Save Me || Jikook


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Jeon Jungkook is a college student who belongs to a wealthy family. During winter break he enters a strip clu... More



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"What the fuck do you think you're doing in my fucking house you disgusting piece of shit?" The fathers words roared through the mansion and the were directed at Jungkook but he was staring right at Jimin, striking fear into his chest and bringing tears to his eyes. Jimin was instantly reminded of his father, because he had the same repulsed look in his face when he came out of his family.

Jungkook's eyes were wide with shock, he frantically sat up feeling Jimin clinging onto his shirt, gripping on his clothing tightly with fear along his pretty face. "Shit! It's fine, it's okay." Jungkook mumbled under his breath to Jimin before moving to stand on his feet with his lover doing the same but shifting to hide behind his larger body, wishing he could disappear from this situation.

The maids were quickly rushing over to help the furious man from his surprise return, technically he still had a few more days away and him being home again without announcement had everyone on edge but more Jimin and Jungkook. The two made no eye contact with either of the four people standing in the living room and hurriedly ran upstairs with the luggage to avoid getting yelled at.

"How dare you fucking act like you own this fucking house and to do your fucking atrocities here! Such a fucking shame what kind of man you turned out to be, stop this nonsense, this insubordination has gone on long enough Jungkook!" The father shouted angrily, stomping his way towards his son who was standing tall and glaring back just as firmly with the intent to protective his lover. 

"Calm down father, I'm not going to let you continue disrespecting me like I have no value. This is my house also and I am free to do whatever I want here as well." Jungkook said confidently and calmly. He knew that his father was capable of horrible things when he was beyond aggregated especially when it came to people going against his rules, Jungkook knew his father was violent, vile and the scum of the earth.

Jungkook's father was glaring his hateful towards Jimin who was shaking behind Jungkook, hiding his face into his lovers strong back and refusing to let go of his shirt no matter how much he was wrinkling the expensive material. "And who the fuck is this trash? You bring riffraff into my house, this isn't a fucking homeless shelter, we don't fucking do charity here!" He spat.

Jimin was sobbing quietly into Jungkook's shirt, he knew that this was going to happen, he was aware that Jungkook's father would hate him and call him such names and he honestly didn't blame them because he didn't think that he was unworthy of Jungkook either. "He's my boyfriend, he's not trash, he's not any of those fucking things!" Jungkook growled back stepping forward until he felt Jimin holding him back. 

"You don't have a boyfriend you stupid boy, you are getting married and to a woman, did you fucking forget?" The father chuckled callously, refusing to accept that he lost and that real love won. Jungkook scoffed out, lips curved down into a deep frown over the older man's delusional thoughts. "No I'm fucking not! Rose doesn't even want this either, didn't you get the memo, you lost the stupid arrangement father, accept that shit and move the fuck on!" Jungkook barked. 

"I don't give a shit what she or her father fucking wants! We signed a damn contract and I'm not fucking backing down from, you are going to fucking marry her, you are going to stop being a disgusting piece of shit and you will obey my fucking commands! Now, get this waste of space out of my house immediately!" The man declared pointing at the doors. 

"No." Jungkook said, and his father was shocked at the back talk, usually Jungkook gave up by now, but he was serious, fighting back, no longer letting him dictate his life. "Jimin is not going anywhere. I love him and he's staying, you're just gonna have to get used to it, you're just gonna have to watch me continue being the gay piece of shit son you never wanted to have." Jungkook announced with pride. 

The father was silent, observing Jungkook's eyes, there was hope in them, courage to fight for what he believes in and a distant look that he couldn't figure out what it was because lacked it, Love. Jungkook's love for Jimin had him taking on the biggest bully of his life, the nastiest monster he's ever had to face but he did it for him, for them to be together. 

"My god Jungkook, you are such a fucking disappointment. You could've at least picked a wealthy man to roll around with but this worthless vile human is beneath you, just fucking look at him." The man chuckled viscously and Jimin's heart shattered he knew it was true, he wasn't worth a fucking penny, how could he believe that their relationship would ever work?

Jungkook was furious, he winded his fist back, not caring about consequences and slammed his right across his fathers face, making him stumble backward as he continued darting towards him. "Don't you ever fucking talk about Jimin like that ever again! You don't even fucking know him!" Jungkook shouted angrily with rage and taking a fist full of his father's shirt into his shaky hand.

