prepare to give him my absolute full attention.

"Okay," he says, eyeing his diagram. "Damien's base used to be ours a few years back so I have a fairly good understanding of the place. Damien told me he would be showing his soldiers strength and cardio skills today for us to see. This means he will be taking me to these two stations."

He points them out on the map, and I nod, seeing exactly where they are.

"I want you to go to their shooting range and to their pool," Lieutenant Hemmings says, making me raise an eyebrow. Pool? "It's the two most harmless places, and if you're caught there sneaking around, it won't be as big of a deal if you were caught anywhere else. There's not a lot to showcase at these areas so it wouldn't be as bad as you getting caught anywhere else."

He points to the two places, labeling them on the paper. I make a visual note in order to know where they are and be able to get there as quick as possible. However, the thought of going to a shooting range is certainly threatening.

Isn't that the worst spot for me to go? What if they know I'm on the enemy side and they take the opportunity to end me right then and there?

"As far as anyone knows, you and I are hooking up and that's why I brought you. If you are to get caught, you are to say you got lost," Lieutenant Hemmings says, making me once again nod.

I remember he played this card with Damien as he wants it to look like I'm leading him to be distracted rather than focused. It makes sense to me and I can go along with it. I can only imagine what they're going to think when they see Lieutenant Hemmings brought me and not Major Hood.

"What do you want me to look for when I go to these places?" I ask him.

"Look for any strategies or ways of practicing that they do that maybe we could do as well," Lieutenant Hemmings says, eyeing the diagram once more. "He does a lot of water training because you all need to be prepared to fight in water as well. I don't use water training much, but if you notice anything we can pick up on, let me know."

"Yes sir."

"This is a big deal Lila, and I'm counting on you," Lieutenant Hemmings says to me genuinely making me gulp back in fear as his eyes find mine and he looks to me with an intensity in them. "But I also need you to let me know if something goes wrong. Because if it gets back to Damien faster than it gets back to me, we're both fucked."

I nod, understanding this as I take a deep breath. This sure does seem like a lot and that terrifies me as I can't mess up. If I mess up, I probably will never earn Lieutenant Hemmings' trust. Especially when I'm aware that the consequences have the potential to be deathly.

This instantly sends a shiver up my spine.

"Prove to me you deserve to be here," he says, before closing the book and putting it to the side.

Those words echo in my head as I need to prove to him I deserve to be here. The second I do is the second I stop hearing his taunting every breathing second of my life. I have confidence in myself that I can make today successful. I won't have another chance if I screw this up. This is it and I'm going to make sure I go beyond his expectations.


ooo lots to come 

hope u guys are excited for next chap!!

thank u for reading and being lovely and loving me!

kisses to all u lovelies

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