"JUNGKOOK! STOP! PLEASE!" Jimin cried out, he had taken his lovers hand that had swung back ready to land more blows to his father, blinding by his hatred for the man. Jungkook had reached his boiling point, he had enough of him and he was trying to get his point across but it all came to a stop when Jimin's warm arms touched his skin, calming the fury inside of him.

Jungkook released his hold on his father and turned to placed his attention on Jimin, he had tears falling down his pretty brown eyes, and a distressed look upon his lovely face. "Please stop, please no more yelling, no more fighting, not over me. I'll go, I'll leave, okay." Jimin whispered with his voice cracking and gripping Jungkook tightly, because he didn't want to actually be apart from his lover. 

"Okay, than I'm leaving with you, I'm not going to stay here and let him insult you, let him treat you like this. Let's go, I've had enough of this place anyways." Jungkook said cupping his lovers face. Jimin silently cried, he leaped up onto his tippy toes and kissed Jungkook's lips, nuzzling their noses together, to scared to part, to scared to live without the other and no matter what happend next at least they had each other.

"I love you and I'm not letting you go baby, I don't care if we are broke, on the streets, hungry I just wanna be with you. So, if you wanna leave then let's leave." Jungkook whispered against Jimin's plump lips, smiling widely at him and feeling like he had the entire world in his hand, Jimin was his everything and nothing else mattered. 

"Kookie, I don't belong here but you do. I can't have you throwing your life away." Jimin cried backing away from the younger. Of course he didn't want to leave without him but he could be the thing that drove a wedge between Jungkook and his family, he just didn't know that they've been a broken for a while now and that his lover had no care about being apart from them.

Jungkook's mother watched the whole dispute unfold, she cried to herself, she felt so useless as a mother, she couldn't even do anything to make her horrible husband see that he was wrong. She stared through teary eyes her son cling onto his lover. The two held each other tightly brushing their lips together for a kiss, "Please, let them stay." She whispered softly.

"The hell they are staying! I want both you out of my fucking house!" The father shouted as he clutched his nose, trying to stop the blood from gushing out from the hard impact that was given to his face minutes ago. "No, eomma, it's okay. We don't need this place, we don't need his fucking money. I'm done here, I'm done with this family." Jungkook scoffed taking Jimin's hand and moving towards the stairs in attempt to reach his bedroom.

"No, please let's work this out, please, he is our son. He is only 19, you can't kick him out, what will be of his life, he won't be able to take over your company think about this please!" The wife pleaded to her husband who was dead silent, thinking it over, hating how right she was but he refused to accept it. With a frustrated groan the father spoke up, "Wait, Jungkook. Come to my office, this isn't over just yet." He told Jungkook who froze. 

Jungkook glanced down at Jimin who was sniffing and giving him puppy eyes, he had no idea what to make of this but he wanted for Jungkook to at least trying and working something out, to make amends so that he could keep his normal life and not have to work from 9-5 just to keep them feed with a roof over their heads. "Go, please, I'll wait for you." Jimin whispered to Jungkook before a kiss was left over his lips.  

"Don't leave, please. I'll fix this, I'll work something out, I'll make it so that we can be happy and in peace okay baby." Jungkook told Jimin who was nodding and agreeing. Jimin watched as the Jeon family left him alone in the living room and departed into the hallway, closing the man office room door shut. Jimin sighed and sat over the sofa, unable to get his mind off the things that were said to him, because they stung just as bad as when his own father said it. 

A few minutes passed and Jimin could hear Jungkook and his father shouting and he hated the fact that he was the cause of them arguing, and it was making him anxious because he was sure that nothing was going to be okay like his younger lover promised. So Jimin stood up to pace the living room, thinking that maybe it would be better if he left to Yoongi's house in the mean time to be with Taehyung. 

Jimin didn't want to leave Jungkook, he didn't want to hurt him again because he swore that he would stay. He let out a heavy sigh, conflicted on what to do, but his emotional heart was in distress being able to hear the father of his boyfriend continue to degrade him. Jimin's feet began talking him into another direction now, towards the front doors with his mind still not made up if he was doing the right thing. 

Jimin was not planning on disappearing from Jungkook's life, he just wanted to be some where people appreciated him, loved him regardless and respected him. With a deep pout on his lips and with tears falling from his eyes Jimin pulled back the front door but he was frozen in place when he saw the last person he ever wanted to see again standing in front of him.

Jimin had prayed to never run into this person ever again, the same cruel monster that caused him so much agony and self doubt for the past four years, and he had no idea how the hell he found him but there he was. It was none other than the monstrous, psychotic, deranged Han.

"Hello my angel, Daddy's here to take you home."

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